# 會計學(一) --- <!-- ###### tags: `NTNU BA`, `大一上課程`, `必修`, `大三上修習` --> ###### Moodle 檔案密碼: course --- > [TOC] --- > [color=red][time=2020, 09, 14, Monday] ## Chapter 0 - Accounting Cycle / 會計循環 1. Transaction / 交易 2. 憑證,ex: 發票、收據... 3. Journalizing / 記錄(Chapter 2) 4. Posting / 過帳(Chapter 2) 5. Unadjusted Trail Balance / 未調整試算表(Chapter 2) 6. Adjust / 調整(Chapter 3) 7. Journalizing / 記錄(Chapter 4 + 12) 8. Posting / 過帳(Chapter 4 + 12) 9. Adjusted Trail Balance / 已調整試算表(Chapter 4 + 12) 10. 編成財務報表(Chapter 4 + 12) - Statement of Financial Position / 資產負債表 - Comprehensive Income Statement / 綜合損益表 - Retained Earnings Statement / 保留盈餘表 - ~~Statement of Cash Flows / 現金流量表(Chapter 13)~~ 11. Closing / 結帳(Chapter 4 + 12) ## Chapter 1 - Accounting in Action ### 1. Three activities(p.1-3) 1. 會計辨認(Identify) 2. 會計記錄(Record) 3. 會計溝通(Communicate) ### 2. Who uses accounting data?(p.1-4~p.1-5) 1. Internal users → Top managers: - Pricing / 訂價:參考 accounting data 裡的 cost - Uncertainly:Cost-Volume-Profit(CVP)Analysis - Budgeting:Master budget & Cash budget - Performance evaluation - Others:Outsourcing 2. External users → Top managers 以外的所有人: 1. Investors / Shareholders:根據 accounting data 做投資的決策 2. Creditors / 債權人:根據 accounting data 分析還債能力,並決定是否願意借錢 3. 政府:法令 & 逃漏稅 4. 分析師:用 accounting data 做研究報告 5. 員工 6. Supplies / 供應商 7. ... ### 3. 一般公認會計準則 & 會計準則委員會(p.1-7) 1. International Financial Reporting Standard(IFRS)/ 國際財務報導準則 2. 國際會計準則委員會 3. 根據 IFRS 可編出以下報表: - Statement of Financial Position / 資產負債表(p.1-21) - 表達企業在**一個時間點**的財務狀況 - Comprehensive Income Statement / 綜合損益表(p.1-21) - 表達企業在**一段時間**內的經營成果 - Retained Earnings Statement / 保留盈餘表(p.1-21) - 表達企業在**一段時間**內保留盈餘的改變 p.s. 保留盈餘:企業歷年來賺的,未發放給股東、留在公司裡的錢 - Statement of Cash Flows / 現金流量表 - 表達企業在**一段時間**內現金的改變: - Operating activities - Investing activities - Financing activities(借款 or 還債 or 增資) - Statement of Shareholders Equity / 股東權益變動表(台灣自有) ### 4. Measure Principles / 衡量原則(p.1-8) 1. Historical Cost Principle / 歷史成本原則:購買成本 2. Fair Value Principles / 公平價值原則 ### 5. Assumption / 會計假設 針對企業所處的環境作前提 1. Money Unit Assumption / 幣值單位衡量假設(p.1-8) 企業所有交易結果,都可以用貨幣單位衡量 2. Economic Entity Assumption / 經濟個體假設(p.1-8) ### 6. 企業組織型態(p.1-9) 1. Proprietorship / 獨資 獨資資本主 → 負無限連帶清償責任。 2. Partnership / 合夥 合夥人 → 負無限連帶清償責任。 3. Corporation / 公司 受公司法約束、管制。 中小型多為有限公司;大型公司多為股份有限公司,其中又多為公開發行公司。 1. 無限公司: 股東負無限連帶清償責任。 Ex: 投資 50 萬 → 倒閉 → 負債 2000 萬 → 賠償 2000 萬。 2. 有限公司: 股東就**出資額**負有限連帶清償責任。 Ex: 投資 50 萬 → 倒閉 → 負債 2000 萬 → 賠償 50 萬。 3. 兩合公司: 部分股東負無限連帶清償責任,部分負有限責任。 4. 股份有限公司: 根據公司法設立 → 資本額 → 等分分成股數給投資人購買。 - 公開發行公司 --- > [color=red][time=2020, 09, 21, Monday] ### 7. 會計恆等式 / The Accounting Equation(p.1-10) ``` Assets / 資產 = Liabilities / 負債 + Equity / 權益 (資 金 用 途) ( 資 金 來 源 ) ``` - 恆等式內容: - Assets / 資產 同時符合這兩個條件:1. 企業擁有、2. 產生未來現金流入 or 減少未來的現金流出 舉例: - Cash(公司最基本資產) - Account Receivable / 應收帳款: 公司出售商品或提供勞務給顧客,顧客尚未付款,口頭上答應未來會付款。 - Equipment - Building - Land - Liabilities / 合約負債 同時符合這兩個條件:1. 有義務償還、2. 經濟資源減少 舉例: - Notes Payable / 應付票據: 購買商品或勞務、賒欠。提供**書面**憑證,允諾未來會償還。 - Accounts Payable / 應付帳款: 購買商品或勞務、賒欠。**口頭**允諾未來會償還。 - Equity / 權益(p.1-11) 兩大組成: - Share Capital-Ordinary / 股本(股東的投資): - 普通股 - Retained Earnings / 保留盈餘: 公司歷年來賺的錢,累積在公司未發給股東。 ``` Retained Earnings = 上期/期初Retained Earnings + 本期Revenues - 本期Expenses - 本期Dividends ``` - p.s. 上期 / 期初 retained earnings(上一期留下的 = 本期一開始有的) p.s. dividends(股利) - 各種表: - Comprehensive Income Statement / 綜合損益表 含有「本期 Revenues & 本期 Expenses」的表 - Retained Earnings Statement / 保留盈餘表 含有「Retained Earnings / 保留盈餘」的表 - Statement of Financial Position / 資產負債表 含有「Assets / 資產 & Liabilities / 負債 & Equity / 權益」的表 - Statement of Cash flows / 現金流量表 含有以下三個細項的表: - Cash flows from operating activities - Cash flows from investing activities - Cash flows from financing activities ### 8. Analyzing Business Transactions(p.1-13~p.1-19) - 課本習題:p.1-42~1-43:P1.4(LO 4, 5) - 關鍵字句 & 重點: 1. **Performed services... on account** → Accounts Receivable 2. **Purchase ???... on account** → Accounts Payable / ??? Exp. 3. **Declared and paid... cash didivends** → Div. 4. **Pay $$$ for ???** → ??? Exp. 5. **Pay $$$ for employee salaries** → Salaries & wages Exp.(NOT Salaries Exp.) - 將題目內的事件轉換成表格: > | | Assets | = | Liabilities | + | Equity | > | ---- | ------ | - | ----------- | - | ------ | > | 6/01 | Cash +$10k | | | | Shared Capital-Ordinary +$10k | > | 6/02 | Cash -$2k<br>Equipment +$14k | | Notes Payable +$12k | | | > | 6/03 | Cash -$500 | | | | Rent Exp. -$500 | > | 6/05 | Accounts Receivable +$4800 | | | | Service Rev. +$4800 | > | 6/09 | Cash -$300 | | | | Div. -$300 | > | 6/12 | Supplies +$150 | | Accounts Payable +$150 | | | > | 6/15 | Cash +$1250<br>Accounts Receivable -$1250 | | | | | > | 6/17 | | | Accounts Payable +$100 | | Gasoline Exp. -$100 | > | 6/20 | Cash +$1500 | | | | Service Rev. +$1500 | > | 6/23 | Cash -$500 | | Notes Payable -$500 | | | > | 6/26 | Cash -$250 | | | | Utilities Exp. -$250 | > | 6/29 | Cash -$100 | | Accounts Payable -$100 | | | > | 6/29 | Cash -$1000 | | | | **Salaries & wages** Exp. -$1000 | - 答案: > Assets: > | Cash | Account Receivable | Supplies | Equipment | > | ------- | ------------------ | -------- | --------- | > | +$8,100 | +$14,000 | +$3,550 | +$150 | > Liabilities: > | Notes Payable | Accounts Payable | > | ------------- | ---------------- | > | +$11,500 | +$150 | > Equity: > | Shared Capital-Ordinary | Service Rev. | Rent Exp. | Gasoline Exp. | Utilities Exp. | Salaries & wages Exp. | Div. | > | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | > | +$10,000 | +$6,300 | -$500 | -$100 | -$250 | -$1,000 | -$300 | --- > [color=red][time=2020, 09, 28, Monday] ## Chapter 2 - The Recording Process ### 1. The Account / 帳戶科目(會計科目)(p.2-2) ### 2. Debit(Dr.)and Credit(Cr.)/ 左和右(p.2-3) ``` Assets = Liabilities + Equity → Assets = Liabilities + Share Capital-Ordinary + Beginning Retained Earnings + Rev. - Exp. - Div. → Assets + Exp. + Div. = Liabilities + Share Capital-Ordinary + Beginning Retained Earnings + Rev.  (  Debit / 左 )  (               Credit / 右                  ) ``` ### 3. Steps in the Recording Process(p.2-7) 1. Analyze / 分析交易 快速分析一筆交易內包含哪些 Dr. 和 Cr.。 - Simple entry:1 個 Dr. + 1 個 Cr.。 - Compound entry:≧ 1 個 Dr. + ≧ 1 個 Cr.。 2. Journalizing / 把交易記錄到日記簿 有分為:Gerenal journal / 普通日記簿 和 特種日記簿。 