# GNOME Design Calls ## 31 August 2022 ### Topics * Quick settings style tweaks * Settings priorities for 44 * 44 planning * Redesign other locations - [app-mockups#61](https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Design/app-mockups/-/issues/61) * Background apps - [os-mockups#153](https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Design/os-mockups/-/issues/153) * It's a bit unclear where we landed with this. I think that I wanted to drop the whole dialog, but Tobias wanted to explore something else? ### Notes Portals * Portals design priorities * Global shortcut portal * Camera portal * Device portal * Removing static permissions - for pulseaudio, devices * Opportunities to improve file system permissions? * Siloed app folders? * Flexible folder permissions? [gnome-music#69](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-music/-/issues/69) * How to move away from the XDG folders? [nautilus#577](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/nautilus/-/issues/577) Quick settings style tweaks * Things that have been discussed previously 1. Corner radii on popovers. It's higher for the quick settings than the other popovers, but making it consistent leads to issues elsewhere. Needs further changes elsewhere. Unclear whether people will notice the inconsistency or not. 2. Toggle button height [gnome-shell#5792](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/issues/5792). Also ties into issue 4. 3. Complaints about strings getting cut off - [gnome-shell#5770](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/issues/5770). Increasing button width could help with this, combined with reducing padding so not to inflate the size 4. Apparently there are other complains regarding the height of the menu, particularly 1366x768. Uneven horizontal/vertical spacing might be to blame? * **Actions** * Allan to organise a single issue to track the various potential style changes * Sam to present potential changes Settings priorities for 44 * [Initiatives/Settings](https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Design/initiatives/-/boards?label_name[]=Settings) * Navigation changes are the biggest ones * Removable Media and Default Apps are fairly straightforward * Color is harder. Splitting it out into a hidden app seems like the easiest course at this point. Cassidy isn't convinced about the case for splitting out Color - these are integrated hardware settings, there are * **Actions** * Allan to talk to Richard and Bastien about ways forward for the colour panel