# Doctorate at Faculty 4 Doctorates at [MBD](www.mbd.rwth-aachen.de) are governed by the rules of [Faculty of Mechanical Engineering](https://www.maschinenbau.rwth-aachen.de/go/id/gxo/?lidx=1), i.e. Faculty 4, and its _Promotionsordnung_ ([German](https://www.rwth-aachen.de/global/show_document.asp?id=aaaaaaaaabarsjo), [English](https://www.rwth-aachen.de/global/show_document.asp?id=aaaaaaaabisqfdc)). An overview of the doctoral studies process can be found on the [Doctoral Studies](https://www.maschinenbau.rwth-aachen.de/cms/Maschinenbau/Studium/Nach-dem-Studium/~nafi/Promotion/lidx/1/) page of Faculty 4. The main point of contact is the _Dekanat_ in [Eilfschornsteinstr. 18](https://maps.rwth-aachen.de/navigator/?lang=de&type=roadmap&obj=1220), Ms. [Monika Dahmen-Göbbels](https://www.maschinenbau.rwth-aachen.de/go/id/bcvo). ## Admission to doctorate The first step on the road to the doctorate is the registration as a doctoral candidate. This should be done within two years of your start at MBD. The documents needed for the registration are listed in the [Admission Requirements](https://www.maschinenbau.rwth-aachen.de/go/id/nahj/lidx/1). In case of non-EU degrees or FH degrees, eligibility for the doctorate needs to be checked individually. Additional courses and exams could also be required, as determined by the *Promotionsordnung* and relevant *Beschlüsse*. In such case, you should try to register as soon as possible. Another case that that requires prior attention is the registration for *Dr.-Ing.* for graduates with non-engineering degrees, such as *Dipl.-phys.* or *Dipl.-math*. A straightforward option is then a *Dr.rer.nat.* degree. If you still want to pursue a Dr.-Ing. degree, additional criteria published by the faculty must be fulfilled. Please check the [Criteria for the Admission of "non-engineers"](https://www.maschinenbau.rwth-aachen.de/global/show_document.asp?id=aaaaaaaaamhfxfh) in the [Downloads](https://www.maschinenbau.rwth-aachen.de/cms/Maschinenbau/Studium/Downloads/Nach-dem-Studium/~fjhs/Promotion-und-Habilitation/?lidx=1) section of the faculty. :::warning The forms must be handed in at least three weeks before the next Faculty Council Meeting (*Fakultätsratsitzung*), you can find the dates [here](https://www.maschinenbau.rwth-aachen.de/cms/Maschinenbau/Die-Fakultaet/Aktuell/~hcd/Ausschusstermine/). ::: :::warning During the registration you will need to provide certified copies of your diplomas and, in case you graduated outside of Germany, of their translations. The [Welcome Center for International Researchers](https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Zielgruppenportale/~hcbpq/Welcome-Center-fuer-internationale-Forsc/lidx/1/) offers this service in [Super C](https://maps.rwth-aachen.de/navigator/?lang=de&type=roadmap&obj=1040), you can book an appointment with them. ::: :::warning *Promotionsbüro* might contest your application to *Dr.-Ing.* if they think you do not fulfill the requirements. Before falling into despair, discuss it with your supervisors and have them directly contact Faculty 4 to support your application. There is a chance that the *Promotionsbüro* is not familiar with your previous study course and simply needs additional reassurance. ::: ## Registration as a student After the faculty has approved your request, you can apply online to [enroll as a Doctoral Candidate](https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Studium/Nach-dem-Studium/Promotion/~ejz/Einschreiben-zum-Promotionsstudium/?lidx=1) by clicking [Online Enrollment](https://online.rwth-aachen.de/RWTHonline/ee/ui/ca2/app/desktop/#/login). During this process, you will have to scan and upload the answer you got back from the faculty. As soon as your online application has been accepted, you can subscribe as a doctoral student in person at the student secretariat.