記錄步驟: 1. 記錄日期       ┐ 2. 記錄 Dr. 的科目及金額  │ 3. 記錄 Cr. 的科目及金額  ├ Journalizing 4. 寫解釋、註記     ┘ 5. 記錄 Ref.       ─ Posting 時補上 3. Posting to a ledger / 分類帳 Journalizing(了解及記錄交易)→ Posting(知道每個 account 的餘額) ### 4. Ledger / 分類帳(p.2-11) - How to post(p.2-12) 實際較為繁瑣,但考試時以 T 字帳取代簡化之。 實際步驟: 1. 把 Journal entry 中 Dr. 的科目、日期、金額、日記簿頁碼搬到 Ledger 裡。 2. 把 Ledger 的號碼抄回日記簿(Ref.)。 3. 把 Journal entry 中 Cr. 的科目、日期、金額、日記簿頁碼搬到 Ledger 裡。 4. 把 Ledger 的號碼抄回日記簿(Ref.)。 - 課本習題:p.2-40:P2.2(LO 1, 2, 3, 4) - 關鍵字句 & 重點: 1. Receive cash... advance → Unearned Service Rev. / 合約負債 - a 小題的答案: > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Ref. | Debit | Credit | > | ---: | ------------------------------ | ---- | ----- | ------ | > | 2020<br>Apr.1<br>. | <br>Cash<br> Share Capital-ordinary | <br>101<br>311 | <br>20,000<br>. | <br><br>20,000 | > | 1<br>. | Not transaction<br>→ No entry | | | | > | 2<br>. | Rent Exp.<br> Cash | 729<br>101 | 1,000<br>. | <br>1,000 | > | 3<br>. | Supplies<br> Accounts Payable | 126<br>201 | 4,000<br>. | <br>4,000 | > | 10<br>. | Accounts receivable<br> Service Rev. | 112<br>400 | 5,100<br>. | <br>5,100 | > | 11<br>. | Cash<br> Uneared Service Rev. | 101<br>209 | 1,000<br>. | <br>1,000 | > | 20<br>. | Cash<br> Service Rev. | 101<br>400 | 2,100<br>. | <br>2,100 | > | 30<br>. | Salaries and Wages Exp.<br> Cash | 726<br>101 | 2,800<br>. | <br>2,800 | > | 30<br>. | Accounts Payable<br> Cash | 201<br>101 | 2,400<br>. | <br>2,400 | - b 小題的答案: > | Cash | 101 | > | ------------ | ----------- | > | 4/01 $20,000<br>4/11 $1,000<br>4/20 $2,100 | 4/02 $1,100<br>4/30 $2,800<br>4/30 $2,400 | > | 4/30 $16,800 | | > | Accounts Receivable | 112 | > | ------------------- | --- | > | 4/10 $5,100 | | > | 4/30 $5,100 | | > | Supplies | 126 | > | ----------- | --- | > | 4/03 $4,000 | | > | 4/30 $4,000 | | > | Accounts Payable | 201 | > | ---------------- | ----------- | > | 4/30 $2,400 | 4/03 $4,000 | > | | 4/30 $1,600 | > | Unearned Service Rev. | 209 | > | --------------------- | ----------- | > | | 4/11 $1,000 | > | | 4/30 $1,000 | > | Share Capital-ordinary | 311 | > | ---------------------- | ------------ | > | | 4/01 $20,000 | > | | 4/30 $20,000 | > | Service Rev. | 400 | > | ------------ | -------------------------- | > | | 4/10 $5,100<br>4/20 $2,100 | > | | 4/30 $7,200 | > | Salaries and Wages Exp. | 726 | > | ----------------------- | --- | > | 4/30 $2,800 | | > | 4/30 $2,800 | | > | Rent Exp. | 729 | > | ----------- | --- | > | 4/02 $1,000 | | > | 4/30 $1,000 | | --- > [color=red][time=2020, 10, 05, Monday] - 預付項目 ``` (用完) Supplies → Assets ------→ Exp. ``` 以保險為例:會計科目為 Prepaid Insurance / 預付保險費,性質為 Assets 舉例:A 公司向 B 保險公司購買保險 對於 A 公司: > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ------------------------------ | ----- | ------ | > | Prepaid Insurance<br> Cash | 1,000<br>. | <br>1,000 | 對於 B 保險公司: > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ------------------------------ | ----- | ------ | > | Cash<br> Unearned Service Rev. | 1,000<br>. | <br>1,000 | ### 5. 試算表(p.2-21) - 功能: 過帳後,為了驗證會計分錄或過帳程序是否正確,會進一步將 ledger 每個帳戶 balance 列在 Trail Balance。 - 表的內容: > | | [公司名稱]<br>Trail Balance<br>X 年 X 月 X 日 | | > | - | :-----------------------------------------: | - | > | Cash<br>.<br>.<br>.<br>(按照 ledger 號碼順序排列) | Debit | Credit | > | | Total Debit | Total Credit | 若 Total Debit ≠ Total Credit 必錯 - 課本練習題:P2.2(LO 1, 2, 3, 4)(p.2-40) > | | Emily Stansbury Dentist<br>Trail Balance<br>April 30, 2020 | | > | - | :-----------------------------------------: | :-: | > | | Debit | Credit | > | Cash<br>Accounts Receivable<br>Supplies<br>Accouts Payable<br>Unearned Sevice Rev.<br>Share Capital-ordinary<br>Service Rev.<br>Salaries and Wages Exp.<br>Rent Exp. | $16,800<br>5,100<br>4,000<br><br><br><br><br>2,800<br>1,100 | <br><br><br>$1,600<br>1,000<br>20,000<br>7,200<br><br>. | > | | $29,800 | $29,800 | ### <span style="color: red">6. 第二章必考題:</span> <span style="color: red">Journal entry → Posting → Trail Balance </span> ### 7. 第二章易考題(曾經考過): P2.4(LO 4)(p.2-41):更正錯誤的記帳 - 第 1 小題 恍神沒聽到 QQ(但 1, 2, 6 是同一題型) - 第 2 小題 題目誤寫: > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ------------------------------ | ----- | ------ | > | <span style="color: red">Supplies</span><br> Accounts Payable | 710<br>. | <br>710 | 正確應為: > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ------------------------------ | ----- | ------ | > | <span style="color: red">Equipment</span><br> Accounts Payable | 710<br>. | <br>710 | - 第 3 小題 題目誤寫: > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ------------------------------ | ----- | ------ | > | Accounts Receivable<br> Service Rev. | 980<br>. | <br><span style="color: red">98</span> | 正確應為: > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ------------------------------ | ----- | ------ | > | Accounts Receivable<br> Service Rev. | 980<br>. | <br><span style="color: red">980</span> | - 第 4 小題 Salaries and Wages Exp. 忘記過帳 → Salaries and Wages Exp. +700 - 第 5 小題 題目誤寫: > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ------------------------------ | ----- | ------ | > | <span style="color: red">[ No Debit ]</span><br> Cash<br> Accounts Payable | <br>306<br><span style="color: red">360</span> | | 正確應為: > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ------------------------------ | ----- | ------ | > | <span style="color: red">Accounts Payable</span><br> Cash | 306<br>. | <br><span style="color: red">306</span> | - 第 6 小題 題目誤寫: > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ------------------------------ | ----- | ------ | > | <span style="color: red">Salaries and Wages Exp.</span><br> Cash | 600<br>. | <br>600 | 正確應為: > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ------------------------------ | ----- | ------ | > | <span style="color: red">Div.</span><br> Accounts Payable | 600<br>. | <br>600 | 解答:Div. +600 & Salaries and Wages Exp. -600 - 最終的正確試算表 > | | De Bortoli Co.<br>Trail Balance<br>June 30, 2020 | | > | - | :-----------------------------------------: | :-: | > | | Debit | Credit | > | Cash (3,340+270)<br>Accounts Receivable (2,812-270)<br>Supplies (1,200-710)<br>Equipment (2,600+700)<br>Accouts Payable (3,666-360-306)<br>Unearned Sevice Rev.