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Dev Diary #3: Transience and Chronic Illness, /Controller work

Before simplifying suppressants into cures, the concept of passing illness should be investigated.
if not all) pathogenic diseases (cold, flu, Covid, Ebola, H1N1, etc.) do not stay in a person's body permenantly. The immune system is dynamic enough to eventually learn to fight most infectious diseases.

By making most malignant diseases temporary, it ensures that players have the option to help themselves overcome disease without medbay, albeit in a less effective and prolonged manner.

A duration variable is added to the pathogen datum that will store the time that a pathogen will be at maximum stage before naturally passing. This variable can be overriden by a 'isbenign' flag-variable that checks if the overall symptom composition of the pathogen meets certain criteria (no T3+ malignants, has a traitor-locked bypass symptom, etc).

Every microbody and symptom may modify the duration of a transient pathogen. New variables must be created to account for this.

Only pathogens with symptoms that are positive or neutral should be allowed to be chronic. Chronic disease is not a common characteristic in infectious diseases, and is more linked to genetic and lifestyle preconditions.

/ Changes

Define a duration var.

/ Changes

Alongside modifiers, add a duration modifier.

More / Procs

Uniqueid/UID is created according to time of creation. UID and associated vars are used mainly on the admin panel.

path_to_() are lists used in the admin panel.

Keep path_to and UID associated code. Focus on modernizing/simplifying internal vars, and keep the structure mostly intact (it's 90% ok as is)



Function: used to choose a microbody in the generation pipeline.
Checked the strength value for a valid type, if none found take the last acceptable type.

Microbodies are no longer separated by strength. I have simplified this proc down to a single rand().

Last New() in controller