# ZK WASM Hacking notes
## Links
- [Tech setup](https://hackmd.io/xlfXSX0qQGe2npk4S0Kf3A?view)
- Test files https://github.com/akashin/zkwasm/tree/main/data
- Generated ZK ASM: https://github.com/near/wasmtime/tree/zkasm-hackaton/cranelift/data
## Investigations
- https://github.com/near/nearcore/issues/9531
## Refactoring/Features
- https://github.com/near/nearcore/issues/9529
### Example module
WASM Module
(import "env" "assert_eq" (func $assert_eq (param i32) (param i32)))
(func $main
(local $counter i32)
(local.set $counter (i32.const 0))
(local.set $counter
(local.get $counter)
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 1
(local.get $counter)
(i32.const 10)
(br 0)
(local.get $counter)
(i32.const 10)
call $assert_eq)
(start $main))
Corresponding Cranelift IR
; Selected as wasm start function
function u0:1(i32 vmctx) fast {
sig0 = (i32, i32, i32 vmctx) fast
fn0 = u0:0 sig0
block0(v0: i32):
@0034 v2 = iconst.i32 0
@003a jump block3(v2) ; v2 = 0
block3(v3: i32):
@003e v4 = iconst.i32 1
@0040 v5 = iadd v3, v4 ; v4 = 1
@0045 v6 = iconst.i32 10
@0047 v7 = icmp eq v5, v6 ; v6 = 10
@0047 v8 = uextend.i32 v7
@0048 brif v8, block2, block5
v13 = iconst.i32 1
v14 = iadd.i32 v3, v13 ; v13 = 1
@004a jump block3(v14)
v10 = iconst.i32 1
v11 = iadd.i32 v3, v10 ; v10 = 1
v12 = iconst.i32 10
@0052 call fn0(v11, v12, v0) ; v12 = 10
@0054 jump block1
@0054 return
Cranelift ZK ASM output
zkPC + 2 => RR
SP + 1 => SP
0 + 0 => A
0 + 1 => B
$ => A :ADD
0 + 10 => B
$ => B :EQ
B :JMPNZ(L1_3)
0 + 10 => B
$ => RR :MLOAD(SP)
SP - 1 => SP
${beforeLast()} :JMPN(finalizeExecution)
WASM transpiler ZK ASM output
SP - 1 => SP
$ => A: MLOAD(SP)
SP - 1 => SP
$ => B: MLOAD(SP)
$ => A :ADD
SP - 1 => SP
$ => A: MLOAD(SP)
SP - 1 => SP
$ => B: MLOAD(SP)
${beforeLast()} :JMPN(finalizeExecution)
### Authoring backend
- Implement `ZK::isa_builder`
- Implement `ZKBackend` and wrap it
- Implement `compile::compile<ZKBackend>`
- Implement `create_reg_env`
This is relatively simple.
- Implement `MachInstEmit`
Also looks relatively simple
- Implement `AArch64MachineDeps`
This looks like ABI that ISA provides, so a translation for some common ops
10-20 methods, all nicely documented, so shouldn't be a big problem
- Implement `Inst` pretty-printer
2. Find an interpreter
- Compile it to WASM/Cranelift
- Produce small/efficient ZK ASM out of it
## Done
- [x] Fix warnings
- [x] Make sure that CTX register is not clobbered
- [x] Why do we use `C` as intermediate in `2 + 3 => C, C => A` be?
- [x] Add function calls
- [x] Add global label numbering
- [x] Fix CMP implementation
- [x] Fix useless `C => E` call, clobber?
- [x] Decrease number of registers needed for counters.wat
- [x] Fix negative number offsets
- [x] Fix stack shifting size
- [x] Add indentation for anything but labels
- [x] Fix stack growth direction
- [x] Fix +SMTH numbers
- [x] Rewrite STORE similar to LOAD
- [x] Run `cargo fmt`
- [x] Fix register naming
- [x] Add zkasm preamble
- [x] Understand why we need stack pushing
- [x] CALL: Only handle ASSERT
- [x] Understand why we use stack allocations
- [x] Do we need a frame pointer?
- [x] LOAD instruction integer formatting
- [x] Rename Addi instruction
- [x] Fix storing values to stack
- [x] Fix loading values from stack
- [x] Adjust stack size
- [x] Implement Mov
- [x] Simonas: Int32
- [x] Andrei: Sink put_data
- [X] Leo: Complete TODOs with println
- [x] Copy RiscV backend as a blueprint
- [x] TODO(akashin): Look into ZK ASM code generation
- Seems a bit complicated https://gist.github.com/akashin/d6f1dcafeb496029b456bed5700ea9f4
- https://github.com/0xPolygonHermez/zkasmcom/blob/main/src/compiler.js
- [X] Give access to zkwasm repo https://github.com/akashin/zkwasm
- [X] Fork wasmtime https://github.com/near/wasmtime
- [X] Update wasmtime to latest