<br>Share Capital-ordinary<br>Div. (800+600)<br>Service Rev. (2,480+882)<br>Salaries & Wages Exp. (3,200+700-600)<br>Utilities Exp. | $3,610<br>2,542<br>490<br>3,310<br><br><br><br>1,400<br><br>3,300<br>810 | <br><br><br><br>$3,000<br>1,100<br>8,000<br><br>3,362<br><br>. | > | | $15,462 | $15,462 | ## Chapter 3 - Adjusting the Accounts Do adjusting at the end of "Periods": - Q1:1/1~3/31 - Q2:4/1~6/30 + 1/1~6/30(H1) - Q3:7/1~9/30 + 1/1~9/30 - Q4:10/1~12/31 + 1/1~12/31(Annual report) --- > [color=red][time=2020, 10, 12, Monday] ### 1. Time period Assumption / 會計期間假設(p.3-3) - fiscal year / 會計年度: - Calendar year / 歷年制 - 非歷年制 ### 2. Accrual-basis vs. Cash-basis Accounting(p.3-3) 1. Cash basis / 現金基礎制 所有營業收入與費用認列看是否收到現金。 亦即:收到現金 → 收入;付出現金 → 費用。 2. Accrual basis / 應計基礎制(權責發生制)← IFRS 採用 交易發生時,辨識、記錄及報導是否為收入或費用。 是否收到現金並非記錄的必要條件。 ### 3. Recognizing revenues and expenses(p.3-3)─ for accrual-basis 1. Revenue Recognizing principle(p.3-3) 提供勞務或出售商品 → 記錄收入。 2. Expense Recognizing principle(p.3-4) Matching principle / 配合原則:為了產生收入所發生的相關支出。 ### 4. The need for adjusting entries(p.3-5) 1. Why?(p.3-5) 使收入和費用的認列原則符合 Accrual-basis 的原則。 2. When?(p.3-5 Prepare financial statements at the end of period. ### 5. Types of adjusting entries(p.3-5) 1. Deferrals(延期) 1. Prepaid expenses(p.3-6) 實務上看到 prepaid insurance, prepaid rent...。 - 舉例:一次付清了三年的保險,在第一年結束時應該記錄。 2020/01/01 paid three-year insurance policy $36,000. > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 01/01 | Prepaid insurance<br> Cash | 36,000<br>. | <br>36,000 | 2020/12/31 prepare financial statements → 2020/12/31 adjusting entry. > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 12/31 | Insurance Exp.<br> Prepaid insurance | 12,000<br>. | <br>12,000 | 2. Supplies - 舉例:購入的物品被消耗的情況。 2020/12/01 purchase supplies on account $6,300. > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 12/01 | Supplies<br> Account Payable | 6,300<br>. | <br>6,300 | 2020/12/31 prepare financial statements → 2020/12/31 adjusting entry. > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 12/31 | Supplies Exp.<br> Supplies | 4,200<br>. | <br>4,200 | 3. Depreciation / 折舊 → for 使用期間超過一年供營業使用的有形資產 - 舉例:購買了可用十年的有形資產,每一年結束時應使用替代品記錄。 2020/01/01 purchase equipment on account $600,000, useful life: 10 years, no residual value. > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 01/01 | Equipment<br> Account Payable | 600,000<br>. | <br>600,000 | 2020/12/31 prepare financial statements → 2020/12/31 adjusting entry. > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 12/31 | Depreciation Exp.<br> Accumulated Depreciation equipment | 60,000<br>. | <br>60,000 | 4. Unearned revenue - 舉例:談定了兩年的工作合約,第一年結束時應記錄。 2020/01/01 received two-year consulting service fee $48,000 in advance. > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 01/01 | Cash<br> Unearned Service Rev. | 48,000<br>. | <br>48,000 | 2020/12/31 prepare financial statements → 2020/12/31 adjusting entry. > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 12/31 | Unearned Service Rev.<br> Service Rev. | 24,000<br>. | <br>24,000 | 1. Accruals(應收 / 應付) 1. Accrual salaries and wages(p.3-16) > (p.3-16 的例子) > > 10/26 付過薪水,11/09 要再付一次薪水。 > 但 10/31 要 prepare financial statements → adjusting entry。 10/29、30、31 薪水雖未付但要記錄。(一日 $400) > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 10/31 | Salaries and wages Exp.<br> Salaries and wages Payable | 1,200<br>. | <br>1,200 | 到了 11/09 付薪資時(日常交易), 剩下 11/01、02、05、06、07、08、09 共 7 天要補上記錄: > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 11/09 | Salaries and wages Exp.<br>Salaries and wages Payable<br> Cash | 2,800<br>1,200<br>. | <br><br>4,000 | 2. Accrued interest(p.3-15) > (p.3-15 的例子) > > 10/01 簽了一個 three-month note payable $5,000 > Interest rate 為 12%(題目未特別註明,視為年利率) > 到期後才償還本金加利息 > 但 10/31 要 prepare financial statements → adjusting entry。 對於利息的部份,到了 10/31 時, 累積的應付利息為:本金$5000 × 年利率12% × (1/12)期 = $50 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 10/31 | Interest Exp.<br> Interest Payable | 50<br>. | <br>50 | 對於利息的部份,到 12/31 償還日時: > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 12/31 | Interest Exp.<br>Interest Payable<br> Cash | 100<br>50<br>. | <br><br>150 | 3. Accured revenue(p.3-13) - 舉例: 12/29 provide service on account $15,000 還未寄帳單也還未記錄(未做 journal entry) 但 12/31 要 prepare financial statements → adjusting entry。 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 12/31 | Account Receivable<br> Service Rev. | 15,000<br>. | <br>15,000 | --- > [color=red][time=2020, 10, 19, Monday] > p.s. Adjusting entries → Cash 絕對不會改變 > p.s. 調整分錄需要知道「用掉多少」,但以 P3.2(LO 2, 3, 4)(p.3-51)的第 2 小題為例,題目告訴我們的是「剩餘多少」→ 原始 - 剩餘 = 用掉的量。 3. 例題 P3.1(LO 2, 3, 4)(p.3-51) - a 小題: - 第 3 小題: $3,600 ÷ (2years x 12months) = $150 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 05/31 | Insurance Exp.<br> Prepaid insurance | 150<br>. | <br>150 | - 第 4 小題: $2,000 - $400 = $1,600 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 05/31 | Unearned Service Rev.<br> Service Rev. | 1,600<br>. | <br>1,600 | - 第 5 小題: 2人 × $920 × (3天/5天) = $1,104 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 05/31 | Salaries and Wages Exp.<br> Salaries and Wages Payable | 1,104<br>. | <br>1,104 | - 第 6 小題: > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 05/31 | Depreciation Exp.<br> Accumulated depreciation Equipment | 190<br>. | <br>190 | - 第 7 小題: > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | ----- | - | - | - | > | 05/31 | Accounts Receivable<br> Service Rev. | 1,700<br>. | <br>1,700 | ## Chapter 4 - Completing the Accouting Cycle ### 1. Worksheet(p.4-3) 1. 直接利用調整後試算表編財務報表,可降低出錯率且容易編製 2. 格式:8 欄 / 10 欄(常用) / 12 欄 3. <span style='color: red;'>編製 Worksheet 步驟(必考)</span> --- > [color=red][time=2020, 10, 26, Monday] ### 2. 編製財務報表 1. (Comprehensive) Income statement(p.4-9) - 意義:表達企業在一段時間獲利或虧損 - Revenues > Expenses → Net income 本期淨利 - Revenues < Expenses → Net losses 本期淨損 - 格式(p.4-10) | | [Company Name]<br>Income Statement<br>For the Month Ended October 31, 2020 | | | -------- | :------: | -------: | | Revenues<br> Service Revenues<br> Rent Revenues<br> ...<br>  Total Revenue<br>Expense<br> Salaries and wages expense<br> Supplies expense<br> ...