# Beware: Results May Vary (RMV20). Openness as a Way of Enhancing Research Quality.
## A North West Open Research Hub event.
### Friday, 28th February 2020, 14:00 – 17:30 GMT
Dalton Room, University of Manchester, Core Technology Facility, 46 Grafton Street, Manchester, M13 9WU.
[<img src="http://ajstewartlang.github.io/ssi_logo.jpg" alt="SSI logo"
title="SSI logo" width="250"/>](https://www.software.ac.uk) [<img src="http://ajstewartlang.github.io/ukrn.jpg" alt="UKRN logo"
title="UKRN logo" width="100" height="100"/>](https://www.bristol.ac.uk/psychology/research/ukrn/) <img src="http://ajstewartlang.github.io/logo_big.jpg" alt="University of Manchester logo"
title="University of Manchester logo" width="250"/>
If you'd like to Tweet about today's event, please use the hashtag __#RMV20__
### Code of Conduct
We are following the UKRN code of conduct which can be found [here](https://www.bristol.ac.uk/psychology/research/ukrn/about/conduct/). Any violations should be reported to any of:
[Rachael Ainsworth](mailto:Rachael.Ainsworth@manchester.ac.uk) / [@rachaelevelyn](https://twitter.com/rachaelevelyn)
[Jade Pickering](mailto:Jade.Pickering@manchester.ac.uk) / [@Jade_Pickering](https://twitter.com/Jade_Pickering)
[Andrew Stewart](mailto:Andrew.Stewart@manchester.ac.uk) / [@ajstewart_lang](https://twitter.com/ajstewart_lang)
<div style="text-align:center"><img src="http://ajstewartlang.github.io/img_4553.jpg" width="300"/></div>
### Schedule
Start 14:00
- Overview of Event - Andrew Stewart
- Introduction - Wendy Flavell (Vice Dean for Reseach in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Manchester)
- [The UK Reproducibility Network and starting local with open research](https://osf.io/354j2/) - Dermot Lynott
- [Better Software, Better Research: How the SSI is helping to promote reproducible research](https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.11898450.v1) - Rachael Ainsworth
- [How my unpublished work ended up on national television](https://osf.io/x5rp8/) - Thomas Richardson
15:10(ish) Tea/Coffee Break
- [Empowering early career researchers with ReproducibiliTea journal clubs](https://osf.io/cjt4d/) - Jade Pickering
- [Does the system reward scientific fraudsters?](https://osf.io/n8uz9/) - David Eisner
- [Wrangling (Inter)national Open Science Policy](https://osf.io/wpkjg/) - Carole Goble
16:15(ish) Comfort Break
- **Keynote** - [Four cognitive biases that make it hard to do science well, and how to overcome them](https://osf.io/9yghs/) - Dorothy Bishop
17:30(ish) Reception in foyer.
Links to the slides for the talks will be added after the event.
### Resources for Engaging in Open and Reproducible Research
If you're interested in learning more about how to adopt open and reproducible research practices, you might be interested in our [list of resources](
https://docs.google.com/document/d/18Z51EY7L2HLrNkCTYdNEWSGnze1wkPxjh3SnI7c7DeY/edit?usp=sharing). This document allows comments so please do add any resources that we may have missed.
## Local Open Research Working Groups
### Manchester Metropolitan University Working Group
- Open Science @ MMU Psychology is the hub of Open Science in the Department of Psychology at Manchester Metropolitan University (we are still working on a catchy acronym). We have a dedicated OSF page which is updated regularly with Open Science resources, organised by the stages of a research project lifecyle (https://osf.io/2yh6t/). The organisers are [Tom Hostler](mailto:t.hostler@mmu.ac.uk) and [Oliver Clark](mailto:OLIVER.CLARK3@stu.mmu.ac.uk).
### University of Chester Open Research Working Group
- The Chester open research working group is known as CORA (Chester Open Research Alliance). If you would like to sign up to our email list, please complete the brief form [here](https://chester.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/cora). We run regular meetings of the R users group, ReproducibiliTea, and workshops on open research practices. Please contact [Suzanne Stewart](mailto:s.stewart@chester.ac.uk) if you would like further information.
### Lancaster University Open Research Working Group
- The Lancaster open research group is known as Prospr (Promoting Open Science Practices), and has been running since January, 2017, and is also a member of the wider UK Reproducibility Network.
- We run methods training sessions, [workshops](https://osf.io/3bvgp/), host a [ReproducibiliTea](https://reproducibilitea.org/journal-clubs/#Lancaster,%20UK) journal club, an Open Research Café, as well as thinking about curriculum development, and advocating for open research within the university.
- If you'd like to join Prospr, please send an email to [John Towse](mailto:j.towse@lancaster.ac.uk), who manages this list. Members also get a snazzy mug to show off to colleagues.
### University of Manchester Open Research Working Group
- If you'd like to sign up to our Open Research Working Group email list to keep up to date with Open Research events, please click [here](https://listserv.manchester.ac.uk/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=open_research&A=1). We have lots of subscribers across lots of disciplines - you don't need to be at the University of Manchester to sign up! If you'd like to contact the ORWG co-organisers, they are [Andrew Stewart](mailto:Andrew.Stewart@manchester.ac.uk) and [Caroline Jay](mailto:Caroline.Jay@manchester.ac.uk). If you'd like further information about the ReproducibiliTea journal club, please email [Thomas Richardson (Richie)](mailto:thomas.richardson@manchester.ac.uk).
### University of Sheffield Open Research Working Group
- [Sheffield Reproducibility Network](https://sites.google.com/sheffield.ac.uk/sheffield-reproducibility/home) is part of the UKRN, of which University of Sheffield was one of the first members. We have funded a Sheffield Reproducibilty studentship (due to start October 2020) to support meta-science research and are recruiting a Research Practice Lead who will work across the University to champion and promote open research practices, research improvement (including reproducibility) and integrity in research. We host a [ReproducibiliTea](https://reproducibilitea.org/journal-clubs/#Sheffield) as well as one off events like [RepoHacks](https://n8cir.org.uk/news/reprohacks/) (2020-03-10) or the Sheffield Reproducibility Showcase (2019-06-27). Our mailing list: [Sheffield Reproducibility Network](https://groups.google.com/a/sheffield.ac.uk/forum/?hl=en-GB#!forum/sheffield-reproducibility-network-group)