--- tags: cryptography, digest, slug: bs-crypto-book --- # [Boneh, Shoup] Crypto Textbook This is a collection of my digisted notes and attempted solutions to exercises at the end of each chapter in [A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography](https://toc.cryptobook.us/) by Dan Boneh and Victor Shoup.[^history] [^history]: This post is copy-pasted from [this](https://alexxiong.com/blog/boneh-crypto-book-consumption) original blog post. ## Chapter 0: Number Theory and Abstract Algebra - :page_facing_up: [Annotated Appendix A](https://alexxiong.com/d0dcb52f7c2c1718c6890f81a9c37662/boneh_appendix_a.pdf) - :page_facing_up: [Intro to Groups, Rings, and Fields](https://alexxiong.com/9e078dd6d38005a39e0bfa82208569d1/number_theory_intro.pdf) ## Chapter 2: Encryption - :bulb: [solution](https://alexxiong.com/762b1565894972689e972f6986db711c/chapter2_solution.pdf) ## Chapter 3 & 4 (TODO: I wrote these solutions on papers, and I'll upload them into more readable format when I'm more available, under the assumption that they are not blown away by tropical wind.) ## Chapter 5: Chosen Plaintext Attack - :bulb: [solution](https://alexxiong.com/c231dd33dec523f562a82be3d3ca167f/Chapter5_exercise.pdf) ## Chapter 6: Message Integrity - :page_facing_up: [notes](https://alexxiong.com/10f35c503dfc7275540a46663cc03101/Chapter6_note.pdf) - :bulb: [solution](https://alexxiong.com/97456efb86b0db55f2e6e5d028794369/Chapter6_exercise.pdf) ## Chapter 7: Message Integrity from Universal Hash - :page_facing_up: [notes](https://alexxiong.com/b3881aaa89b4a263fe74ba7028ec0f20/Chapter7_note.pdf) - :bulb: [solution](https://alexxiong.com/97456efb86b0db55f2e6e5d028794369/Chapter7_exercise.pdf) ## Chapter 10: Public Key Tools - :bulb: [solution](https://alexxiong.com/97456efb86b0db55f2e6e5d028794369/Chapter10_exercise.pdf) :::warning TODO: to be updated, with AWS S3 bucket list ::: <!-- ================ --> <!-- ================ --> <!-- CSS styles below --> <style> .markdown-body { font: normal normal normal Palatino,Georgia,serif; font-family: Palatino,Palatino Linotype,Palatino LT STD,Book Antiqua,Georgia,serif; /* font-size: 18px !important; */ } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 { font-family: 'Circular Std', sans-serif; color: #5B5B66; } h1:hover, h2:hover, h3:hover, h4:hover, h5:hover { color: #15141A; } a { color: #ba110c; } a:hover { color: #fe2106; } code { font-family: JetBrains Mono, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace; } </style>