_The meeting will be on [date=2024-05-23 time=18:00:00 timezone="Europe/Amsterdam"]. It is open for everybody interested to join the video call (link below)._ People present are referred to by first name for brevity. Others are referred to by full name. ## Links - **[Video Call][videocall]**. Note that there are no recordings of the meeting. This way everybody is free to say or show anything. - [A&R Module Meetings calendar][calendar] for inclusion in your own calendar - [Previous][prev] meeting notes - [Issues][issues] & [Pull Requests][PRs] - [#animation-module][chat] chat channel - [Draft agenda][draft] for any upcoming meetings [prev]: ... [next]: ... [videocall]: https://demo.bigbluebutton.org/rooms/hek-mdi-bqd-vao/join [calendar]: https://stuvel.eu/anim-meetings/ [draft]: https://hackmd.io/@anim-rigging/rkRuV4Nc3 [issues]: https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/issues?state=open&labels=268 [PRs]: https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/pulls?state=open&labels=268 [chat]: https://blender.chat/channel/animation-module ## Since the Last Meeting / Announcements - TBD ## Landed Names are from the Git log. This list is limited to functional improvements & bugfixes. **Blender** **Add-ons** **Technical Documentation** **User Manual** ## Ongoing Work [weekly-c]: https://projects.blender.org/ChrisLend/.profile/src/branch/main/reports/2024.md [weekly-n]: https://projects.blender.org/nathanvegdahl/.profile/src/branch/main/reports/2024.md [weekly-s]: https://projects.blender.org/dr.sybren/.profile/src/branch/main/reports/2024.md [highprio]: https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/issues?q=&type=all&sort=&state=open&labels=268%2c285&milestone=0&project=0&assignee=0&poster=0 - [High Prio][highprio] bugs: - TBD - Christoph: - [Christoph's weekly report][weekly-c] - Nathan: - [Nathan's weekly report][weekly-n] - Sybren: - [Sybren's weekly report][weekly-s] - Animator meeting at Blender HQ, with Rik Schutte, Hjalti Hjálmarsson, and Pablo Fournier: - TDB ## Patches: Review & Decision Time - TBD ## Help Needed - Sergey [wrote in the module chat](https://blender.chat/channel/animation-module?msg=9kcDEP9nwW5trMHnw): Hello everyone, Long story short: it feels we can make frame change 2x faster! Long story: - The "Frame Change" operator does the DEG tag for frame change as expected - However, there is also `need_extra_redraw_after_scrubbing_ends`, which sends a notifier `NC_SCENE | ND_FRAME`, which enforces an extra DEG update (the `if (do_anim)` in `wm_event_do_notifiers`) - So if you click on a frame, but not fast enough, you might end up with 2 updates (first one form the `change_frame_apply`, and the second one from the `ED_update_for_newframe(CTX_data_main(C), depsgraph);` in the notifier code) There are many things we can do to solve some legacy things around all of this, but easiest is probably to implement some sort of flag in the operator which will indicate whether frame was changed since the last tag, and don't do the extar tag when you click and release at the same frame) ## Next Meeting The next meeting will be on Thursday [date=2024-05-30 time=18:00:00 timezone="Europe/Amsterdam"]. Again it will be open for everybody who’s interested. The [provisionary meeting agenda][draft] will be updated before the meeting.