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Master and PhD programs related to Cognitive Science
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This program is crap!
Martha Kocksi
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M.Sc. Cognitive Science, Osnabrück
M.Sc. Cognitive Computing, berufsbegleitend, Osnabrück
Language: English
M.Sc. Cognitive Science, online
M.Sc. Data Analytics and Decision Science, RWTH Aachen
M.Sc. Simulation Sciences, RWTH Aachen
M.A. Philosophie - Deutung – Wertung – Wissenschaft
Requirements: German C1, 60 CP in Philosophy (check study regulations)
M.A. Public Ethics
M.A. Survey Statistics and Data Analysis
M.Sc. Computational Neuroscience, BCCN Berlin
M.Sc./M.A. Mind and Brain, Berlin School of Mind and Brain
M.Sc. Cognitive Neuroscience, FU Berlin
M.Sc. Data Science, FU Berlin
M.Sc. Scientific Computing, TU Berlin
M.Sc. Human Factors, TU Berlin
M.Sc. Cognitive Science, Ruhr Universität Bochum
M.A. History, Philosophy and Culture of Science
M.Sc. Applied Computer Science, Ruhr Universität Bochum
M.A. Interdisciplinary Studies of Science
M.Sc. Behaviour: From Neural Mechanisms to Evolution
M.A. Kultur der technisch-wissenschaftlichen Welt
M.Sc. Sensorik und Kognitive Psychologie
M.Sc. Neurorobotik
M.Sc. Autonome Systeme
M.Sc. Cognitive Science
M.A. Data and Discourse Studies
M.A. Linguistic and Literary Computing
M.A. Technik und Philosophie
M.Sc. Data Science
M.Sc. Automation and Robotics
M.A. Wissenschaftsjournalismus
M.Sc. Cognitive-Affective Neuroscience
M.Sc. Angewandte Kognitions- und Medienwissenschaften
M.Sc. Translational Neuroscience
M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
M.Sc. Bioinformatik (German)
M.A. Empirische Sprachwissenschaft (German)
M.A. Linguistics (English)
M.Sc. Interdisciplinary Neurosciences
M.Sc. Inclusive Design - Intelligente Systeme, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
M.Sc. Environmental Science -
Environmental Modelling and Data Sciences(English)
M.Sc. Bioinformatik und Systembiologie
M.Sc. Human Movement Analytics - Biomechanics, Motor Control, and Learning
M.A. Digital Humanities
M.Sc. Neurosciences
M.Sc. Developmental, Neural and Behavioral Biology
M.Sc. Applied Data Science
Academic qualifications: At least 60 ECTS in Data Science, Computer Science, Mathematics or Statistics.
M.Sc. Intelligent Adaptive Systems
M.Sc. IT Management & Consulting
M.A. Philosophy of Science
Language: English
Prerequisites: English B2 + undergraduate degree in related field
M.Sc. Computational Linguistics
M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik
M.Sc. Mathematik und Scientific Computing
M.Sc. Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience
M.Sc. Computational and Data Science, german only currently
M.Sc. Cognitive Science, TU Kaiserslautern
M.Sc Embedded Computing Systems, TU Kaiserslautern
M.Sc. Sozioinformatik, TU Kaiserslautern
M.A. Wissenschaft - Medien - Kommunikation, KIT
M.A. Speech and Language Processing
M.Sc. Biological Sciences
Language: English
M.A. Linguistik und Phonetik
Language: German
Prerequisites: 40 ECTS in Linguistics during Bachelor's + English B2
M.Sc. Experimental and Clinical Neurosciences
Language: English
M.Sc. Psychologie, forschungsorientiert
Language: German, English
Prerequisites: "Bewerber, die keinen B.Sc. in Psychologie erworben haben, müssen eine Gleichwertigkeitsprüfung bei der Auswahlkommission […] beantragen"
M.Sc. Sociology and Social Research
Possibility to do a double-degree in Groningen (NL)
Language: English
M.A. Theorien und Praktiken professionellen Schreibens
M.Sc. Data Science
M.Sc. Digital Humanities
M.A. Linguistics
Language: English
M.Sc. Sport and Exercise Psychology
M.Sc. Entrepreneurship in digitalen Technologien
Sollte man die formalen Zulassungsvoraussetzungen erfüllen, ist es sehr sicher, dass man auch einen Platz erhält, weil aufgrund von wenigen Bewerbungen i.d.R. nie alle Studienplätze vergeben werden.
Allgemein lässt sich sagen, dass die Atmosphäre am Institut sehr familiär ist. Trotzdem kann man viele tolle Leute kennenlernen, da man die meisten Kurse mit verschiedenen Informatikstudierenden, Studierenden der Technischen Hochschule oder anderen zusammen belegt. Besonders wenn man daran interessiert ist, das innovative CogSci-Denken in die Wirtschaft zu bringen (z.B. in Form eines Start-Ups), ist der Studiengang sehr empfehlenswert. Dazu kommt, dass Lübeck als Weltkulturerbe- und Hansestadt auch einiges außerhalb der Uni zu bieten hat.
