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The grand list of unaddressed community issues with Stellaris

Issue Severity Examples Known since
End Game performance is extremely poor Severe 1, 2, 3 Le Guin
Despite the hard work of Paradox QA, there's still a strong feeling of a lack of quality assurance, and new DLC or updates not always being up to par Severe 1, 2 Le Guin
Despite the hard work from devs and Community Management, there's still a strong feeling of a lack of communication from Paradox about these issues Severe 1, 2 Le Guin
End Game/Crisis AI is too passive to plain broken, not doing anything Major 1, 2 Unknown
Sector AI does poor optimisation Major 1, 2, 3 Le Guin
AI has very poor fleet positioning (keeping fleet in Starport, not building deathstacks, suiciding) Major 1 Game launch
AI makes poor choices in building buildings/Economy AI is poor Major 1, 2, 3 Game launch
Multiplayer players sometimes experience desyncs Major 1, 2, 3 Unknown
Key rebindings are unavailble, very annoying for players with non Qwerty keyboards Moderate 1, 2 Game launch
No colourblindness mode Moderate 1 Game launch
Game is not accessible for those of poor sight Moderate 1 Game launch
Random templates spawning and orphaned fleets Moderate 1 Game launch
Several Launcher issues (though these are known by Paradox) Moderate 1, 2 Lee
AI declares wars it cannot win Moderate 1 Unknown
Game is too sensitive to snowballing and a defeated AI cannot recover Moderate 1 Game launch
After the early to mid game, even on the hardest difficulty other AI cannot keep up with the player Moderate 1, 2 Game launch
Midgame is boring Moderate 1 Game launch
Tech cost, Unity, relative strength, and weapon damage/hull/armor/shield can overflow (extra prevalent for mods) Moderate 1 Game launch
Game has too much focus on pop growth Moderate 1 Le Guin
A lot of civics and traits feel without personality, not affecting the game in major way beyond being boring stat modifiers Moderate 1 Game launch
Automated ship template AI is extremely suboptimal, often choosing subpar builds Moderate 1 Lee
Hive minds feel lackluster Moderate 1 Le Guin
Machine Empires are unbalanced compared to normal empires (too strong) Moderate 1, 2 Le Guin
Fleets sometimes stop shooting for no real reason Moderate 1 Unknown
Massive unemployment after psionic or cybernetic ascenscion Moderate 1 Le Guin
Version mismatches are common Moderate 1 Le Guin
Strikecraft don't get their bonuses applied properly and are underpowered Moderate 1, 2 Unknown
No frequent patches and patches are bound to DLC Moderate 1 Unknown
Enemies can use gateway when system is occupied Moderate 1, 2 Unknown
Fleet battles are very hands-off Moderate 1, 2 Unknown
Long load time from launcher to ingame Moderate 1 Unknown
Prethoryn Scourge nonfunctional due to slow infestation Moderate 1 Unknown
Precursor Imbalance and Static Outcomes Moderate 1 Unknown
Job weights have to be hardcoded into the job and cannot be coded into Trait modifiers Moderate 1, 2 Unknown
has_monthly_income condition is always one month outdated Minor 1 Unknown
Initial democratic leaders disappear after losing an election Minor 1 Le Guin
Gene modding is too strong. With two gene-modding points, you can create every combination of species Minor 1 Game launch
Pop migration is completely unimportant as a mechanic as soon as you can afford to manually migrate pops Minor 1 Le Guin
Manual pop migration is a lot of work to micromanage Minor 1, 2, 3 Le Guin
No direct control over jobs assignment, and job assignment AI is sometimes inefficient Minor 1 Le Guin
Jobs AI heavily favors efficient processor trait Minor 1 Le Guin
Species overview doesn't perform/crashes when there's too many species Minor 1 Le Guin
Defense platforms are useless in the late-game and require too much micro Minor 1 Unknown
Too much tracking on Battleship L turret Minor 1 Unknown
Point defense always targets strike craft over missiles Minor 1 Unknown
Pops never decline from overpopulation Minor 1 Lee
Great Khan/Awakened Empires/Crisis are underpowered in fleet strength Minor 1 Le Guin
Purges are too slow for Contingency/Scourge Minor 1 Le Guin
Robot Assembly is forgotten and cannot choose not to assemble specific robots Minor 1 Le Guin
Synth Species Rights are broken Minor 1 Le Guin
Assimilation of main species instantly reverts back to citizen rights Minor 1 Le Guin
Launcher requires Steam to run Minor 1 Lee
