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OS 2020 HW2 Nachos Report


System Call

先按照作業的說明操作,在製作sleep list的時候若能依照起床時間排序將會省事不少。

CPU Scheduling


threads/ :

main(int argc, char **argv)
    int i;
    char *debugArg = "";

    // before anything else, initialize the debugging system
    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
        if (strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0) {
            ASSERT(i + 1 < argc);   // next argument is debug string
            debugArg = argv[i + 1];
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-u") == 0) {
            cout << "Partial usage: nachos [-z -d debugFlags]\n";
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-z") == 0) {
            cout << copyright;

    debug = new Debug(debugArg);

    DEBUG(dbgThread, "Entering main");

    kernel = new KernelType(argc, argv);

    CallOnUserAbort(Cleanup);           // if user hits ctl-C


    return 0;

從這邊可以看到debug flag的選擇以及其他執行選項的選擇都在此處理,因此將scheduling的選擇也放在此處理感覺是個合理的選項。至於如何把選擇的結果傳給scheduler則是另一個問題。這邊先看到debug是一個明顯的選擇後傳遞資訊的部分,這是利用一個全域變數在做資訊的傳遞,因為debug的顯示部分相對其他結構是比較獨立的,所以在這邊並沒有太大的問題。但如果傳遞資訊給scheduler也使用這種方法可能就造成全域變數的混亂,因此感覺最有可能的方式是透過kernel->Initialize()帶入參數。修改/threads/ :

main(int argc, char **argv)
    int i;
    char *debugArg = "";
    SchedulerType scheType = RR;
    // before anything else, initialize the debugging system
    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
        if (strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0) {
            ASSERT(i + 1 < argc);   // next argument is debug string
            debugArg = argv[i + 1];
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-u") == 0) {
            cout << "Partial usage: nachos [-z -d debugFlags]\n";
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-z") == 0) {
            cout << copyright;
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-sche") == 0) {
            ASSERT(i + 1 < argc);   // next argument is scheduler type string

            if (strcmp(argv[i + 1], "RR") == 0) {
                cout << "Using Round Robin now." << endl;
                scheType = RR;
            } else if (strcmp(argv[i + 1], "FCFS") == 0) {
                cout << "Using First-Come-First-Service now." << endl;
                scheType = FCFS;
            } else if (strcmp(argv[i + 1], "SJF") == 0) {
                cout << "Using Shortest-Job-First now." << endl;
                scheType = SJF;
            } else if (strcmp(argv[i + 1], "Priority") == 0) {
                cout << "Using Priority now." << endl;
                scheType = PRIORITY;
            } else {
                cout << "No matching scheduler type! Using Round Robin by default.\n";
                scheType = RR;

    debug = new Debug(debugArg);

    DEBUG(dbgThread, "Entering main");

    kernel = new KernelType(argc, argv);

    CallOnUserAbort(Cleanup);           // if user hits ctl-C


    return 0;

接著因為要實作Priority, SJF, FCFS的關係,必須給每個thread一個priority, CPU burst time, start time的欄位,在threads/thread.h中添加這些member以及他們的get, set method。這邊看到其實Thread裡面還有分成user code和kernel code的使用部分,我認為scheduling應該是屬於kernel code的部分,所以就沒有把這些欄位放在user program那區。

threads/thread.h :

class Thread {

    int getBurstTime() { return burstTime; }
    int getSchePriority() { return schePriority; }
    int getStartTime() { return startTime; }
    void setBurstTime(int x) { burstTime = x; }
    void setStartTime(int x) { startTime = x; }
    void setSchePriority(int x) { schePriority = x; }

    int schePriority;           // the execution priority for the thread
                                // the higher the more important
    int burstTime;              // the CPU burst time of the thread
    int startTime;              // the start time of the thread

// A thread running a user program actually has *two* sets of CPU registers -- 
// one for its state while executing user code, one for its state 
// while executing kernel code.

