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EPF Week 6 Update 7
Vector Commitments for Multipoint: Intro
Basic Refresher
Monomial Basis
A polynomial can be represented in different bases, one of which is the monomial basis. In the monomial basis, a polynomial of degree is expressed as:
To evaluate the at a specific point , we simply substitute t_0 into the polynomial and perform the assigned mathematical operations.
For example, if we have the polynomial and we want to evaluate it at , then:
Polynomial Interpolation
Polynomial interpolation is the task of finding a polynomial that fits a set of points for . The central idea is to find a Polynomial of degree at most that passes through these points.
Lagrange Interpolation
Given distinct points and their corresponding -values , the Lagrange interpolation is defined as:
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The Lagrange interpolation polynomial is unique and hence, passes through all the given points.
Barycentric Lagrange Interpolation
The barycentric form of the Lagrange Interpolation is a numerically stable and computationally efficient representation of the Lagrange polynomial. The barycentric form of the Lagrange polynomial is:
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where and is the derivative of the -th Lagrange Basis polynomial evaluated at .
As an example, let us consider a simple example where we want to interpolate a function at three points using Barycentric interpolation.
First, we would need to choose our data points. For , these would be:
Step 1: Computing the Barycentric weights
The barycentric weights are computed using the Lagrange basis polynomials . However, for the case of equally spaced -values (or in simple cases), they can often be computed more efficiently.
For example, using (three points, so ).
that will be undefined
Note that for , it's undefined because the term would be zero, from the Lagrangian basis formula. However, in the case of distinct -values, this situation should not arise. Since all the -values are distinct here, there should not be a 0 denominator.
On plugging these values on the Barycentric Lagrange Interpolation formula we get the following:
After more simplification, we get this
If we evaluate at say, , we should get , which matches
This is a simple example, but it demonstrates the basic steps of Barycentric Lagrange Interpolation. The real power of barycentric form becomes evident in more complex, higher degree functions with interpolations.
The concept of representing vectors in a monomial basis can be explored from both algebraic and computational perspectives. Here are the 2 major forms in which both are usually represented…
Coefficient Forms in a Monomial Basis
In algebra, the coefficient form of a polynomial is its representation as a linear combination of monomials. A monomial basis is a set of monomials , which serves as the "building blocks" for polynomials of degree or less.
In this form, a polynomial of degree is represented as
Here, the coefficients are the coordinates of in the vector space spanned by the monomial basis. This representation allows us to work with the polynomial using the coefficients, which are stored as a vector .
Evaluation Forms in a Monomial Basis
In the evaluation form, we view a polynomial through the lens of it's values at distinct points . Each of these values can be computed using the polynomial's expression in the monomial basis.
By evaluating at these distinct points, we obtain a vector
Conversion between Coefficient and Evaluation forms
Coefficient to Evaluation
The process of converting from the coefficient form to the evaluation form involves substituting each into and computing the result. This can be computationally intensive, with a naive implementation in time. However, specialized algorithms like the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) can do this more effieciently, in time, when the evaluation points are roots of unity.
Evaluation to Coefficient
Conversely, going from evaluation form to coefficient form requires solving a interpolation problem. Given points, that are, , we wish to find the unique polynomial of degree or less that passes through these points. One classic approach is Lagrange interpolation as I stated before.
Apart from this, specialized algorithms like Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) can perform this conversion efficiently when the evaluation points are roots of unity.