<br>  Total expenses<br>Net income (or Net losses) | | <br>\$xxx   <br>xxx   <br>...   <br>\$xxx<br><br><br>xxx   <br>xxx   <br>...   <br>xxx<br>$xxx | 2. Retained earnings statement - 意義:表達企業在一段時間 Retained earnings 的變化 - 格式 | | [Company Name]<br>Retained Earnings Statement<br>For the Month Ended October 31, 2020 | | | -------- | :------: | -------: | | Retained earnings, **[begin date]**<br>Add: Net income (or Less: Net losses)<br>Less: Dividends<br>Retained earnings, **[end date]** | |\$xxx<br>xxx<br><br>xxx<br>$xxx | > P.s. > 在 adjusted trial balance 上看到的 retained earnings 數字是 beginning retained earnings,其他科目數字是期末。 3. Statement of Financial Position - 意義:表達企業在**一個時間點**的財務狀況(Assets, Liabilities, Equity) - 格式(**Classified**) | | [Company Name]<br>Statement of Financial Position<br>October 31, 2020<br>(NT\$ in thousands) | | | -------- | :------: | -------: | | <br><span style='color: red'>Intangible assets(無形資產)</span><br> Patents(專利權)<br><span style='color: red'>Property, plant, and equipment(PPE / PP&E / 不動產, 廠房, 設備)</span><br> Land<br> Buildings<br> Less: Accumulated depreciation ─ buildings<br> Equipment<br> Less: Accumulated depreciation ─ equipment<br><span style='color: red'>Long-term investments</span><br><span style='color: red'>Non-current assets</span><br><span style='color: red'>Current assets</span><br> Prepaid insurance<br> Supplies<br> Inventory(存貨)<br> Notes receviable<br> Accounts receivable<br> Short-term investments<br> Cash<br>  Total assets<br><br><span style='color: red'>Equity</span><br> Share Capital-Ordinary<br> Retained earnings<br><span style='color: red'>Non-current liabilities</span><br> XXX Payable<br> ...<br><span style='color: red'>Current liabilities</span><br> XXX Payable<br> ...<br>  Total liabilities<br>   Total equity and liabilities | **Assets**<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>**Equity and Liabilities**<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> | ... | > 補充:Current assets vs. Non-current assets >   在一年和一個營業循環(Operating cycle)中選長的作為時間標準,在這期間內可以變現或耗用的 assets 視為 Current assets,不能的話則視為 Non-current assets。 > P.s. Current assets 是按照它換成現金的難易度排列的,不得更改。 > 補充:Current liabilities vs. Non-current liabilities >   在一年和一個營業循環(Operating cycle)中選長的作為時間標準,在這期間內可以用現金償還的 liabilities 視為 Current liabilities,不能的話則視為 Non-current liabilities。 - 實例:P4.1(p.4-47) | | WANG ROOFING<br>Statement of Financial Position<br>March 31, 2020 | | | -------- | :------: | -------: | | <br><span style='color: red'>Property, plant, and equipment(PPE / PP&E / 不動產, 廠房, 設備)</span><br> Equipment<br> Less: Accumulated depreciation ─ equipment<br><span style='color: red'>Current assets</span><br> Supplies<br> Accounts receivable<br> Cash<br>  Total assets<br><br><span style='color: red'>Equity</span><br> Share Capital ─ Ordinary<br> Retained earnings<br><span style='color: red'>Current liabilities</span><br> Accounts payable<br> Unearned service revenue<br> Salaries and wages payable<br>  Total equity and liabilities | Assets<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Equity and Liabilities<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> | <br><br><br>$11,000    <br>1,500 $9,500<br><br><br>480    <br>3,200    <br>4,500   8,180<br>$17,680<br><br><br>$12,900    <br>**1,320** $14,220<br><br>2,500    <br>260    <br>700  3,460<br>$17,680 | ### 3. Closing 結帳 → 通常在 fiscal year 結束時(p.4-11) 1. 實帳戶(永久性帳戶 / permanent account)(p.4-12) 當股東投資設立公司,這些帳戶就隨企業存續至永久。 - Assets 類 - Liabilities 類 - Equity 類 - Share Capital-Ordinary - Retained Earnings 1. 虛帳戶(暫時性帳戶 / temporary account) 為了解企業經營成果及權益變動而設此類科目。 - Retained Earnings - Revenue - Expenses - Dividends 1. 結帳的意義:讓暫時性科目歸 0。(p.4-12) --- > [color=red][time=2020, 11, 16, Monday] 4. 結帳的步驟: 1. Step 1:把 Revenue 類歸 0。 > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | - | > | Service Revenue<br> Income Summary | 1,000,000<br>. | <br>1,000,000 | 2. Step 2:把實用類科目歸 0。 > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | - | > | Income Summary<br> Rent expense<br> Utilities expense | 400,000<br><br>. | <br>300,000<br>100,000 | 3. Step 3:把 Income Summary 歸 0。 - Net Income: > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | - | > | Income Summary<br> Retained earnings | 600,000<br>. | <br>600,000 | - Net Losses: > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | - | > | Retained earnings<br> Income Summary | 600,000<br>. | <br>600,000 | 4. Step 4:將 Dividends 歸 0。 > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | - | > | Retained earnings<br> Dividends | 10,000<br>. | <br>10,000 | 5. Post-closing Trial Balance 與 Adjusted Trial Balance 的差異 - Post-closing Trial Balance 沒有 Revenues、Expense、Dividends。 - Post-closing Trial Balance 的 Retained earnings 是期末的值,Adjusted Trial Balance 的 Retained earnings 是期初的值。 6. 課本練習題 P4.1(Worksheet) 1. Step 1: > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | - | > | Service Revenue<br> Income Summary | 6,590<br>. | <br>6,590 | 2. Step 2: > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | > | Income Summary<br> Salaries and wages expense<br> Miscellaneous expense<br> Supplies expense<br> Depreciation expense | 4,170<br><br><br><br>. | <br>2,000<br>400<br>1,520<br>250 | 3. Step 3: > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | - | > | Income Summary<br> Retained earnings | 2,420<br>. | <br>2,420 | 4. Step 4: > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | - | > | Retained Earnings<br> Dividends | 1,100<br>. | <br>1,100 | ## 期中考統整 > [color=red][time=2020, 10, 24, Monday] ### 會計流程 ``` 每日例行 ┌───────────┴──────────┐ 交易 → 記錄 → Posting → 損益平衡 → 調整 → Prepare financial statement (考試用 T 字帳) ├ Income Statement ├ Retained Earnings Statement ├ Statement of Financial Position └ Statement of Cash flows ``` ### 格式列舉 1. Accounting Equation / 會計恆等式: > ![](https://i.imgur.com/aHyBas9.png) 1. Journalize entries / 記錄項目: > ![](https://i.imgur.com/FDKNkY8.png) 1. Ledger accounts / 分類帳: > ![](https://i.imgur.com/MlOoEyA.png) 1. T-account / T 字帳: T 字帳是分類帳的簡化版寫法,但兩者不同,切勿混淆。 > ![](https://i.imgur.com/OR7FLt6.png =400x) ### 不考的題目: - p.4-44:E4.8(但 E4.9 會考) - p.4-46:E4.14 - b - p.4-48:P4.1 - d、P4.2 - cde、P4.3 - bcd、P4.4 - de、P4.5 - efg --- > [color=red][time=2020, 11, 16, Monday] ## Chapter 5 - Accounting for merchandising operations ### 1. 