根據助教指示,在threads/thread.cc中的Thread::SelfTest()加上自己要測試的程式。 :

// SimulateTimeThread
//      Simulate time running causing decrease of the thread's
//      burst time.

static void
    Thread *t = kernel->currentThread;
    while (t->getBurstTime() > 0) {
        t->setBurstTime(t->getBurstTime() - 1); // CPU burst time decrease
        cout << "*** thread " << t->getName() << ": remaining time " << t->getBurstTime() << endl;
        kernel->interrupt->OneTick();           // simulate time (may 
                                                // cause context switch)
// Thread::SelfTest
//      Set up a ping-pong between two threads, by forking a thread 
//      to call SimpleThread, and then calling SimpleThread ourselves.

    DEBUG(dbgThread, "Entering Thread::SelfTest");
    const int thread_num = 3;
    char *name[thread_num] = {"A", "B", "C"};
    int priority[thread_num] = {7, 4, 6};
    int burst[thread_num] = {5, 19, 3};
    int start[thread_num] = {1, 2, 3};

    Thread *t;
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < thread_num; i ++) {
        t = new Thread(name[i]);
        t->Fork((VoidFunctionPtr) SimulateTimeThread, (void *)NULL);


System Call

依照助教指示,在userprog/syscall.h之中定義Sleep的system call number。

userprog/syscall.h :

#define SC_PrintInt     11
#define SC_Sleep        12  // tu added
/* OS HW2
 * Let the thread sleep.
void Sleep(int time);     //tu add


test/start.s :

        .globl ThreadFork
        .ent    ThreadFork
        addiu $2,$0,SC_ThreadFork
        j       $31
        .end ThreadFork

        .globl ThreadYield
        .ent    ThreadYield
        addiu $2,$0,SC_ThreadYield
        j       $31
        .end ThreadYield

        .globl  PrintInt
        .ent    PrintInt
        addiu   $2,$0,SC_PrintInt
        j       $31
        .end    PrintInt

        .globl  Sleep
        .ent    Sleep
        addiu   $2,$0,SC_Sleep
        j       $31
        .end    Sleep


之後在userprog/exception.cc加入Sleep的Exception case。

userprog/ :

                case SC_PrintInt:
                        cout << "Print integer:" <<val << endl;
                case SC_Sleep:
                        cout << "Sleep for " << val << endl;



threads/alarm.h :

#include "thread.h"
    Timer *timer;               // the hardware timer device

    void CallBack();            // called when the hardware
                                // timer generates an interrupt

    class SleepingThread {
            SleepingThread(Thread *t, int x);
            Thread *sleepingT;
            int wakeTime;

    SortedList<SleepingThread *> *sleepSer;
    static int SleepingCompare(SleepingThread *x,
                                 SleepingThread *y);

threads/ :

// SleepingCompare
//      Compare to sleeping threads based on which should wake up first.
SleepingCompare (Alarm::SleepingThread *x, Alarm::SleepingThread *y)
   if (x->wakeTime < y->wakeTime) { return -1; }
   else if (x->wakeTime > y->wakeTime) { return 1; }
   else { return 0; }

// Alarm::Alarm
//      Initialize a software alarm clock.  Start up a timer device
//      "doRandom" -- if true, arrange for the hardware interrupts to 
//              occur at random, instead of fixed, intervals.

Alarm::Alarm(bool doRandom)
    timer = new Timer(doRandom, this);
    // imitate the 'pending' in /code/machine/ Interrupt()
    sleepSer = new SortedList<SleepingThread *>(SleepingCompare);

// Alarm::~Alarm
//      De-allocate the data structures needed by the sleeping thread 
//      simulation, and release the timer.
//      (imitate the '~Interrupt()' in /code/machine/

   delete timer;
   while (!sleepSer->IsEmpty()) {
        delete sleepSer->RemoveFront();
    delete sleepSer;


machine/interrupt.h :

    SortedList<PendingInterrupt *> *pending;

machine/ :

// PendingCompare
//      Compare to interrupts based on which should occur first.

static int
PendingCompare (PendingInterrupt *x, PendingInterrupt *y)
    if (x->when < y->when) { return -1; }
    else if (x->when > y->when) { return 1; }
    else { return 0; }

// Interrupt::Interrupt
//      Initialize the simulation of hardware device interrupts.
//      Interrupts start disabled, with no interrupts pending, etc.

    level = IntOff;
    pending = new SortedList<PendingInterrupt *>(PendingCompare);
    inHandler = FALSE;
    yieldOnReturn = FALSE;
    status = SystemMode;

// Interrupt::~Interrupt
//      De-allocate the data structures needed by the interrupt simulation.

    while (!pending->IsEmpty()) {
        delete pending->RemoveFront();
    delete pending;

// Alarm::SleepingThread::SleepingThread
//      Initializing the information of sleeping thread.
//      Including the thread and its sleeping time.

