**Rough Agenda** * What are we doing today? * Review of what we did, where we landed. * Review HackMD with everyone's responses to 9 questions * Goal was to get in the practice of talking about the pieces of the product across functions * Un-asked / Un-answered questions? --- **The 9 Questions** So we have was a dev team finished an arduous round of discussions and understanding each other to come to our answers to 9 product questions found in https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T340234 and repeated below, along with the answers from across the team. It became clear through the course of this exercise that we are both answering "how things are now" as we are answering "how we'd like things to be". It is maybe 85% the first and 15% the later. Being able to answer these questions in terms of what currently is, especially when comparing the respones across the team, I think is serving some important "same-paging" for us as a team as much about how we talk about these things as much as about product decisions. Below I set the respones of Jon, Mónica, and the Engineering Team's together for reflection and further same-paging as a whole team. I am taking some liberties here in flattening and paraphrasing the responses a bit (ref ticket for full responses): **Product Q&A, round 1:** 1) Do we release and support our Docker Compose example configuration as a valid basis for a production configuration? * Jon: Yes, we want this. * Mónica: Yes, we probably want this but curious if user are really asking for this? * Engineers: Yes, we want this. 2) Do we release and support in some way to officially upgrade our Docker Compose example configuration? * Jon: Yes, through information the user of changes. * Mónica: Yes, if we forsee our Example configuration changing at a different pace than our Docker Images. * Engineers: Yes, via documentation and maybe eventually additionally an optional path for upgrading automatically. 3) Do we release and support our Docker Images to be utilised outside of our provided "example" configuration? * Jon: Unsure, unclear on question -- Release probably yes, but maybe not support for every conceivable configuration. * Mónica: Maybe, but hesitant to commit to support any configuration. * Engineers: Yes. We support users in deploying WBS to production. We provide an Example configuration that is guaranteed to work. However, we acknowledge that production configurations are highly specific and adjustments are necessary. 4) Do we release and support our Docker Images to be utilised independent of each other? (e.g. QuickStatements or WDQS Images used against a non-Docker Wikibase installation, or vice versa) * Jon: No, explicitly supporting this could be distracting from other priorities. * Mónica: Yes. * Engineers: Yes, Docker Images are separate by design, however we don't at this time explicitly support using the WBS images in a mix with other services. We provide an Example of how to us the WBS images together. 5) Do we release and support our Docker Images to work only together all at the same version, or can Images be upgraded independently of each other? * Jon: No. * Mónica: Yes. * Engineers: No, or Maybe for patch and minor releases? 6) Do we support and/or recommend "local" testing using the example Wikibase Suite configuration to try it out? * Jon: No. * Mónica: Yes. * Engineers: Yes. We regard this as critical for evaluation. 7) Do we release a "vanilla" MediaWiki + Wikibase Image? * Jon: No. * Mónica: No. * Engineers: No. We will deprecate the "base" Wikibase Docker Image ([wikibase/wikibase](https://hub.docker.com/r/wikibase/wikibase)) in preference to releasing only Wikibase Bundle ([wikibase/wikibase-bundle](https://hub.docker.com/r/wikibase/wikibase-bundle)). 8) Do we provide an optional reverse proxy service and configuration in the Example? * Jon: Undecided. On Product Decision Sheet as "pending". * Mónica: Yes. * Engineers: Yes. 9) Do we maintain a "basic" and "extra" Docker Compose configuration in our Example, or only one configuration with comments and notes on how to selectively disable services not wanted or used? * Jon: Single file is fine / good. * Mónica: Single file is fine / good. * Engineers: One docker-compose.yml file.