# Sprint 71 Planning 20230616 ## Goal First aid time: - 1.0.5 bugs have to ship this sprint or next sprint for a 1.0.6 release - Website changes and upkeep is stressful and unfun; that needs to stop ## Sprint Details Sprint 71 is from 16 June 2023 to 7 July 2023. Current board is [here](https://github.com/orgs/usnistgov/projects/25/views/2). ### Leave or other priorities Early dismissal on 16 June 2023, Juneteenth, July 4th holidays - A.J.: No blockers, have to help SURF - Nikita: No blockers, max allocation - Chris: Helping a student wrap up, shouldn't be a problem. ### [B]lockers, [C]oncerns, [R]isks - [C/R] We need a mechanism to ensure all team members are briefed on a decision point or topic for review before the discussion meeting, especially with 30 minutes. - Per Chris: let's examine the [SBAR concept](https://www.rivier.edu/academics/blog-posts/sbar-nursing-a-how-to-guide/) from medicine. - S = **Situation** (a concise statement of the problem) - B = **Background** (pertinent and brief information related to the situation) - A = **Assessment** (analysis and considerations of options—what you found/think) - R = **Recommendation** (action requested/recommended—what you want) - [C] How do we manage the participation in the spike for website reform? - [C] Benchmarking the website is slow and often crashes locally? Do we need a consistent virtual environment to benchmark site? - Consider this right before and after a website shift (it it happens, but that's after the spike, this sprint is the spike) - AJ has action item to look into this with Google Analytics (DAP, USG version) ### Action Items - A.J. improve wiki on submodule usage for PRs (in usnistgov and off forks, I am running behind as usual) - Team: issue driver is assigned with n>1 developer, issue drive ready to present for review, but all team members must be ready to brief on new thing they learned - Team: use revisions for Acceptance Criteria ambiguity, marked it blocked, and must bring it up in stand-up as high-priority - Team: consider creating rooms in Gitter/Element for issues with n>1 developers assigned - A.J.: investigate DAP/GA for passive latent benchmark-like data points