Alarm::SleepingThread::SleepingThread(Thread *t, int x)
   sleepingT = t;
   wakeTime = x;

在實作Waituntil(int x)的時候遇到一個問題,這個傳入的參數應該是代表幾秒,還是代表interrupt的次數呢?從interrupt.cc之中的SetInterrupt()找到TimerTicks這種東西,同時也找到Schedule(...)這個看起來可以當作提示的method。所以接著看Schedule的實作以及註解。

machine/ :

// Interrupt::Schedule
//      Arrange for the CPU to be interrupted when simulated time
//      reaches "now + when".
//      Implementation: just put it on a sorted list.
//      NOTE: the Nachos kernel should not call this routine directly.
//      Instead, it is only called by the hardware device simulators.
//      "toCall" is the object to call when the interrupt occurs
//      "fromNow" is how far in the future (in simulated time) the 
//               interrupt is to occur
//      "type" is the hardware device that generated the interrupt
Interrupt::Schedule(CallBackObj *toCall, int fromNow, IntType type)
    int when = kernel->stats->totalTicks + fromNow;
    PendingInterrupt *toOccur = new PendingInterrupt(toCall, when, type);

    DEBUG(dbgInt, "Scheduling interrupt handler the " << intTypeNames[type] << " at time = " << when);
    ASSERT(fromNow > 0);


看起來WaitUntil(int x)x到底代表的意義,在這個實作中可以得到回答。從這個實作中看起來,原作者的那個x代表的應該是tick,所以實作WaitUntil(int x)時的邏輯應該與Schedule(...)類似。在執行這個WaitUntil(int x)的時候比較要小心的事情是,不能讓這個method執行到一半被interrupt,這樣可能會錯過起床的時間,也可能導致起床的時間跟原本預期的不同。

threads/ :

// Alarm::WatiUntil
//      Suspend execution until time > now + x
//      This function should not be interrupted.

Alarm::WaitUntil(int x)
   // make sure interrupts were disabled
   IntStatus oriStat = kernel->interrupt->SetLevel(IntOff);

   // get the current thread & calculate wake up time
   Thread *currentT = kernel->currentThread;
   int wakeTick = kernel->stats->totalTicks + x;
   SleepingThread *st = new SleepingThread(currentT, wakeTick);

    cout << "A thread goes to sleep." << endl;
    // let the thread sleep, and put it to the sleeping series
    sleepSer->Insert( st );
    currentT->Sleep(false); // cannot reach the program after it?
    // let the interrupt status as before


threads/ :

// Alarm::CallBack
//      Software interrupt handler for the timer device. The timer device is
//      set up to interrupt the CPU periodically (once every TimerTicks).
//      This routine is called each time there is a timer interrupt,
//      with interrupts disabled.
//      Note that instead of calling Yield() directly (which would
//      suspend the interrupt handler, not the interrupted thread
//      which is what we wanted to context switch), we set a flag
//      so that once the interrupt handler is done, it will appear as 
//      if the interrupted thread called Yield at the point it is 
//      was interrupted.
//      For now, just provide time-slicing.  Only need to time slice 
//      if we're currently running something (in other words, not idle).
//      Also, to keep from looping forever, we check if there's
//      nothing on the ready list, and there are no other pending
//      interrupts.  In this case, we can safely halt.

