--- title: Metaverse Index description: Dev logs about building a truly user owned and decentralized metaverse from a community of open source makers working on VR/AR, web, crypto, virtual productions, and more. image: https://i.imgur.com/TJergWf.jpg robots: index, follow lang: en dir: ltr breaks: true disqus: --- | [🏠 Home](https://hackmd.io/@XR/index) | [about](https://hackmd.io/@XR/xrdevlog-about) | [gallery](https://m3org.com/gallery/) | [videos](https://youtube.com/@m3org/videos) | [demos](https://m3org.com/) | [support](https://m3org.com/nugz/) | |:------------:|:---------:|:-----------:|:----------:|:------:|:---:| --- # jin's journal ###### tags: `devlog` `m3` {%hackmd @xr/dark %} > Greetings, we've been working on various pieces of the open metaverse for a long time. If you wish to contact or collab, you can reach me on Twitter [@dankvr](https://twitter.com/dankvr) or join the [community](https://github.com/M3-org/avatar-interop). ![](https://i.imgur.com/TJergWf.png) | [🎞 Timeline mode](https://hackmd.io/@xr/timeline) | [📔 Book mode](https://hackmd.io/@xr/book) | |:--------------------------------------------:|:-------------------------------------:| --- :::info Most dev logs are packed full of media which is why they might be a bit heavy. It'll be peak speed / alignment to decentralize this knowledge base by distributing the files to run this site locally - I'm working on it. ::: --- ## Dework Retrospective - https://hackmd.io/@XR/m3-dework --- ## Terraforms + WebXR - https://hackmd.io/@xr/terraforms-webxr --- ## KTX + VRM ![t_ktx-vrm](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S19QAxMIA.jpg) - https://hackmd.io/@XR/ktx-vrm --- ## HTML NFTs ![t_html-nfts](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1Bp6gzLC.jpg) - https://hackmd.io/@XR/html-nfts --- ## welovetheart Metaverse Gallery **Making of a virtual gallery to view the biggest online art competition** | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/welovetheart) | 🕹 [Demo]() | [GitHub](https://github.com/madjin/welovetheart-gallery) | | ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------- | --- | --- ## Metaverse Float Parade **Beginning of a platform agnostic virtual street festival** ![t_floatparade](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJHxYaTKa.jpg) | [📃 Planning](https://hackmd.io/@XR/float-parade) | 🕹 [World](https://hyperfy.io/dawn) | [Mirror Post](https://mirror.xyz/blog.thewipmeetup.eth/PEb696oH75TSTYWYCi2tuk1PWy5ofiMCJJ1rSswYOpc) | [Github](https://github.com/madjin/float-parade) | | ------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --- | First hosted in Hyperfy.io Nov 30th 2023. Aiming to become a platform and game engine agnostic experience in order to field test interoperable vehicle scientific research with a fun and festive art project. All the assets we used are in the github repo for other projects to try implementing, including vehicle models and settings plus particle information. --- ## Text-to-glTF **Creating optimized 3D documents from markdown data** ![t_text2gltf](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BkJb2lMUR.jpg) - https://hackmd.io/@xr/text2gltf --- ## M3 Demo Day - https://hackmd.io/@XR/overworld-website - https://hackmd.io/@XR/daotown-demoday-boomboxhead - https://hackmd.io/@XR/daotown-demoday-avf --- ## Beeple VR Studio **Recreating Beeple Studios into Virtual Reality just for fun** ![t_beeplevr](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/B1g4-264a.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/beeple-vr) | 🕹 [World (coming soon)]() | | ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------- | We're creating a 1:1 virtual version of Beeple Studios, designed in such a way that anyone who does a show in the IRL version can immortalize their work digitally and archive it to be able to simulate it later. Win / Win. --- ## Crypto 101 Games **How can we onboard people into crypto in a fun way?** ![t_crypto101](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r1AZXnT4p.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/crypto-101-games) | [Sketchfab (coming soon)]() | | ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------- | Onboarding is usually social, since making a mistake and losing funds is scary many people oftentimes lean on a person who knows crypto for advice on how to get started. The basic concepts like the difference between a public and private key, and seed phrases, can be taught to anybody - even children. So what if crypto can be taught through an all-ages board game? --- ## M3 Yard Sale **Designing more community tailored NFT marketplaces** ![t_m3yardsale.jpg](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1Vysr4X6.