M.Sc. Integrative Neuroscience
M.Sc. Philosophie-Neurowissenschaften-Kognition
M.Sc. Computervisualistik
M.Sc. Data and Knowledge Engineering
M.Sc. Digital Engineering
M.Sc. Anthropologie
M.Sc. Computational Sciences - Rechnergestützte Naturwissenschaften
M.A. Digitale Methodik in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften
M.A. Philosophie / Philosophie: imaginaire et rationalité, dt.-frz. Studiengang
M.A. Sprache und Kommunikation
M.Sc. Data Science
M.Sc. Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Kognitive und Klinische Psychologie
M.Sc. Kognitive und Integrative Systemneurowissenschaften
M.Sc. Molekulare und Zelluläre Neurowissenschaften
M.Sc. Data Science
M.A. Klinische Linguistik
M.A. Linguistik: Kognition und Kommunikation
M.Sc. Renewable Energy and Data Engineering, Hochschule Offenburg
3 semesters
Language: English (1st semester) / German (2nd semester)
M.Sc. Neuroscience
M.Sc. Neurocognitive Psychology
M.Sc. Cognitive Systems: Language, Learning and Reasoning
M.Sc. Cognitive Science - Embodied Cognition
M.Sc. International Experimental and Clinical Linguistics
M.Sc. Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
M.Sc. Visual Computing
M.Sc. Language Science Technology
M.Sc. Human Computer Interaction
M.Sc. Computational Linguistics
M.A. Computerlinguistik (in German)
M.Sc. Digital Humanities (in German)
Description for both courses above
M.Sc. Computational Linguistics
M.Sc. Kognitionswissenschaft
M.Sc. Machine Learning
M.Sc. Quantitative Data Science Methods – Psychometrics, Econometrics and Machine Learning
M.Sc. Cognitive Systems, Ulm
M.Sc. Molecular and Translational Neuroscience, Ulm
M.Sc. Psychologie
M.Sc. Mathematical Data Science
M.Sc. Mathematische Biometrie
Folgende Kriterien können Ihnen bei der Einschätzung helfen, ob ihr Bachelorabschluss
genügend mathematische Inhalte hat:
M.Sc. eXtended Artificial Intelligence
M.Sc. Human-Computer Interaction
Joint master's programme offered by:
M.Sc. Human Computer Interaction and Design
M.Sc. Data Science
M.Sc. Embedded Systems
M.Sc. Autonomous Systems
M.Sc. Fintech
Completion of two one-year stay at different universities:
M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence, Johannes-Kepler-Universität Linz
M.Sc. Psycho-, Neuro- und Klinische Linguistik, Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg
M.Sc. Verhaltens-, Neuro- und Kognitionsbiologie, Universität Wien
Industrial Masters in Machine Learning, Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (Mila), Montréal
To study at Mila, you must be supervised by one of its affiliated professors according to the rules of that professor’s home department and university, and the rules of the program for which you are registered.
Requests for supervision are made via a Mila application form, while registrations are administered by the universities themselves.
M.Sc Informatique (program taught in French), Université de Montréal
M.Sc. Computer Science, McGill, Montréal
M.Sc. (Integrated path in) Neurosciences, McGill, Montréal
School of Interactive Art and Technology, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver
Masters in Cognitive Sciences | Cognition and the Mind, University of Rijeka
M.Sc. Cognitive Science, Aarhus
Taught in English, lots of methods, advanced stats, and programming
M.Sc. IT and Cognition, University of Copenhagen
M.A. Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen
M.Sc. Neuroscience
M.Sc. Social Data Science
Admission requirements: >= 30 ECTS from social sciences courses, at least one practical methods course.
Social sciences courses include, among other things:
M.Sc. Data Science, Helsinki
M.Sc. Neuroscience, Helsinki
M.Sc. Theoretical and Computational methods, Helsinki
M.Sc. Linguistic Diversity and Digital Humanities, Helsinki
M.Sc. Human Neuroscience, Turku
M.Sc. Cognitive Science, Université Paris Sciences & Lettres
Master 2: Mathematics, Vision, Learning, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Prerequisites: Completion of the 1st year of a master program (Master 1)
M.Sc. Biobanks Complex & Data Management, Nice, in English
M.Sc. Modeling of Neuronal and Cognitive Systems, Sophia Antipolis, in English
M.Sc. Data Sciences & Artificial Intelligence, Sophia Antipolis, in English
M.Sc. Smart-EdTech, Co-Creativity and Digital Tools for Educational Innovation, online, 2 intensive weeks in Nice, in English
M.Sc. Affluencers & Luxury Business, Cannes, in English
M.Sc. Sciences Cognitives, Nice, Language: French
M.Sc. Sciences Cognitives - Ingénierie Cognitive, Interaction, Intelligence Artificielle, Nancy, in French and sometimes English with students from the NLP Erasmus Mundus master degree.