    Interrupt *interrupt = kernel->interrupt;
    MachineStatus status = interrupt->getStatus();

    // detect if any threads need to wake up
    bool sleepFlag = true;
    ListIterator<SleepingThread *> iter(sleepSer);
        SleepingThread *st = iter.Item();
        if (st->wakeTime <= kernel->stats->totalTicks)
           sleepFlag = false;
           cout << "Thread wake up." << endl;
        else { break; } // because sleepSer is sortedList
    DEBUG(dbgTu, "# elements in sleep serial: " << sleepSer->NumInList())

    if (status == IdleMode && sleepFlag && sleepSer->IsEmpty()) {        // is it time to quit?
        if (!interrupt->AnyFutureInterrupts()) {
            timer->Disable();   // turn off the timer
    } else {                    // there's someone to preempt
        interrupt->YieldOnReturn(); // context switch

CPU Scheduling

首先先修復在/threads/main.cc中修改函式行為所造成的問題。因為kernel之中的Initialize(...)這個method有了新的參數,因此要去kernel之中增加新的method。先觀察一下這個kernel的型別,發現他屬於KernelType *。而KernelType又在/threads/main.h之中有定義。

threads/main.h :

#include "netkernel.h"
#define KernelType NetKernel
class NetKernel;
#include "userkernel.h"
#define KernelType UserProgKernel
class UserProgKernel;
#include "kernel.h" // THREADS
#define KernelType ThreadedKernel
class ThreadedKernel;

問題是只看/threads/main.h沒辦法知道到底是哪一個Kernel,所以我直接make,看error message應該就可以知道了。

error message :


../threads/ error: no matching function for call to ‘ThreadedKernel::Initialize(SchedulerType&)’
../threads/ note: candidate is:
In file included from ../threads/main.h:25:0,
                 from ../threads/
../userprog/userkernel.h:26:10: note: void ThreadedKernel::Initialize()
     void Initialize();   // initialize the kernel -- separated



threads/kernel.h :

class ThreadedKernel {
    ThreadedKernel(int argc, char **argv);
                                // Interpret command line arguments
    ~ThreadedKernel();          // deallocate the kernel

    void Initialize(SchedulerType type);
    void Initialize();          // initialize the kernel -- separated
                                // from constructor because 
                                // refers to "kernel" as a global


threads/ :

// ThreadedKernel::Initialize
//      Initialize Nachos global data structures.  Separate from the 
//      constructor because some of these refer to earlier initialized
//      data via the "kernel" global variable. (Bypassing the scheduler
//      type)

ThreadedKernel::Initialize(SchedulerType type)
    stats = new Statistics();           // collect statistics
    interrupt = new Interrupt;          // start up interrupt handling
    scheduler = new Scheduler(type);    // initialize the ready queue
    alarm = new Alarm(randomSlice);     // start up time slicing

    // We didn't explicitly allocate the current thread we are running in.
    // But if it ever tries to give up the CPU, we better have a Thread
    // object to save its state. 
    currentThread = new Thread("main");


error message :


../threads/ error: no matching function for call to ‘UserProgKernel::Initialize(SchedulerType&)’
../threads/ note: candidate is:
In file included from ../threads/main.h:21:0,
                 from ../threads/
../userprog/userkernel.h:26:10: note: void UserProgKernel::Initialize()
     void Initialize();   // initialize the kernel


userprog/userkernel.h :

class UserProgKernel : public ThreadedKernel {
    UserProgKernel(int argc, char **argv);
                                // Interpret command line arguments
    ~UserProgKernel();          // deallocate the kernel

    void Initialize(SchedulerType type);        // initialize the kernel 
    void Initialize();        					// initialize the kernel 

userprog/ :

// UserProgKernel::Initialize
//      Initialize Nachos global data structures.

    ThreadedKernel::Initialize();       // init multithreading

    machine = new Machine(debugUserProg);
    fileSystem = new FileSystem();
#ifdef FILESYS
    synchDisk = new SynchDisk("New SynchDisk");
#endif // FILESYS

// UserProgKernel::Initialize
//      Initialize Nachos global data structures.

UserProgKernel::Initialize(SchedulerType type)
    ThreadedKernel::Initialize(type);   // init multithreading

    machine = new Machine(debugUserProg);
    fileSystem = new FileSystem();
#ifdef FILESYS
    synchDisk = new SynchDisk("New SynchDisk");
#endif // FILESYS


error message :


../threads/ error: no matching function for call to ‘NetKernel::Initialize(SchedulerType&)’
../threads/ note: candidate is:
In file included from ../threads/main.h:16:0,
                 from ../threads/
../network/netkernel.h:26:10: note: void NetKernel::Initialize()
     void Initialize();  // initialize the kernel 


/network/netkernel.h :

class NetKernel : public UserProgKernel {
    NetKernel(int argc, char **argv);
                                // Interpret command line arguments
    ~NetKernel();               // deallocate the kernel

    void Initialize(SchedulerType type);        // initialize the kernel 
    void Initialize();          // initialize the kernel 


/network/ :

// NetKernel::Initialize
//      Initialize Nachos global data structures.

    UserProgKernel::Initialize();       // init other kernel data structs

    postOfficeIn = new PostOfficeInput(10);
    postOfficeOut = new PostOfficeOutput(reliability, 10);

// NetKernel::Initialize
//      Initialize Nachos global data structures.

NetKernel::Initialize(SchedulerType type)
    UserProgKernel::Initialize(type);   // init other kernel data structs

    postOfficeIn = new PostOfficeInput(10);
    postOfficeOut = new PostOfficeOutput(reliability, 10);


接下來就是開始弄Scheduler的部分了。觀察threads/thread.cc中的Thread::Yield()以及threads/scheduler.cc中的Scheduler::FindNextToRun ()後,可以發現Scheduler決定thread執行的先後順序的方法,就是根據SchedulerreadyList中的thread順序。那也就是說只要把thread按照某些規則放進readyList中,就可以完成Priority, SJF, FCFS。而三者分別是根據priority, CPU burst time, start time的大小決定先後順序,看來該是SortedList出馬的時候了。


threads/schdeduler.h :

int PriorityCompare (Thread *a, Thread *b);
int SJFCompare (Thread *a, Thread *b);
int FCFSCompare (Thread *a, Thread *b);

threads/ :

Scheduler::Scheduler(SchedulerType type)
        schedulerType = type;
            case RR:
                readyList = new List<Thread *>;
            case PRIORITY:
                readyList = new SortedList<Thread *>(PriorityCompare);
            case SJF:
                readyList = new SortedList<Thread *>(SJFCompare);     
            case FCFS:
                readyList = new SortedList<Thread *>(FCFSCompare);    
        toBeDestroyed = NULL;
// PriorityCompare
//      Compare to threads based on their priority.
PriorityCompare(Thread *a, Thread *b)
    if (a->getPriority() == b->getPriority()) { return 0; }
    else if (a->getPriority() > b->getPriority()) { return 1; }
    else { return -1; }

// SJFCompare
//      Compare to threads based on their CPU burst time.
SJFCompare(Thread *a, Thread *b)
    if (a->getBurstTime() == b->getBurstTime()) { return 0; }
    else if (a->getBurstTime() > b->getBurstTime()) { return 1; }
    else { return -1; }

// FCFSCompare
//      Compare to threads based on their start time.
FCFSCompare(Thread *a, Thread *b)
    if (a->startTime() == b->startTime()) { return 0; }
    else if (a->startTime() > b->startTime()) { return 1; }
    else { return -1; }


System Call

Experiment result


test/sleeptest1.c :

#include "syscall.h"

int main()
	int i = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i < 5; i += 1)
	return 0;

test/sleeptest2.c :

#include "syscall.h"

int main()
	int i = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i < 20; i += 1)
	return 0;

輸入./userprog/nachos -e ./test/sleeptest1 -e ./test/sleeptest2

Total threads number is 2
Thread ./test/sleeptest1 is executing.
Thread ./test/sleeptest2 is executing.
Sleep for 100000
A thread goes to sleep.
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:1
Sleep for 100000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
Sleep for 10000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:1
Sleep for 100000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:2
return value:0
Thread wake up.
Print integer:1
Sleep for 100000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:1
Sleep for 100000
A thread goes to sleep.
Thread wake up.
Print integer:1
return value:0
No threads ready or runnable, and no pending interrupts.
Assuming the program completed.
Machine halting!

