While doing literature review there used to be substantial updates every week but currently I am focussing more on understanding the codebase and working on POC so will be merging my two weeks updates into one.
- Worked on the proposal and presented it in office hours meet along with Manav and Ella.
- Continued reviewing the CL specs by Potuz.
- Had an introductory call with other fellows working on ePBS to discuss the areas each fellow is working on so there is no conflict. This is a separate call in which mentors were not present.
- Read the engine API specs and EL implementation PR.
- Started going through the Prysm codebase.
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Y2TuxDOgdmlZiD-nBEzPk_5hbh9QqgPO1425G4M93Jw/edit?usp=sharing
- https://github.com/potuz/consensus-specs/blob/epbs/specs/_features/epbs/design.md
- https://github.com/manav2401/go-ethereum/tree/epbs-il
- https://github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm
Next Steps:
Continue with the review process, get good understanding of the codebase and start with the POC.