# ZOM White Paper > Disclaimer: This document is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell shares or participation in the ZOM project. > > The development described in this document is a conceptual model of a proposed system, rather than a complete specification of a service offering. The future development process and system specification may be subject to change. ## Abstract ### Definition ==Healthcare is the maintenance or improvement of health via the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments.== Healthcare is delivered by health professionals in allied health fields which means they are providing a service; hence Healthcare Services. ### Misconceptions Yazom is often termed an Electronic Health Records (EHR) or Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system - we are **not**. Yazom provides ease of service interaction among healthcare providers and consumers. ZOM is its complement and is a form of ‘insurance’ through incentivization by action authentication. A standard Electronic Health Records system is “doctor-facing” meaning it caters to the doctors first then considers the consumers afterwards. Yazom reverses this approach by asking questions that are “consumer facing”: * If you’re feeling unwell, what healthcare provider do you contact? * Will they be available? * Will they be able to locate your file? * If this is a different provider, will you be able to provide information about past visits to other healthcare providers? * If you would like a second opinion, do you have enough detail after your visit with the healthcare provider of your choice? * If you are in another country or foreign location, will the task be more daunting? Particularly if you are prescribed medication? :::info In essence, Yazom’s platform focuses on the consumer but also provides tools for healthcare providers by implementing an ecosystem. ::: ![](https://i.imgur.com/WVg7QPB.png) --- *Written by ZOM Team*