Ticks: total 500600, idle 499441, system 550, user 609
Disk I/O: reads 0, writes 0
Console I/O: reads 0, writes 0
Paging: faults 0
Network I/O: packets received 0, sent 0


在debug的時候發現在中放在currentT->Sleep(false);這行程式後面的區域好像不會被執行到。會發現這件事情是因為執行未修改的程式(見下方)時,發現結果是thread沉沉睡去,沒有要醒來的意思,而且也沒有輸出A thread goes to sleep.這行文字。在把輸出資訊的那行移至Sleep上方後,輸出的結果就跑出來了。雖然輸出正常了,但是thread還是沒有起床的意思,因此推測可能是在CallBack()出問題了,但是看了看sleepflag的邏輯好像找不出錯誤,那會讓nachos結束的可能就只有sleepSer.IsEmpty()了。於是加上一行DEBUG檢查裡面到底有沒有東西,結果是真的沒有東西,那問題很明顯就出在WaitUntil(int x)中的sleepSer->Insert( st ),顯然是這行程式並沒有起作用,有了之前輸出消失的經驗,把sleepSer->Insert( st );換到currentT->Sleep(false);的上方還真的有用,接著就一切正常了。

threads/ :

// Alarm::WatiUntil
//      Suspend execution until time > now + x
//      This function should not be interrupted.

Alarm::WaitUntil(int x)
   // make sure interrupts were disabled
   IntStatus oriStat = kernel->interrupt->SetLevel(IntOff);

   // get the current thread & calculate wake up time
   Thread *currentT = kernel->currentThread;
   int wakeTick = kernel->stats->totalTicks + x;
   SleepingThread *st = new SleepingThread(currentT, wakeTick);
    // let the thread sleep, and put it to the sleeping series
    cout << "A thread goes to sleep." << endl;
    sleepSer->Insert( st );
    // let the interrupt status as before

CPU Scheduling

Experiment result


	char *name[thread_num] = {"A", "B", "C"};
    int priority[thread_num] = {7, 4, 6};
    int burst[thread_num] = {5, 19, 3};
    int start[thread_num] = {1, 2, 3};

執行./threads/nachos -sch RR,結果如下

Using Round Robin now.
*** thread A: remaining time 4
*** thread A: remaining time 3
*** thread A: remaining time 2
*** thread B: remaining time 18
*** thread B: remaining time 17
*** thread B: remaining time 16
*** thread B: remaining time 15
*** thread B: remaining time 14
*** thread B: remaining time 13
*** thread B: remaining time 12
*** thread B: remaining time 11
*** thread B: remaining time 10
*** thread C: remaining time 2
*** thread C: remaining time 1
*** thread C: remaining time 0
*** thread A: remaining time 1
*** thread A: remaining time 0
*** thread B: remaining time 9
*** thread B: remaining time 8
*** thread B: remaining time 7
*** thread B: remaining time 6
*** thread B: remaining time 5
*** thread B: remaining time 4
*** thread B: remaining time 3
*** thread B: remaining time 2
*** thread B: remaining time 1
*** thread B: remaining time 0
No threads ready or runnable, and no pending interrupts.
Assuming the program completed.
Machine halting!

執行./threads/nachos -sche SJF,結果如下

Using Shortest-Job-First now.
*** thread C: remaining time 2
*** thread C: remaining time 1
*** thread C: remaining time 0
*** thread A: remaining time 4
*** thread A: remaining time 3
*** thread A: remaining time 2
*** thread A: remaining time 1
*** thread A: remaining time 0
*** thread B: remaining time 18
*** thread B: remaining time 17
*** thread B: remaining time 16
*** thread B: remaining time 15
*** thread B: remaining time 14
*** thread B: remaining time 13
*** thread B: remaining time 12
*** thread B: remaining time 11
*** thread B: remaining time 10
*** thread B: remaining time 9
*** thread B: remaining time 8
*** thread B: remaining time 7
*** thread B: remaining time 6
*** thread B: remaining time 5
*** thread B: remaining time 4
*** thread B: remaining time 3
*** thread B: remaining time 2
*** thread B: remaining time 1
*** thread B: remaining time 0
No threads ready or runnable, and no pending interrupts.
Assuming the program completed.
Machine halting!


