# DevOps Training Session 6: Cloud - Azure
###### tags: `devops` `research` `reliable`
Hello btb, welcome again so --> This session i will show processing on work with Cloud Azure --> Happy implement [:small_airplane:](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ugE8xStg9oHCDP9FciEQ5yPqKAHtUp9u/view)
--> Long time to not upgrade about cloud --> so with this cloud it not just have something to relative, somekind is needed to provide from owner resource so --> It just do with some like console of Azure
## Step by step
1. I have some doing with docker registry on azure
--> Reference this document for connect and just use `docker login`, `docker push` && `docker pull` --> **For Interect with the container registry resource** :airplane:
--> Refer with this [**LINK**](https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/push-pull-docker-image-with-azure-container-registry/) for doing with session about and just custom the resource like my repo --> adjust name you need to for private container registry of azure
--> Successful interaction
*Script addons*
`docker push <name of container registry>.azurecr.io/webpage8001:latest || throw $docker_err`
**--> script to push --> image into container registry**
`docker pull <name of container registry>.azurecr.io/webpage8001:latest`
**--> script to pull --> image from private registry into local**
But all of process you need to know about sumary about identity with az --> with [**LINK**](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/)
2. Create anything with Azure console --> UI is beautiful but somekind like stupid --> Not have resolve
#source from [*https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/quick-create-portal*](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/quick-create-portal)
3. Take snapshot --> easy just copy
#source from [*https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/snapshot-copy-managed-disk?tabs=portal*](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/snapshot-copy-managed-disk?tabs=portal)
Note: if you want to setup the first time for VM with you configuration --> U can consider about userData of Azure (AWS or anykind cloud alway have the userData). But this is the issue you can meet to work with this
- The annoything about using this one --> is not change and take effect on the second time --> **IDK why they custom it but it just make the setup for first time when the VM Create and run time first cycle**
- The second issue when we meet that kind is --> You need to understand what sensitive you put init --> really complicate for secure that **** --> The metadata if hacker can RCE into that VM --> All kind of thing sensitve about your azure can expose --> Base64 :sweat_smile: easy to crack
- The third is bull ****, you need to understand why this Azure not download somekind needest for environment of CLI --> This make anything is simple for config on private Image ? Why they do not that, IAM need to add role when it start --> Bring up VM for do VM is s**k :coffee:
## Conclusion
- Azure is platform is easy to know but not secure --> Secure you want to gurantee for VM, for IAM --> You need to diggest deepest into infrastructre of Azure --> Not quite easy for understand
- So after this lab --> The first thing is you understand is somekind have not solution for apply by :thinking_face: --> Do the job with document is best solution for resolve anything kind of problem && issue
--> On the next session --> Using teraform to easy used for understand what doing when using Azure
## Reference
[Azure Doc](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/?product=popular) --> Everything is on it --> Head on Azure waiting you :smile: