# AVS Screening - Automata Multi-Prover ## Automata Multi-Prover Contract address: 0xe5445838c475a2980e6a88054ff1514230b83aeb Website: https://www.ata.network/ Twitter: https://x.com/automatanetwork Docs: https://docs.ata.network/ Blog: https://blog.ata.network/ AVS Category: Coprocessors ETH Restaked: 1,69m ETH Total Operators: 67 Total restakers: 109,970 Competitors: Brevis, Lagrange Coprocessor, Fhenix Mainnet Date: April 25, 2024 Economic Security wanted: $6,08b Operator limits: None Points program: N/A ### AVS Description Automata Network's AVS utilizes TEE (Trusted Execution Environment) Coprocessors to enhance blockchains' security and functionality. TEE coprocessors perform secure computations within isolated enclaves, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the operations. The system works as a modular attestation layer, providing proof of machinehood—a decentralized network of machine attestations. This network aids rollups in achieving efficient and secure operations. Automata Network builds on EigenLayer, utilizing its restaking mechanism to enhance security through hardware root-of-trust and cryptoeconomic security. ### Unique Selling Proposition Automata Multi-Prover functions as a mission control center, coordinating multiple sets of provers at the request of various protocols. Protocols can solicit tasks, forming TEE committees incentivized by long-term rewards. Operators join these tasks, and stakers delegate their staking power to trusted operators, boosting economic security, especially in the early stages of protocol development. Key advantages and design features include: - Multi-Prover Coordination: Multiple provers collaborate to fortify protocols, reducing the risk of bugs and single points of failure common in single-prover systems. - Economic Security: Economic bonds protect against liveness risks, allowing for slashing inactive or offline vendors, while cryptoeconomic trust ensures validator activity and correctness through TEEs. - Diverse TEE Committees: Utilizing heterogeneous vendors like Intel SGX, ARM TrustZone, and Amazon Nitro increases security by raising barriers for malicious actors and adding redundancy. - Swift Lane for Attestation: A two-phase proof system allows quick initial confirmations followed by more secure final confirmations, reducing verifier costs and congestion, beneficial for rapid feedback use cases like payments. - Reproducible Builds: Ensuring no vulnerabilities or backdoors in the binary during the build process, similar to smart contract deployment practices, decentralizing trust and ensuring build consistency. ### Economic Model Cryptoeconomics of the AVS are not detailed in the documentation. Relying on the fact that Automata Network has its own native token, ATA, which is used for governance, protocol rewards, and transaction fees, it is reasonable to expect dual token mode to be implemented for the MultiProver AVS. ATA can possibly be used for payment emissions and/or for native token staking. ### Points Program N/A ### Builders Automata Network was founded by Deli Gong and Zheng Leong Chua (PhD holder from the National University of Singapore). They bring extensive experience from working in Zilliqa. ### Backers Investors: Binance Labs, KR1, GBV Capital, IOSG Ventures, Divergence Ventures, Jump Trading, Alameda Research​ Partnerships: Linea, Scroll, 1RPC ### Centralization Contract owner is unidentified EOA: https://etherscan.io/address/0x0f5661b579fd19c9bd14940555fed67aff3fce41 ### Security The [PeckShield audit](https://github.com/automata-network/multi-prover-avs/blob/main/audits/PeckShield-Audit-Report-Automata-MultipleProverAVS-v1.0.pdf) reveals two low-severity vulnerabilities, now resolved, and one medium-severity vulnerability associated with admin keys reportedly mitigated. ### Maturity Mainnet date: April 25, 2024 Holesky date: April 10, 2024 A spike in commits to the [multi-prover-avs repository](https://github.com/automata-network/multi-prover-avs/) is observed in March and April (pre-mainnet launch period), followed by only a single commit thereafter. ### Opt Out Opt-out from Multi-Proven AVS is doable with a [single command](https://docs.ata.network/tee-overview/multi-prover-avs-eigenlayer/operator-guide/opt-in-to-run-avs#opt-out-from-multi-prover-avs), no time limits or other restrictions are communicated. ### Regulatory Complexity Low risk of legal challenges is anticipated for the project, rooted in its infrastructural nature, which positions it to be regulatory agnostic. ### Risk Considerations - The control is centralised in EOA, allegedly controlled by non-doxxed individual(s);