服務業 vs. 買賣業 1. Income Statement - 服務業: - Service revenue - Expenses = Net income / losses - 買賣業: - Sales revenue(銷貨收入):每單位產品售價×出售數量 - Cost of goods sold(銷貨成本):每單位產品成本×出售數量 - Sales revenue - Cost of goods sold = Gross profits(銷貨毛利) - Gross profits - Operating expense(營業費用)= Net income / losses 1. Statement of Financial Position 買賣業的 Assets 比服務業多一個 Inventory 1. Operating cycle - 服務業: ```graphviz digraph G { Cash -> "Provide\nServices"[label=" 流出    "]; "Account\nReceivable" -> Cash[label=" 流入"]; "Provide\nServices" -> "Account\nReceivable"; { rank=same; "Account\nReceivable", "Provide\nServices" } } ``` - 買賣業: ```graphviz digraph G { Cash -> "Sell products\nAccounts Receivables"[label=" 流出"]; "Purchase products\nAccounts Payable" -> Cash[label=" 流入"]; "Sell products\nAccounts Receivables" -> "Purchase products\nAccounts Payable"; { rank=same; "Sell products\nAccounts Receivables", "Purchase products\nAccounts Payable" } } ``` 銷貨商品會計處理 ←→ 購買商品會計處理 ### 2. 存貨盤存制度 1. 永續盤存制(Perpetual inventory system)(p.5-4) - 買:記錄「Inventory」增加 ─────┐ - 賣:記錄銷貨與「Inventory」減少 ─┴─ 帳上隨時知道 Inventory balance 1. 定期盤存制(Periodic inventory system)(Appendix B) - 買:記錄進貨 ─┐ - 賣:記錄銷貨 ─┴─ 只靠定期盤點知道 Inventory balance 1. 買賣業購貨流程 ```graphviz digraph G { 下訂單 -> "供應商\n準備出貨"; "供應商\n準備出貨" -> "商品運送\n\n運費\n(Freight costs)\n(p.5-8)"; "商品運送\n\n運費\n(Freight costs)\n(p.5-8)" -> "商品歸屬問題"[arrowhead=none];{ rank=same; "商品運送\n\n運費\n(Freight costs)\n(p.5-8)", "商品歸屬問題" } "商品歸屬問題" -> "FOB\nshipping point\n\n(買方付運費)"[arrowhead=none]; "商品歸屬問題" -> "FOB\ndestination\n\n(賣方付運費)"[arrowhead=none]; "商品運送\n\n運費\n(Freight costs)\n(p.5-8)" -> "到貨後\n進行檢測"; "到貨後\n進行檢測" -> "沒問題\nand\n規格符合"; "沒問題\nand\n規格符合" -> "付現\n(現購)"; "沒問題\nand\n規格符合" -> "賒欠\n(賒購)"; "賒欠\n(賒購)" -> "供應商為鼓勵買方提前付款,\n給予現金折扣(purchase discount)"; "到貨後\n進行檢測" -> "有瑕疵\nor\n規格不符"; "有瑕疵\nor\n規格不符" -> 退貨; "有瑕疵\nor\n規格不符" -> 折讓; 退貨 -> "Purchases returns\nand\nallowances"[arrowhead=none]; 折讓 -> "Purchases returns\nand\nallowances"[arrowhead=none]; } ``` - 現金折扣(purchase discount)舉例: 1. 2/10 & n/30: 10 天之內,取得 2% 現金折扣;超過 10 天則沒有。 1. 1/15 & n/45: 15 天之內,取得 1% 現金折扣;超過 15 天則沒有。 1. 買賣業購貨會計處理 ─ **永續**盤存制 練習單的 1. (11/28) ~ 6. (12/13) > ![](https://i.imgur.com/RkKLrBc.jpg) 1. Cash purchase > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | - | - | > | 11/28<br>. | Inventory<br> Cash | 4,500<br>. | <br>4,500 | 1. 賒購 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | - | - | > | 11/30<br>. | Inventory<br> Accounts Payable | 20,000<br>. | <br>20,000 | 1. Purchase returns & allowances > 12/04 退 11/30 賒購的商品 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | - | - | > | 12/04<br>. | Accounts Payable<br> Inventory | 1,000<br>. | <br>1,000 | > 12/05 折讓來自 11/30 的購貨 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | - | - | > | 12/05<br>. | Accounts Payable<br> Inventory | 300<br>. | <br>300 | 1. 運費:FOB shipping point → 買方負擔 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | - | - | > | 12/06<br>. | Inventory<br> Cash | 500<br>. | <br>500 | 1. 購貨折扣 > 15 日內付款有 2% 折扣 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/13<br><br>. | Accounts Payable<br> Cash<br> Inventory | 18,700<br>. | <br>18,326<br>374 | > 若不在 15 日內付款,分錄則為 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/13<br>. | Accounts Payable<br> Cash | 18,700<br>. | <br>18,700 | 1. 買賣業銷貨流程 ```graphviz digraph G { 收到訂單 -> 準備出貨; 準備出貨 -> "運送商品"; "運送商品" -> 商品送達買方; 商品送達買方 -> "買方驗收正確"; "買方驗收正確" -> "買方付現\n(現銷)"; "買方驗收正確" -> "買方賒欠\n(賒銷)"; "買方賒欠\n(賒銷)" -> "提供買方現金折扣\n(sales discounts 銷貨折扣)"; 商品送達買方 -> "有瑕疵\nor\n規格不符"; "有瑕疵\nor\n規格不符" -> "退貨\nSales returns\n銷貨退回"; "有瑕疵\nor\n規格不符" -> "折讓\nSales allowances\n銷貨退回"; "退貨\nSales returns\n銷貨退回" -> "會計分錄:\nSales returns\nand\nallowances"[arrowhead=none]; "折讓\nSales allowances\n銷貨退回" -> "會計分錄:\nSales returns\nand\nallowances"[arrowhead=none]; } ``` 1. 買賣業銷貨會計處理 ─ **永續**盤存制 練習單的 7. (12/14) ~ 12. (01/10) > ![](https://i.imgur.com/RkKLrBc.jpg) 1. 現銷 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/14<br>. | Cash<br> Sales revenue | 3,000<br>. | <br>3,000 | > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/14<br>. | Cost of goods sold<br> Inventory | 1,500<br>. | <br>1,500 | 1. 賒銷 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/15<br>. | Accounts receivable<br> Sales revenue | 16,000<br>. | <br>16,000 | > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/15<br>. | Cost of goods sold<br> Inventory | 8,000<br>. | <br>8,000 | 1. 銷貨運費 1. 若為 FOB shipping point → 買方支付 → No journal entry 1. 若為 FOB destination → 賣方支付 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/15<br>. | Freight-Out<br> Cash | xxx<br>. | <br>xxx | 1. 銷貨退回 & 折讓 1. 折讓 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/16<br>. | Sales returns and allowances<br> Accounts receivable | 300<br>. | <br>300 | 1. 退回 > 若退回商品規格不符或是瑕疵不大 → 不影響成本 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/18<br>. | Sales returns and allowances<br> Accounts receivable | 2,000<br>. | <br>2,000 | > | | Inventory<br> Cost of goods sold | 1,000<br>. | <br>1,000 | > 若退回商品瑕疵嚴重 → 成本降低 → **以新成本作分錄** > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/18<br>. | Sales returns and allowances<br> Accounts receivable | 2,000<br>. | <br>2,000 | > | | Inventory<br> Cost of goods sold | **xxx**<br>. | <br>**xxx** | 1. 收現 1. 在折扣期間內收現 Collected $10,00 of receivable ≠ 收到 Cash $10,000  → 收到的實際的 Cash 會 < $10,000。 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/24<br><br>. | Cash<br>Sales discounts<br> Accounts receivable | 9,800<br>200<br>. | <br><br>10,000 | 1. 超過折扣期間收現 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 01/10<br>. | Cash<br> Accounts receivable | 3,700<br>. | <br>3,700 | 1. The accounting cycle for a merchandising company ─ **永續**盤存制 1. Adjusting(p.5-14) At the end of period,準備 financial statements 1. Prepaid insurance, Prepaid rent... 