# Proof of Humanity & PoH Group Currency ~ testing ### Test at v2.proofofhumanity.id ### [POH group currency specs document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D3bzVaWI5fv2qfHAg9khoJ-03MPW8BT0f3vv7sWjiWQ/edit#heading=h.y4xlduggotd4) <br> <br> PoHv2 contracts and mock contracts have been deployed on Gnosis Chain for easier testing of the Proof of Humanity token. The related contracts have been verified in order to make use of the explorer's interface. 1. MockHub [0x1b1938b88f98aac56ae6d5beeb72abd6b858061c](https://gnosisscan.io/address/0x1b1938b88f98aac56ae6d5beeb72abd6b858061c#code) 2. MockToken 3. GroupCurrencyToken [0x804fc12bd7a0ee26fdb23825132df2631b135f4c](https://gnosisscan.io/address/0x804fc12bd7a0ee26fdb23825132df2631b135f4c#code) 4. PoHGroupCirclesManager [0xfc81de412e3bf2d3ef25c341bc0b0e2717ae9efb](https://gnosisscan.io/address/0xfc81de412e3bf2d3ef25c341bc0b0e2717ae9efb#code) ### Proof of Humanity ~ Registration Registration should be simple - once having connected the wallet and pressing claim, follow the instructions for creating the profile. For finalizing the registration, go to the request page and advance the state until it gets resolved. Note that challenge period and number of required vouchers are set to `0` for easier testing. ### Mock Hub ~ Signup 1. Go to explorer page of the contract, to the write page [**LINK**](https://gnosisscan.io/address/0x1b1938b88f98aac56ae6d5beeb72abd6b858061c#writeContract) 2. Connect with the desired wallet 3. Use the `signup` function to sign up to the Mock Hub and create a personal token ![](https://i.imgur.com/BRwASBS.png) ### Getting personal token address 1. Go to explorer page of the MockHub contract, to the read page [**LINK**](https://gnosisscan.io/address/0x1b1938b88f98aac56ae6d5beeb72abd6b858061c#readContract) 2. Input the wallet address of the user whose token address you want to get at the `userToToken` function and query it ![](https://i.imgur.com/vxE71D5.png) ### Minting more tokens Anyone can mint any number of any mock token for anyone. 1. Go to the explorer page of the personal token contract you want to mint, write page 2. In the `mint` function input wallet for which to mint tokens for `dst` and the amount for `wad`. `wad` is in wei units so you might want to convert before executing the transaction [eth-converter](https://eth-converter.com/) ![](https://i.imgur.com/nvZdgmS.png) <br> ## PoH Group Currency ### ~ Adding yourself to the group - If signed up to MockHub with same wallet as the one registered on PoH, when connected you can directly add yourself to the group. ![](https://i.imgur.com/iQp6OaU.png) - If signed up with different wallet, will have to first connect PoH registered wallet and input Circles token address to be added to the group, then connect to the wallet corresponding to the personal token and confirm adding yourself to the group. ![](https://i.imgur.com/x85vnyZ.png) ### ~ Interacting with your / others' tokens - If you have personal Circles of yourself or someone added to the PoH Group Currency, you can go to their POH ID page and use the corresponding token to mint POH currency tokens ![](https://i.imgur.com/QoKJEj4.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/joP1IGk.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/8TKwml2.png) - If you have POH currency tokens you can go to the POH ID page of someone added to the group and, if they have corresponding personal tokens in the treasury, you can use your POH tokens to redeem their personal tokens ### Test at v2.proofofhumanity.id. Thank you! :)