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Theory of Computation
This is a collection of videos that can be used for an undergraduate Theory of Computation course. We hope that this collection of videos would be a useful community resource. The intent is that these videos can be used in a flipped class format. The instructor can choose to use these videos in whatever fashion he/she thinks best. These videos will ideally be supplemented by classroom discussion, practice exercises and assignments as part of the course (please contact us if you would like access to some of these exercises).
Main Reference: Introduction to the Theory of Computation by Sipser, Michael.
Topic: Undecidability of Halting problem and non-Turing-recognizability of complement of Halting ( may be more natural), more examples of non-recognizability and undecidable languages through reductions and Rice’s theorem (2 lectures). Lecturer: Tal Malkin. Video links:Introduction, Halting Problems, Rice's Theorem, Mapping reductions (see Omer Reingold's course lecture on Mapping reductions here.
Topic: Definition of time complexity, P, NP and polynomial time reductions, time hierarchy theorem. (1-2 lectures) Lecturer: Aravindan Vijayaraghavan. Video links:Time Complexity, P and NP, Polynomial Time Reductions
Topic: NP-completeness, Cook-Levin theorem (1 lecture). Lecturer: Chris Umans. Video links:Introduction, Circuit SAT, 3-SAT
Topic: Basics of circuit complexity, Definition of P/poly and P in P/poly (1 lecture). Lecturer: Ben Rossman. Video Links:Introduction, Basics of Circuits, P in P/poly
Remark: Lectures marked with a "?" are those without an assigned lecturer. Volunteers for recording this lecture would be much appreciated.
Compiled by Anindya De, Jason Hartline, Omer Reingold, Aravindan Vijayaraghavan. Please email or contact either Jason or Aravindan for access to the page with example exercises.
If you're interested in contributing lecture videos to this compilation on any of these topics (particularly ones that haven't been covered), please get in touch with us (before you record your videos).