# Animation & Rigging module Focus Planning This document describes the longer-term, bigger-picture planning of what the Animation & Rigging module want to focus on. :::info This is a rough planning, and written down in order to be able to disuss & reprioritise things. **This is not a promise** of any concrete deliverable or even order in which things will be done. ::: ## 1. Current Focus: Project Baklava Phase 1: Bindings Adding multi-datablock animation to the `Action`. Introduction of 'Bindings', as well as the layered animation data model (but limited to 1 layer and 1 infinite strip). At the end of this phase, we should be confident enough in the design & implementation to take the multi-datablock part out of experimental. This would include the single-layer/single-strip 'layered' data model of the Action. See: [#120406: Animation: Project Baklava phase 1: multi-data-block animation](https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/issues/120406) ## 2. Animation Channel Selection Synchronisation Basically solving [#71615: Select key in dopesheet deselect bone in the viewport (only show selected disabled)](https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/issues/71615) and other similar issues listed in [Weak Areas of the Animation System: Selection Syncing](https://developer.blender.org/docs/features/animation/module/weak_areas/#selection-synchronization-between-pose-bones-and-animation-channels). This needs a proper design, and also should involve the Grease Pencil module. ## 3. Mini Map New feature for Blender: a 'bone picker' that should be usable outside of just 'picking bones', and thus gets another name: the mini map. If not already implemented by the time we work on this, this should also include [#120412: Adjusting hotkey behavior for bone (de)selection](https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/issues/120412). Note that the plan for this is not there at all, beyond the general wish for this feature. In all likelyness the project will, like Project Baklava, consist of multiple phases to allow small steps between working, usable states. These phases can then be interleaved with other work. ## 4. Project Baklava Phase 2: Layers Remove the restriction of having only 1 layer of animation in the `Action`. This also requires a more elaborate UI to work with layered animation, and attention on many operators (to prevent issues like [#122620: Breakdowner not Working Correctly with Layered Animation](https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/issues/122620)). ## 5. Rig Nodes Implement a rigging nodes system similar to Unreal Engine's Control Rig. [Prototype add-on](https://projects.blender.org/dr.sybren/rignodes) ## Priority TBD: replace anim filtering system Replace the animation channel definition code and the filtering code. This is a big piece of technical debt that needs replacing. Might be a necessary precursor to either layered animation or rig nodes. It probably makes sense to do this as part of Baklava Phase 2: Layers. ## Priority TBD: Pose Library - Extensibility via extensions - UI/UX polish, especially for creating & updating poses. ## Priority TBD: Animation-level Constraints