# Contributor Summit 2022.10 - planning doc ###### tags: `contributor summit` ## NOTE: submissions are closed, any further edits will be ignored (after Sept 30, 2022). See the final agenda [here](https://hackmd.io/@ansible-community/cs202210-agenda). ### Part of [AnsibleFest 2022](https://www.ansible.com/ansiblefest?intcmp=7013a000002i5g8AAA) **Date**: Monday October 17, 2022 **Location**: [Sheraton Grand Chicago](https://www.marriott.com/en-us/hotels/chigs-sheraton-grand-chicago-riverwalk/overview/), Illinois + online (Matrix/Jitsi) **Registration**: please pre-register on [Eventbrite](https://ansiblecs202210.eventbrite.com/?aff=hackmd) ## Potential Topics **Please include lots of detail so folks have context in advance. Should have links to existing proposals, GH Issues, etc.** Refer to [previous contrib summit](https://hackmd.io/@ansible-community/contrib-summit-202204/%2FzxOZe_FzR7a9-pw6r6_Ypg) for examples. ***Please propose topics by September 9 (Friday)*** * name, TOPIC, approx time needed * details * links * cferman & maxamillion Future of Edge and Ansible (morning time slot if possible to avoid PTAB conflict) * Overview of what we mean by Edge and where its going * Common Industrial Protocol Collection * Image Builder Collection * Hybrid Cloud Patterns * Future work * Ben Thomasson, Event driven automation * Overview of what event drive automation is * What are sources of events * How to act on events * What are rules and how to write them * How to contribute to event driven automation * jtanner & awcrosby, GalaxyNG Beta (30 min) * The hopeful future of migrating galaxy.ansible.com to the galaxy_ng codebase * Our MVP approach * MVP Progress report * Development stack (?) * How we want to collect feedback & iterate * Christian & John W, AWX Operator on OperatorHub & Troubleshooting Tips * Unveiling that we are adding the AWX Operator to OperatorHub * How to install from OperatorHub with a single click * Common mistakes when using the AWX Operator * AWX Operator troubleshooting tips * Alex Corey, Ready, Set, Contribute: Demystifying the AWX Development Environment * Live build of the AWX development environment for several operating systems * Talk about tools/resources needed * Tour of the AWX code base * Explanation of AWX contribution workflow * Hilliary Lipsig & Nicholas Pecka, Two SREs walk into a FooBar: Weaponizing Ansible for Reliability Engineering. (1hr) * Repeatable Pattern and Game overview * What we learned, why it matters * Pre-recorded Demo * Future of the work * Where to find it Open Source * Ansible Networking * Roadmap Overview [Trishna] * Introducing Networking Content [Brad (virtually), nilashishc] * Cloud Networking - Hybrid cloud connectivity using Ansible [nilashishc] * Ansible Security * Firewall Policy Automation Content [Craig] * Security vendors resource module generation via scaffolding tool taking OpenApi based JSON file as input [Sumit] * Roadmap Overview [Sumit] * Ansible DevTools * ansible-lint rule updates and profile support [Sorin] * Introducing Ansible Content Builder [nilashishc] * Recent enhancements to Ansible VS Code extension [Brad (virtually), Sorin] * Akasurde, Ansible Builder * Roadmap overview [Akasurde] * Ansible commnity-writers (Divine Odazie, Tabah Baridule, Iheanacho Amarachi Sharon) * How this group formed * Successes to date on Ansible documentation * Sustaining the writing community * How to engage for editorial docs help on your projects * Ansible Community Team 101 - Mission, Organization and how to participate in the community * Who are we ? What is our goal ? * Community practices refresher (Communication, Organization, Steering Committee) * Ansible Core futures (30min) * Roadmap overview, demos [nitzmahone] * Gregor Berginc (XLAB), Steampunk Spotter * Ansibug - Ansible Playbook Debugger (30 min) [jborean93] * Demo * Overview of how it works * Feedback on what people want to see * Using ansible-test in GitHub Actions CI/CD workflows: A reusable [`ansible-test` GitHub Action] for the GitHub-hosted Ansible Collection projects [[@webknjaz]] * possibly a short demo of [the action][`ansible-test` GitHub Action] * Reduced mainenance burden * Future possibilities * Current usage: https://github.com/ansible-community/ansible-test-gh-action/network/dependents * Collection template * Collection skeleton [`ansible-test` GitHub Action]: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/ansible-test [@webknjaz]: https://github.com/webknjaz ## Other things - Virtual conference admins - A few people to run the Matrix/Jitsi setup across the TZs would be good - At least one person needs to be in Jitsi to ensure YT is receiving the physical room - One moderator for Matrix is nice-to-have