等 Prepaid expenses 1. Supplies expense 1. Depreciation expense 1. Unearned revenue 1. Accrued receivable(應收未記錄) 1. Accrued payable: - Salaries and Wages payable - Interest Payable 1. **永續盤存制特有的調整分錄**(期末必考題): - 帳載存貨餘額>實地盤點 → 盤虧(盤損) > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | -: | -: | > | Cost of goods sold<br> Inventory | xxx<br>. | <br>xxx | - 帳載存貨餘額<實地盤點 → 盤盈 > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | -: | -: | > | Inventory<br> Cost of goods sold | xxx<br>. | <br>xxx | 1. Prepare financial statements 1. (Comprehensive) Income statement / 綜合損益表 1. Single-step income statement / 單站式損益表 [第四章所學的損益表](https://hackmd.io/7YCkAMAnSUyRuj538BuS7w?view#2-%E7%B7%A8%E8%A3%BD%E8%B2%A1%E5%8B%99%E5%A0%B1%E8%A1%A8)即為此項 1. Multi-step income statement / 多站式損益(p.5-20) 1. Gross profit = Net Income - Cost of goods sold  營業毛利     營業收入淨額    營業成本 (銷貨毛利) (銷貨收入淨額)  (銷貨成本) > 毛利率 = Gross profit ÷ Net Sales 1. Income from operations = Gross profit - Operating expenses    營業淨利              營業費用   (本業的獲利) - Operating expenses - Presentation by nature(p.5-19) - Presentation by function: - Selling expenses / 行銷費用(銷售費用) Ex:銷售人員薪資、銷售人員佣金、銷售部門設備折舊、廣告費用、Feight-Out / 銷貨運費... - Research and development expenses / 研究發展費用 Ex:研發人員薪資、研發人員獎金、研發部門設備折舊、研發部門耗材... - General administrative expenses / 管理費用 其餘所有的 expenses 都屬於這個 > 補充: >   Selling expenses & General administrative expenses 又稱 SG&A expenses / 銷管費用 >   Research and development expenses 又稱 R&D expenses 1. Income before income taxes / 稅前淨利 = Income from operations ± Other income and expenses                營業外營收及支出 - Other income and expenses - Interest revenue - Interest expense - 出售廠房設備利得或損失 1. Net income / 稅後淨利 = Income before income taxes - Income taxes                           營利事業所得稅 > Income Statement 例圖: > ![](https://i.imgur.com/iFLl4nD.png) > Comprehensive Income Statement 例圖: > ![](https://i.imgur.com/2cz7HkD.png) 1. Retained earnings statement 1. Statement of Financial Position 1. Statement of cash flow 1. At the end of fiscal year closing ─ **永續**盤存制 1. Step 1:將收入類科目歸零 1. 若只有 Sales revenue $100,000 一項 > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | -: | -: | > | Sales revenue<br> Income Summary | 100,000<br>. | <br>100,000 | 1. 若公司有 Sales revenue $100,000 & Interest revenue $20,000 > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | -: | -: | > | Sales revenue<br>Interest revenue<br> Income Summary | 100,000<br>20,000<br>. | <br><br>120,000 | 1. Step 2:把費用 & 暫時性科目中,有 debit balance 的部分歸零 > | Account Titles and Explanation | > | - | > | Income Summary<br> Sales returns and allowances<br> Sales discount<br> Cost of goods sold<br> Feight-Out<br> ...其他費用 | 1. Step 3:把 Income Summary 歸零 1. revenue>費用 & 暫時性科目有 debit balance 合計 > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | -: | -: | > | Income Summary<br> Retained Earnings | xxx<br>. | <br>xxx | 1. revenue<費用 & 暫時性科目有 debit balance 合計 > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | -: | -: | > | Retained Earnings<br> Income Summary | xxx<br>. | <br>xxx | 1. Step 4:把 Dividends 歸零 > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | -: | -: | > | Retained Earnings<br> Dividends | xxx<br>. | <br>xxx | 1. 購貨會計處理 ─ **定期**盤存制(periodic inventory system)(Appendix A)→ 買的時候不記錄「Inventory」的增加。 這裡以學習單為例,再做一次「**定期**盤存制」的版本。 > ![](https://i.imgur.com/RkKLrBc.jpg) 1. 現購 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 11/28<br>. | Purchase<br> Cash | 4,500<br>. | <br>4,500 | 1. 賒購 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 11/30<br>. | Purchase<br> Accounts Payable | 20,000<br>. | <br>20,000 | 1. 進貨退回與折讓 1. 進貨退回 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/04<br>. | Accounts Payable<br> Purchase returns & allowances | 1,000<br>. | <br>1,000 | 1. 進貨折讓 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/05<br>. | Accounts Payable<br> Purchase returns & allowances | 300<br>. | <br>300 | 1. 進貨運貨:買方 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/06<br>. | Freight-In<br> Cash | 500<br>. | <br>500 | 1. 進貨折扣 1. 折扣期間內付款 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/13<br><br>. | Accounts Payable<br> Purchase discount<br> Cash | 18,700<br><br>. | <br>374<br>18,326 | 1. 若是超過折扣期間付款 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/13<br>. | Accounts Payable<br> Cash | 18,700<br>. | <br>18,700 | 1. 銷貨會計處理 ─ **定期**盤存制 → 賣的時候只記錄銷貨收入,不記錄「Inventory」的減少。 > ![](https://i.imgur.com/RkKLrBc.jpg) 1. 現銷 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/14<br>. | Cash<br> Sales revenue | 3,000<br>. | <br>3,000 | 1. 賒銷 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/15<br>. | Accounts Receivable<br> Sales revenue | 16,000<br>. | <br>16,000 | 1. 銷貨退回與折讓 1. 銷貨折讓 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/16<br>. | Sales returns & allowances<br> Accounts Receivable | 300<br>. | <br>300 | 1. 銷貨退回 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/18<br>. | Sales returns & allowances<br> Accounts Receivable | 2,000<br>. | <br>2,000 | 1. 銷貨運貨 此題為 FOB shipping point,Cherry Co. 為賣方 → 不負擔運費。 但若為 FOB destination: > | Account Titles and Explanation | > | - | > | Freight-Out<br> Cash | 1. 銷貨折扣 1. 折扣期間內收到款項 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 12/24<br><br>. | Cash<br>Sales discounts<br> Accounts receivable | 9,800<br>200<br>. | <br><br>10,000 | 1. 若是超過折扣期間才收到款項 > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 01/10<br>. | Cash<br> Accounts Receivable | 3,700<br>. | <br>3,700 | 1. The accounting cycle ─ 買賣業(**定期**盤存制) 1. At the end of period,準備 financial statement 之前 → Adjusting 調整與服務業完全相同。 1. Prepare financial statements - Retained Earnings Statement - Statement of Financial Position - ~~Statement of Cash Flow~~ - ☆ Comprehensive Income Statement ```                          Net purchase 進貨淨額           ┌───────────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────┐ Beginning Inventory + ( Purchases - Purchase returns & allowance - Purchase discounts + Freight-In ) = Cost of goods available for sold     期初存貨      └──────────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┘        可供銷售商品成本                            Cost of goods purchase 購貨成本 ``` ``` Cost of goods available for sales - Ending Inventory = Cost of goods sold                        期末存貨 ``` <!