執行./threads/nachos -sche FCFS,結果如下

user@user-VirtualBox:~/Documents/nachos/nachos-4.0/code$ ./threads/nachos -sche FCFS
Using First-Come-First-Service now.
*** thread A: remaining time 4
*** thread A: remaining time 3
*** thread A: remaining time 2
*** thread A: remaining time 1
*** thread A: remaining time 0
*** thread B: remaining time 18
*** thread B: remaining time 17
*** thread B: remaining time 16
*** thread B: remaining time 15
*** thread B: remaining time 14
*** thread B: remaining time 13
*** thread B: remaining time 12
*** thread B: remaining time 11
*** thread B: remaining time 10
*** thread B: remaining time 9
*** thread B: remaining time 8
*** thread B: remaining time 7
*** thread B: remaining time 6
*** thread B: remaining time 5
*** thread B: remaining time 4
*** thread B: remaining time 3
*** thread B: remaining time 2
*** thread B: remaining time 1
*** thread B: remaining time 0
*** thread C: remaining time 2
*** thread C: remaining time 1
*** thread C: remaining time 0
No threads ready or runnable, and no pending interrupts.
Assuming the program completed.
Machine halting!

執行./threads/nachos -sche Priority,結果如下

Using Priority now.
*** thread B: remaining time 18
*** thread B: remaining time 17
*** thread B: remaining time 16
*** thread B: remaining time 15
*** thread B: remaining time 14
*** thread B: remaining time 13
*** thread B: remaining time 12
*** thread B: remaining time 11
*** thread B: remaining time 10
*** thread B: remaining time 9
*** thread B: remaining time 8
*** thread B: remaining time 7
*** thread B: remaining time 6
*** thread B: remaining time 5
*** thread B: remaining time 4
*** thread B: remaining time 3
*** thread B: remaining time 2
*** thread B: remaining time 1
*** thread B: remaining time 0
*** thread C: remaining time 2
*** thread C: remaining time 1
*** thread C: remaining time 0
*** thread A: remaining time 4
*** thread A: remaining time 3
*** thread A: remaining time 2
*** thread A: remaining time 1
*** thread A: remaining time 0
No threads ready or runnable, and no pending interrupts.
Assuming the program completed.
Machine halting!




test/Makefile :

all: halt shell matmult sort test1 test2 test3 sleeptest1 sleeptest2
sleeptest1: sleeptest1.o start.o
        $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) start.o sleeptest1.o -o sleeptest1.coff
        ../bin/coff2noff sleeptest1.coff sleeptest1

sleeptest2: sleeptest2.o start.o
        $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) start.o sleeptest2.o -o sleeptest2.coff
        ../bin/coff2noff sleeptest2.coff sleeptest2

Constructor in constructor (C++)

在與那些Kernel們奮鬥時,常常會想為甚麼要把同樣的程式碼複製貼上呢?想起初學程式時老師的告誡,如果寫程式要用到複製貼上,那就不是好程式。明明default constructor就是那些帶參數的constructor的特例,是不是可以重複使用呢?

sample.cpp :

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class A{
	A(int x) {a = x;}
	A() { A(1000); }
	int a;

int main() {
	A *a1 = new A(5);
	A *a2 = new A();
	cout << a1->a << " " << a2->a;
	return 0;

output :

5 0

看起來是不行。ISO CPP FAQ 看看這邊的FAQ,對於亂搞一通的我氣得跟甚麼一樣。

我相信人的惰性以及對程式的美的要求,一定有一個好的解法。而且記憶中依稀記得C中constructor是可以呼叫另一個constructor的。於是找到了下面這個解。這是在C11之後可以使用的解法。stack overflow

sample.cpp :

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class A{
	A(int x) {a = x;}
	A() : A(1000) { }
	int a;

int main() {
	A *a1 = new A(5);
	A *a2 = new A();
	cout << a1->a << " " << a2->a;
	return 0;

output :

5 1000







stack overflow constructor