M.Sc. Neurosciences, University of Bordeaux
Ingénieur en cognitique, INP Bordeaux
Language: French
M.Sc. Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience, Budapest
Language of Instruction: English
M.Sc. Cognitive Science, CBCS Allahabad
M.S. Cognitive Science, IIT Kanpur
M.Sc. Cognitive Science, IIT Delhi
M.Sc. Cognitive Science, IIT Gandhinagar
M.Sc. Cognitive Science, University College Dublin
M.Sc. Cognitive Science, Trento
M.Sc. Applied Cognitive Neuroscience, Groningen
M.A. Arts, Cognition and Criticism, Groningen
M.Sc. Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences (research), Groningen
M.Sc. Computational Cognitive Science, Groningen
M.Sc. Voice Technology, Groningen/Leeuwarden
M.Sc. Cognitive Neuroscience (research), Leiden
M.Sc. Neuroscience and Cognition, Utrecht
M.Sc. Cognitive Neuroscience (research), Radboud University, Nijmegen
M.Sc. Cognitive Computing, Radboud University, Nijmegen
M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence: Intelligent Technology, Radboud University, Nijmegen
M.Sc. Data Science, Radboud University, Nijmegen
M.Sc. Cognitive Neuropsychology, Amsterdam
M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence, Amsterdam
M.Sc. Brain and Cognitive Sciences (research), Amsterdam
M.Res. Human Language Technology, Amsterdam
M.Sc. Cognitive Neuroscience (1 year), Maastricht
M.Sc. Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience (research, 2 year), Maastricht
M.Sc. Neuroscience, NTNU Trondheim
M.Sc. Simulation and visualisation, NTNU Trondheim
M.Sc. Data Science, University of Oslo
M.Sc. Informatics: Robotics and Intelligent Systems, Oslo
M.Sc. Informatics: Language Technology, Oslo
80 ECTS credit informatics, mathematics/statistics, language/linguistics or cognitive science, including 30 ECTS credit of courses at the lowest level (1000 courses) and 20 ECTS credits on advanced level (2000- and 3000 courses) included:
M.Sc. Brain and Cognition, Barcelona
1 year
M.Sc. Cognitive Neuroscience of Language, University of the Basque Country
1 year
M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona
1,5 year, english, cooperation between 3 universities
M.Sc. Biomedical Data Science, Online
2 years, english, cooperation between 7 universities
M.Sc. Machine Learning, Stockholm
M.A. Language Science with Specialisation in Bilingualism, Stockholm
M.Sc. Language Technology, Uppsala
M.Sc. Machine Learning and Statistics, Uppsala
very international city, close to Stockholm, small classes, everything in english
M.Sc. Image Analysis and Machine Learning, Uppsala
very international city, close to Stockholm, small classes, everything in english
M.Sc. Bioinformatics, background Computer Science or Biology, Uppsala
very international city, close to Stockholm, small classes, everything in english
M.Sc. Language Technology, Göteborg
M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence, Umeå
M.Sc. Cognitive Science, Umeå
Language of the program is english, fairly heavy on neuro (from what i've heard) /WB
M.Sc. Cognitive Science, Linköping
Unfortunatelly most courses are in swedish, but offers human factors as a specialty /WB, current student
M.Sc. Human Ecology - Culture, Power and Sustainability, Lund
Decolonial/feminist/ecological theory, connection between humans and their environment; very international city, close to Malmö, small classes, everything in english. (I guess credits in critical philo courses would be good but they mostly decide based on the motivational letter)
M.Sc. Neural Systems and Computation, University and ETH Zurich
M.Sc. Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences, University and ETH Zurich
M.Sc. Applied Information and Data Science, HS Luzern
M.Sc. Evolutionary Language Science, University of Zurich
Fast track PhD programs are open for both Bachelor and Master students.
(Fast-track) Doctoral program at the Max Planck School of Cognition
International Doctoral Program, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin
PhD program in Health Data Science, Charité Berlin
One of the requirements: Secured funding for the duration of the doctorate program.
Fast-track Doctoral Neuroscience Program - International Max Planck Research School
The Master is included in the program - students only interested in a PhD should look further into other doctoral programs in Göttingen
Fast-track PhD at Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences
International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS)
Fields of research:
Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience / IMPRS for Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience
Graduate school Cellular & Molecular Neuroscience
Graduate school Neural & Behavioural Sciences
Graduate school Neural Information Processing
Neurosensory Science and Systems (fast-track)
Institute of Cognitive Science - PhD program
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology - PhD program
Linköping University,Department of Computer and Interaction Science
The COIN PhD program at LiU is mostly focused on design or human-robot interaction. Situated/distributed cognition are strong research areas /WB
Note. PhD positions in Sweden are paid positions and require a 1 or 2 years masters degree to be eligible. You apply to them in a similar way to how you would apply to a job. Some information on the application process at LiU /WB
University of Edinburgh, The Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation
University College London, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit
IBM offers jobs, dual Master's programmes (paid, Master@IBM) and theses opportunity. Cogsci relevance: AI and Data Science.
Deutsches Luft- und Raumfahrt Zentrum
Institut für Medizinische Psychologie und Systemneurowissenschaften, Uniklinikum Münster
Study opportunities - Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft e.V.
Academic programs - Cognitive Science Society
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