-- - 課本 P5.6(p.5-49) > | | Hotai Department Store<br>Income Statement (Partial)<br>For the year Ended December 31, 2020 | | > | -------- | :------: | -------: | > | Sales<br> Sales Revenue<br> Less: Sales returns & allowances<br> Net sales<br>Cost of goods sold<br> Inventory **1/1**<br> Purchases<br> Less: Purchase returns & allowance<br>  Purchase discounts<br> Net Purchases<br> Add: Freight-In<br> Cost of goods purchase<br> Cost of goods available for sales<br> Less: Inventory **12/31**<br> Cost of goods sold<br>Gross profit | | <br><br><br><br>\$1,215k<br>$13,200k    <br>\$192k         <br>360k   552k    <br>12,648k    <br>165k    <br>12,813k<br>14,028k<br>1,950k | --> 3. 結帳 Closing 1. Step 1 1. 推算 Cost of goods sold 1. 把 Purchase、Purchase returns & allowances、Purchase discounts、Freight-In 歸零 1. 把 Inventory 由 Beginning 數字 → Ending 數字 - Ex:上課補充講義 1. $32,000 + ((4,500 + 20,000) - (1,000 + 300)\ - 374\ + 500)$ Beginning 11/28   11/29    12/04   12/05 12/13 12/06 inventory   Purchases   Purchase returns  |  Freight-In                and allowances   |                         └→ Purchase discounts $= 55,326$ ← Cost of goods available for sales $55,326 - 46,826 = 8,500$ ← Cost of goods sold       Ending       inventory - Closing > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | -: | -: | > | Purchases returns & allowances<br>Purchases discounts<br>Inventory(endings)<br>Cost of goods sold<br> Purchases<br> Freight-In<br> Inventory(beginning) | 1,300<br>374<br>46,826<br>8,500<br><br><br>. | <br><br><br><br>24,500<br>500<br>32,000 | 1. Step 2:把 Revenue 歸零 > | Account Titles and Explanation | > | - | > | Sales revenue<br>Interest revenue<br>...<br> Income Summary | 1. Step 3:把 Expenses 及暫時性科目有 debit balance 的部分歸零 > | Account Titles and Explanation | > | - | > | Sales returns & allowances<br>Sales discounts<br>Cost of goods sold<br>... 其他費用 | 1. Step 4:把 Income Summary 歸零 1. If Net Income > | Account Titles and Explanation | > | - | > | Income Summary<br> Retained Earnings | 1. If Net Losses > | Account Titles and Explanation | > | - | > | Retained Earnings<br> Income Summary | 1. Step 5:把 Dividends 歸零 > | Account Titles and Explanation | > | - | > | Retained Earnings<br> dividends | ## Chapter 6 - Inventories ### 1. 存貨的意義 商品的庫存或儲存為企業所用(p.6-2) ### 2. 買賣業與製造業存貨 1. 買賣業:已經可以出售之商品 1. 製造業: 1. Raw Materials 2. Work in process 在製品 3. Finished goods 製成品 ### 3. Determining inventory quantities(p.6-4) First, taking a physical inventory Second, determining ownership of goods 1. Goods in transit 在途存貨(p.6-5) - FOB:shipping point ○ - FOB:destination ╳ 1. Consigned goods 寄銷品(p.6-5) → 屬於寄銷人 ### 4. Inventory methods & financial effects(p.6-6) - Ending inventory = Number of unit at ending inventory × Unit cost - Cost of goods sold = Number of units sold × Unit cost 1. 實際辨認實物流動之情況(個別辨認法 Specific identification)(p.6-7) 條件:量少、具有獨特性可辨識、價值高 1. Cost flow assumption 使用成本流動假設(p.6-7) 此處四個方法皆用課本 p.6-39 的 P6.5 為例 - 平均法 1. **定期**盤存制 - 加權平均法(weight-average method) $計算單位成本 = \dfrac{beginning\ inventory\ 成本+進貨成本}{beginning\ inventory\ 數量+進貨數量}$ - 分子:Cost of goods available for sale 可供銷售商品成本 - 分母:Number of goods available for sale 可供銷售商品數量 計算單位成本 $=\dfrac{60×24+(120×26+70×27+80×28)=8,690}{60+(120+70+80)=330}≒26.333$ 1. Ending inventory$=(330-(100+65+120))×26.333≒1,185$ 1. Cost of goods sold 兩種解法(建議使用第一種): 1. Cost of goods available - ending inventory$= 8,690 - 1,185 = 7,505$ 1. Number of units sold × unit cost$= 265 × 26.333 ≒ 7,505$ 1. Gross profit = Net sales - Cost of goods sold $=(100×35+65×40+120×40)-7,505=3,395$ 1. Gross profit rate $=\dfrac{Gross\ profit}{Net\ sale}=\dfrac{3,395}{10,900}≒31.1%$ 1. **永續**盤存制 - 移動平均法(moving average method) 每一次進貨重新計算單位成本 | Date | Purchases | Sale | Balance | | ----- | --------- | ---- | ------- | | 10/01 | | | 60×24=1,440 | | 10/09 | 120x26=3,120 | | 1,440+3,120=4,560<br>=180×**25.33** | | 10/11 | | 100x**25.33**=2,533 | 80x**25.33**=2,027<br>(同 4,560-2,533) | | 10/17 | 70x27=1,890 | | 1,890+2,027=3,917<br>=150x**26.11** | | 10/22 | | 65x**26.11**=1,697 | 85x**26.11**=2,220<br>(同 3,917-1,697) | | 10/25 | 80x28=2,240 | | 2,220+2,240=4,460<br>=165x**27.03** | | 10/29 | | 120x**27.03**=3,244 | 45x**27.03**=1,216<br>(同 4,460-3,244) | 1. Ending inventory $=1,216$ 1. Cost of good sold 表格中 Sales 的各項加總即為答案 $=2,533+1,697+3,244=7,474$ 1. Gross profit = Net sales - Cost of goods sold $=10,900-7,474=3,426$ 1. Gross profit rate $=\dfrac{Gross\ profit}{Net\ sale}=\dfrac{3,426}{10,900}≒31.4\%$ - 先入先出法 假設先買進來的貨品,就會先賣出去。 1. **定期**盤存制 ─ FIFO > ![](https://i.imgur.com/TvfCCaG.jpg) 1. **永續**盤存制 ─ FIFO | Date | Purchases | Sale | Balance | | ----- | --------- | ---- | ------- | | 10/01 | | | 60×24=1,440 | | 10/09 | 120x26=3,120 | | 120x26=3,120<br>60×24=1,440 | | 10/11 | | 60x24=1,440<br>40x26=1,040 | 80x26=2,080 | | 10/17 | 70x27=1,890 | | 70x27=1,890<br>80x26=2,080 | | 10/22 | | 65x26=1,690 | 70x27=1,890<br>15x26=390 | | 10/25 | 80x28=2,240 | | 80x28=2,240<br>70x27=1,890<br>15x26=390 | | 10/29 | | 35x28=980<br>70x27=1,890<br>15x26=390 | 45x28=1,260 | 1. Ending inventory $=1,260$ 1. Cost of goods sold $=1,440+1,040+1,690+390+1,890+980=7,430$ <span style='color:red'>→ 由此可得,永續的 FIFO 和定期的 FIFO 結果會一樣。</span> 總結 / 比較: 若物價不斷上漲 → 進貨成本上揚(上面的 P6.5 即為此情況) | | Average method | FIFO | | ------------------ | :------------: | :--: | | Ending inventory | 低 | 高 | | Cost of goods sold | 高 | 低 | | Gross profit | 低 | 高 | --- > [color=red][time=2020, 12, 21, Monday] ### 5. Inventory presentation and analysis(p.6-15) - Statement of Financial Position 上 Ending inventory 金額 - Lower-of-cost-or-net realizable value 成本淨變現價值孰低法 1. Step 1 - 計算**成本** ← 期末存貨 個別辨認法 or 平均法 or FIFO 1. Step 2 - 決定 Net Realizable Value(NRV) NRV 係指企業在正常營運情況下,出售存貨所能取得淨額 1. Step 3 - 比較成本及 NRV 選低 作為 Statement of Financial Position 的 Ending inventory - 成本:個別(逐項)比較 ← **國際標準** - NRV:分類比較 以課本 p.6-35 的 P6.8 為例: > | | Cost | NVR | 個別比較 | 分類比較 | > | - | ---: | --: | ------: | -----: | > | Cameras<br> Minolta<br> Canon<br>  小計 | <br>$1,360,000<br>$900,000<br>$2,260,000 | <br>$1,248,000<br>$912,000<br>$2,160,000 | <br>$1,248,000<br>$900,000<br>. | <br><br><br>$2,160,000 | > | Light meters<br> Vivitar<br> Kodak<br>  小計 | <br>$1,500,000<br>$1,610,000<br>$3,110,000 | <br>$1,380,000<br>$1,890,000<br>$3,270,000 | <br>$1,380,000<br>$1,610,000<br>. | <br><br><br>$3,110,000 | > | Total | $5,370,000 | $5,430,000 | $5,138,000 | $5,270,000 | Adjusting: > $5,370,000 - $5,138,000 = $232,000 > | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | -------- | -------- | -------- | > | Cost of goods sold<br> Allowance to reduce inventory to market<br> (備抵存貨跌價損失) | $232,000<br><br>. | <br>$232,000<br>. | ### 6. Estimate inventory - Gross profit method 1. Step 1 - 計算正常銷貨毛利率 使用過去資料(非本期) $正常銷貨毛利率 = \dfrac{Net\ sales - Cost\ of\ goods\ sold}{Net\ sales}$ 1. Step 2 - 估計**本期**銷貨毛利 $本期\ gross\ profit = 本期\ Net\ sales × 正常銷貨毛利率$ 1. Step 3 - 估計**本期** Cost of goods sold $本期\ Cost\ of\ goods\ sold = 本期\ Net\ sales - 本期\ gross\ profit$ 1. Step 4 - 估計**本期** Ending inventory $本期\ Ending\ inventory$ $= Beginning\ inventory + Net\ Purchases + FreightIn - 本期\ Cost\ of\ goods\ sold$ - 可將 Step 2 & Step 3 合併 $本期\ Cost\ of\ goods\ sold = 本期\ Net\ sales × (1 - 正常銷貨毛利率)$ 以課本 p.6-41 的 P6.10 為例: - a. 