Strike craft have been simplified away from Fighters/Bombers Minor 1 Lee
Upgraded buildings must be repaired before being demolished Minor 1 Le Guin
Localisation issues for hive minds (referring to them as individuals) Minor 1 Banks
Current leading strategy is Battleship spam Minor 1 Banks
Lategame strategy for Tech-heavy empires is spamming repeatable tech Minor 1 Lee
Lategame strategy for Tech-heavy empires is spamming repeatable tech Minor 1 Game launch
Pop ethics shifting is broken Minor 1 Game launch
Equal war exhaustion for all ship types, making corvettes non-viable and smaller countries vulnerable Minor 1, 2 Game launch
Peace options very simplified Minor 1 Game launch
Few interactions with populations besides seeing some numbers change Minor 1 Game launch
Threat isn't visible Minor 1 Game launch
Force disparity doesn't properly work Minor 1 Game launch
Odd modding contexts Minor 1 Game launch
Game has, as all Paradox games, still no real reason do to anything else than Total War. AI also treats this as such Minor 1 Game launch
Forced Status Quo Minor 1 Game launch
No notification that fleets have arrived at target Minor 1 Game launch
Cannot hotkey idle ships Minor 1 Game launch
No notification that fleets have arrived at target Minor 1 Game launch
Cannot hotkey idle ships Minor 1 Game launch
Machine Empires cannot vassalize genocidal machine empires (they should be able to) Minor 1 Le Guin
Scourge is buggy around habitats Minor 1 Unknown
Armies disappear from outlier in lategame Minor 1 Unknown
Game is too deterministic Minor 1 Unknown
Cannot designate what planets go into sector Minor 1 Unknown
Sector Management feels clunky, cannot designate planets to sectors Minor 1,2 Le Guin
Lack of empire interactions beyond very basic diplomacy, no espionage mechanics Minor 1 Game Launch
All Unbidden stations count as Dimensional Anchors Minor 1 Le Guin
No easy way to see strategic resources Minor 1 Le Guin
Fleet target finding on Passive is not intuitive Minor 1 Game launch
Fleet reinforcements should coordinate arrival time Minor 1 Game launch
Lack of cosmetics for machine empires Minor 1 Game launch
No sorting or search in outlier Minor 1 Game launch
Fleet power sometimes arbitrarily reduced Minor 1 Lee
Megacorps do not have access to regular civics Minor 1 Le Guin
AI never terraforms Minor 1 Unknown
Some precursors are a lot more rare than others Minor 1 Unknown
Big scaling difference in precursor rewards Minor 1 Unknown
Some precursors that offer no benefit to the player empire may appear Minor 1 Unknown
Dig sites may appear in unreachable locations or not at all Minor 1 Unknown
Too much micro building stations Minor 1 Game Launch
Event spawned ships have no piracy suppression Minor 1 Unknown
Lack of traditions Minor 1, 2, 3, 4 Game Launch
Calculation cost of alloys is sometimes incorrect Minor 1 Unknown
Too high density empies makes missions impossible Minor 1 Game Launch
Specialization in resources makes single-planet rebellions very weak Minor 1 Le Guin
Lack of different crisises Minor 1 Game Launch
Slaves on Galactic Market are always selected individually, which is tedious Minor 1 Le Guin
Cannot reorganize the Planets/Fleets in the tab Minor 1 Game Launch
Timed planet modifiers don't count down when applied to uninhabitable planet classes Minor 1 Unknown
Tile blockers that grant pops always grant primary species pops Minor 1 Unknown
No detail on the impact on Empire Sprawl from individual sectors Minor 1 Le Guin
Cannot transfer entire sector via diplomacy, has to go planet-by-planet Minor 1 Game launch
Lack of variety in technology and everyone will unlock almost everything always given enough time Minor 1 Game launch
Transport fleets are babysitted from actual fleets Minor 1 Game launch
Planetary specialisation is required very early in planet development Minor 1 Unknown
Cannot set a long-term build order for planets Minor 1 Game launch
No extra tiers on Exotic Resources buildings Minor 1 Le Guin
No use for Toxic/Molten worlds Minor 1 Game launch
Cannot stop synthetic evolution pops Minor 1 Game launch
No way to sync mods or check checksums with other players Minor 1 Game launch
No way to filter notifications over a longer period Minor 1 Game launch
Ethics shift seems to be non-existant Minor 1 Le Guin
Crime is easily dealt with Minor 1 Le Guin
Last stage of mega art installation requires minor artifacts even if Ancient Relics isn't owned/enabled Minor 1 Lee