As an internal affairs investigator, you are required to meet a quota. The quota may be changed, but of now it is 1 investigation every week. The only exception for an unfulfilled quota is:
Gather all of the evidence provided, if it is sufficient enough to proceed with an investigation, do so. If not, then put it in the 'Dropped Cases' section.
Go into the Discord messages of the employee being investigated, introduce yourself with this, Hello [Employee Rank] [Employee Name], I am [Your Rank] [Your Name]. You are currently under investigation. Do not go on team, or fail to comply. Would you like to know why I am placing you under investigation?
If they say yes, tell them, and show the proof. If they say no, then don't.
Proceed to get a statement regarding them and the proof, if they said no then show them the proof anyways. If they fail to comply with you, be sure to inform a head investigator+.
Use your judgment to give a fair punishment.
End the investigation and put it in archived cases, and use the format.
Note: If it is a first time offense, don't be too harsh on them. If it is a second time offense, be more harsh. If it is a third time offense and they have not learnt from the first 3, give them the harshest punishment you can.
All cases are classified and must not be released to ANYONE outside the Human Resources divison unless with permission from the Supervisor of Administration, the Board of Directors for purposes of board hearings, and the high command.
At no time should 4 stikes be issued from one investigation. 3 max.
Administrative actions can be issued in combination
Warning | Minor violations
1 Strike | General violations
2 Strikes | Major violations
3 Strikes | Repeat offenses, charged or convicted of a misdemeanor
Suspension | Repeat offenses, 2 prior strikes, charged convicted of a high misdemeanor. Decide length (1-14 days) based on severity
Termination | Violating the handbook while holding 3 or more strikes, deemed rogue or unfit for duty, or holding a felonious record
Investigations Director:
This rank is given to the top two people of the rank succession in the Internal Affairs (Administrative EB, Internal Affairs Supervisor). They are permitted to do everything former ranks are able to do and authorize investigations on another member of the Executive Board+.
Head Investigator:
Appointed by the Internal Affairs Supervisor, the Head Investigator may authorize cases to commence, and approve suggested action upon termination of an investigation.
Senior Investigator
Senior Investigators have minor authority over Investigators and Junior Investigators, they may authorize investigations to being, but cannot approve any disciplinary action.
The base rank within Internal Affairs. Investigators may initiate investigations on Junior State Employees, State Employees, and Senior State Employees.
Investigations upon a Supervisor must be conducted by a Senior Investigator, and investigations upon Executive Board+ must be brought to one of the Investigations Directors.
Junior Investigator
A brand new Investigator brought into the Internal Affairs division. They are kept under close watch, and when on their Junior Investigator period, they are treated as "Probationary" within the division, and the division only. Furthermore, they may not conduct any investigation unless give authorization from the Investigation Directors.
All investigations are to be authorized accordingly. An investigation upon a Junior State Employee, State Employee, Senior State Employee, or Supervisor may be authorized by the Head Investigator. Investigations brought upon a member of the Executive Board, Deputy Director, or Director must be authorized by one of the Investigations Directors.
Strike Appeals:
Strike appeals may be read by Investigators and authorized by Senior Investigators+ only.
Suspension Appeals
Suspension appeals may be read by Investigators and authorized by the Head Investigator+.
Termination Appeals
Termination appeals may be read by Investigators and authorized by the Investigations Directors.
Under no circumstance may a Junior Investigator issue any of the above
Section II - Department Standards, 1. Department Policies, d. Weapon Policy, i.,
To cite any sections of the handbook in narrative, first start off with "Employee Handbook". After that, include the section, then subsections, and so on.
Employee Handbook: Section II, Subsection 1d(i)
To cite any sections of the handbook in short, first start off with the section in the handbook, followed by a space, then "E.B." (that stands for "Employee Handbook". After that, include the subsections, subsubsections, points, and so on.
2 E.B. §1d(i)