計算 2 月份銷貨毛利率: - $Cost\ of\ goods\ sold$ $= Beginning\ inventory + Net\ purchases + FreightIn - Ending\ inventory$ $= 4,500 + 197,800 + 2,900 - 25,200 = 180,000$ - $正常銷貨毛利率$ $= \dfrac{Net\ sales - Cost\ of\ goods\ sold}{Net\ sales} = \dfrac{300,000 - 180,000}{300,000} = \dfrac{120,000}{300,000} = 40\%$ - b. - 計算 3 月份 Ending inventory → 直接合併 Step 2 & Step 3 本期 gross profit = 3 月 Net Sales ×(1 - 2 月份銷貨毛利率) = 260,000 ×(1 - 40%) = 156,000 - 計算 3 月份火災損失 3 月 Begining inventory + 3 月 Net purchases + 3 月 Freight-In - 3 月估計 Cost of goods sold = 25,200 + 191,000 + 4,000 - 156,000 = 64,200 3 月份火災損失 = 64,200 × 70% = 44,940 ### 7. 存貨錯誤 / Effects of inventory errors(p.6-13) $Begining\ inventory + Cost\ of\ goods\ purchased - Ending\ inventory$ $= Cost\ of\ goods\ sold$ $(BI + P - EI = CGS)$ - 假設 Ending inventory 被低估 (在此假設只有本期被低估,次期的 Ending inventory 是正確的) | 對 Income Statement 影響 | 對 Statement of Financial Position 影響 | | - | - | | 本期:<br>BI + P - EI<span style="color: red">↓</span> = CGS<span style="color: red">↑</span><br>Sales revenues - CGS<span style="color: red">↑</span> = Gross profit<span style="color: red">↓</span><br><br>Gross profit<span style="color: red">↓</span> - operating expenses + non-operation income - non-operating expenses = Net income<span style="color: red">↓</span> | 本期:<br>Current asset 中的 Inventory(EI)<span style="color: red">↓</span><br><br>Retained earnings<span style="color: red">↓</span> | | 下期:<br>BI<span style="color: red">↓</span> + P - EI = CGS<span style="color: red">↓</span><br>Sales revenues - CGS<span style="color: red">↓</span> = Gross profit<span style="color: red">↑</span><br><br>Gross profit<span style="color: red">↑</span> - operating expenses + non-operation income - non-operating expenses = Net income<span style="color: red">↑</span> | 下期:<br>Current asset 中的 Inventory(EI)<span style="color: red">正確</span><br><br>Retained earnings <span style="color: red">不影響</span> | 以課本 p.6-36 的 E6.4 為例 - a. > | | 2019 | 2020 | > | - | ---: | ---: | > | Sales | $2,100,000 | $2,500,000 | > | Cost of goods sold<br> Beginning inventory<br> Cost of goods purchases | <br>320,000<br>1,730,000 | <br><span style="color: red">500,000</span><br>2,040,000 | > | . Cost of goods available for sale<br> Ending inventory(<span style="color: red">440,000+60,000</span>) | 2,050,000<br><span style="color: red">500,000</span> | 2,540,000<br>520,000 | > | .  Cost of goods sold | 1,550,000 | 2,020,000 | > | Gross profit | $550,000 | $480,000 | - b. - Incorrect: $2019\ Gross\ profit + 2020\ Gross\ profit = 490,000 + 540,000 = 1,030,000$ - Correct: $2019\ Gross\ profit + 2020\ Gross\ profit = 550,000 + 480,000 = 1,030,000$ ## Chapter 7 - Fraud, Internal control and Cash ### 1. Fraud / 舞弊(p.7-3) ### 2. Internal control / 內部控制(p.7-3) 完善 Internal control 可以降低 Fraud 發生機率 ### 3. Principles of internal control activities(p.7-4) (本節自己看) --- > [color=red][time=2020, 12, 28, Monday] ### 4. Cash receipts control(p.7-11) - 用收銀機收現 - 隨收、隨記、隨存 ### 5. 現金支出內部控制 - 管錢不管帳,管帳不管錢 - 除了小額支付採用零用金(petty cash),一律用支票給付 - 定期編銀行調節表(Bank reconciliation) ### 6. Control Features of a Bank Account(p.7-18) 1. 銀行對帳單(Bank statement)(p.7-20) 2. 銀行與公司帳不同的原因 - 銀行:銀行對帳單當期期末餘額 - 公司帳:公司現金帳期末餘額 1. 公司已記,銀行未記 1. 在途存款(deposit in transit) 每月最後一個營業日 1. 在外流通支票(outstanding checks) 公司已開立支票但持票人尚未存入銀行 1. 銀行已記,公司未記 編好銀行調節表後,公司要做調整分錄 1. 銀行代收(bank collection) 1. Interest revenue 1. Service charge(銀行服務費) 例:印空白支票費用、數鈔費 1. EFT(Electronic Fund Transfer) 例:銀行代付水電費(直接從公司存款扣除) 1. NSF(Not-Sufficient Fund) ### 7. 銀行調節表 1. 銀行對帳單餘額 → 正確餘額 ← 公司現金帳餘額 - 銀行對帳單餘額 → 正確餘額 1. 銀行未記、公司已記 1. 銀行錯誤 - 正確餘額 ← 公司現金帳餘額 1. 公司未記、銀行已記 1. 公司錯誤 - 以課本 p.7-41 P7.4 為例 - 項目調整 1. Service charge / 服務費用:-C 1. The bank collected / 銀行代收:+C 1. Receipts not included [or] Deposits in transit / 在途存款:+B 1. Incorrectly entered / 公司記錄錯誤:±C 1. Checks outstanding / 在外流通支票:-B 1. NSF charge / 支票跳票:-C - a. > | | Keeds Company<br>Bank reconciliation<br>July 31, 2020 | | > | - | :-: | -: | > | Cash balance per bank statement<br>Add: Deposit in transit | | $7,690.8<br>1,193.3 | > | <br>Less: Outstanding checks | | 8,884.1<br>1,860.1 | > | Adjusted cash balance per **bank** | | <span style="color: red">**$7,024**</span> | > | | | | > | Cash balance per books<br>Add: Electronic funds transfer received | | $6,140<br>1,520 | > | <br>Less: Bank service charge<br>   Error in recording check No.2480<br>   NSF | | 7,660<br>$25    <br>36    <br>575   636 | > | Adjusted cash balance per **books** | | <span style="color: red">**$7,024**</span> | - b. > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 7/31<br>. | Cash<br> Account receivable | $1,520<br>. | <br>$1,520 | > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 7/31<br>. | Bank charge expense<br> Cash | $25<br>. | <br>$25 | > | Date | Account Titles and Explanation | Debit | Credit | > | - | - | -: | -: | > | 7/31<br>. | Account payable<br> Cash | $36<br>. | <br>$36 | 1. 銀行對帳單餘額 → 公司現金帳餘額 1. 公司現金帳餘額 → 銀行對帳單餘額 ## 期末考統整 > [color=red][time=2020, 01, 11, Monday] ### 買賣業的記帳:永續 Perpetual vs. 定期 Periodic | 項目 | Perpetual | Periodic | | - | - | - | | 購貨貨物 | Inventory | Purchase | | 購貨運費 | Inventory | Freight-in | | <span style="color: red">售貨運費</span> | <span style="color: red">Freight-out</span> | <span style="color: red">Freight-out</span> | | 售貨成本 | Cost of goods sold<br> Inventory | ╳ | | 售貨退貨 | Inventory<br> Cost of goods sold | ╳ | | 購貨退貨 | Inventory | Pusrchase returns & allowances | | 購貨折扣 | Inventory | Pusrchase discounts |