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EPF Week 4 Update 5

Hi there Agnish here. Last 2 weeks have been pretty hectic for me. Most of it was consumed because of some family urgencies. However, I managed to cover up some decent portions of Verkle tries for both the Nimbus client in the Nim programming language and for Hyperledger Besu in Java (with the crypto primitives in Rust)

Studied the fundamental difference between Bandersnatch and Banderwagon and how Banderwagon specifically solves the cofactor issue of the Twisted Edwards representation of Bandersnatch curve. We can find it here and read more about it. Most of these blogs are by Ignacio or Kev.

Apart from this I attended a call with the Nimbus Team working on Verkle Tries. Went through Mamy's repo on Constantine, a constant-time crypto library in Nim. I took some time and dug deeper into codebase, because I've been previously working on the Inner Product Arguments implementation in Nim.

Additionally, got myself added to the Nimbus verkle repo, as a collaborator to start work on the Verkle Trie library.

Also, had some significant discussions on to go about with the Besu implementation of Verkle Tries, on Telegram and scheduled a call with on the follwing week, with Karim Taam from the Besu team and Only Dust who've taken up work of integrating Besu with the Java library for the same.