# Assignment 3: Installing Vitual Machine and Ubuntu 20.04 Canonical on MacOS 11 Big Sur. ## Oracle Virtual Box Installation on MacOS 11 (Big Sur) 1. Download Virtual Box from the website. [Link](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) 2. Install the Virtual Box form the install file. ![](https://i.imgur.com/9bgzNy0.png) 3. You will get a security error due to the new MacOS security policies. To get around drag the VirtualBox.pkg to the desktop. Right Click on the Icon and Cleck Open. Go to Settings > Security & Privacy > General. Select Allow in the bottom of the screen. ![](https://i.imgur.com/geY8E32.png) You will need to unlock using the system password. 4. Download Ubuntu 20.04 using the website. [Link](https://ubuntu.com/#download) 7. Download and install the VBox Extension package on Mac. This will add the aditional optimization to run on the MacOS enviornment. 6. Once you have finished installing. You will need to install Ubuntu 20.04 on Virtual Box. ## Ubuntu 20.04 Installation on VBox 6.14 1. Click on the New Button. (i.e. The big Blue astrek shaped button on top-left.) ![](https://i.imgur.com/YVBLcTx.png) 2. Set the machine a name. I like to set it up as the Guest Operating System name. 3. Attach a suitable amount of RAM based on what work you want to perform on the Guest OS. (I prefer to dedicate 4096MB of RAM.) ![](https://i.imgur.com/ePqCgHk.png) 4. Attach a Virtual Storage for the Virtual Machine. I would attach about 50GB on the machine. ![](https://i.imgur.com/P2WzokR.png) 5. Continue and end the machine setup. But you maynot start the machine yet. 6. Select the Virtual Machine and click on the settings button. (i.e. The big yellow gears icon) 7. Go to Storage. (i.e. The Hard Drive like icon.) 8. Once you are in the storage section click the add iso button. (i.e. the icon that looks like a CD with a Plus sign under Controller:IDEs) ![](https://i.imgur.com/xlKN6ia.png) 9. Select the Ubuntu20.04 ISO from your system. 10. Now you are ready to install Ubuntu on the VBOX. You now need to open the Virtual Machine. 11. Select the Virtual Machine and click on Start. (i.e. The big green arrow.) ![](https://i.imgur.com/nk2jDAz.png) ## You finish installing using the on screen instruction on Ubuntu 20.04. ## Screengrab of Ubuntu running on MacOS on Virtual Box. ![](https://i.imgur.com/n4htwdc.gif)