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/m3-yard-sale) | [⚙ GitHub](https://github.com/M3-org/yard-sale) | 🕹 [World](https://m3org.com/yardsale) | | ------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | We setup a 3D frontend for a party DAO that we invited M3 members who transferred NFTs for sale to. Everything sold goes into the DAO. The main purpose is for metaverse makers / 3D artists to learn more about DAO tools and make them more gamified + fun. In the future we could maybe sell this UI to other content creators that want to make a unique storefront. --- ## The M3mes **Seizing the memes of production** ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ryD2CWnC3.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/the-m3mes) | [⚙ GitHub](https://github.com/M3-org/the-m3mes) | 🕹 [World](https://hyperfy.io/m3mes) | [PartyDAO](https://www.party.app/party/0xd25886795833D6eDf38C5CDD9a7106c38D256c11) | [DAO FAQ](https://hackmd.io/@XR/m3mes) | | ------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | --- | Memes are how all advanced societies organize themselves across large groups of people. The Memes is a collection of CC0 art NFTs whose goal is to spread the message of decentralization, in a way that tweetstorms, policy papers and podcasts can't. M3 members are remixing editions into 3D to better align with [punk6529's](https://twitter.com/punk6529) community and vision for building an open metaverse. --- ## Metaverse Skies - https://hackmd.io/@XR/metaverse-skies --- ## Upstreet 1.0 - ChatWorld **Infinite virtual worlds driven by humans and AIs** ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1c8fG20n.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/upstreetai) | [⚙ GitHub](https://github.com/M3-org/upstreet-sdk) | 🕹 [World](https://upstreet.ai) | [Proposal](https://hackmd.io/@XR/chatworld-proposal) | | ------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ | --- | In conjuction with launching Upstreet, the devs wrote a 28 page research paper called ChatWorld: Embodied Multi-Agent Simulation For Extensible Synthesis of Hypermedia. We're exploring how we can develop AI peronas that digest our research and aid us with governance, decision making, and strategies when building open technology for the metaverse. --- ## Metaverse Standards Forum **Non-profit consortium building interoperability bricks** ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1erEfhC2.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/metaversestandards) | [⚙ GitHub](https://github.com/metaversestandards) | 🕹 [World](https://hyperfy.io/msf) | | ------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | The Metaverse Standards Forum provides a venue for cooperation between standards organizations and any organization to foster the development of interoperability standards for an open and inclusive metaverse, and accelerate their development and deployment through pragmatic, action-based projects. Follow the work OMI and M3 are doing on the big stage. --- ## Interoperable Vehicles **Improving vehicle compatibility between apps** ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJdZvc6h3.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/interoperable-vehicles) | [⚙ GitHub](https://github.com/NEON-BUIDL/booths/tree/main/vehicles) | 🕹 [World](https://hyperfy.io/cars) | [Hypewheels](https://hackmd.io/@XR/hypewheels) | | ------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | --- | There have been discussions about interoperable physics and vehicles in OMI glTF extensions group. We have been looking different vehicle systems, physics engines, and getting a list of known devs to help us derive a common subset of attributes that we can utilize cross-platform. Hyperfy is the first app being tested and uses PhysX, the same physics engine as Unity and Unreal up till version 5.0, so there's many existing games that we can potentially interop with. --- ## M3 org **Metaverse Makers __ (we never decided the last M)** ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Sk0mO2t22.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/m3org) | [⚙ GitHub](https://github.com/m3-org) | 🕹 [World](https://hyperfy.io/m3) | [Website](https://m3org.com) | | -------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | --- | Before the $$ and industry backed interop groups there was M3, a motley crew of artists / indies / open source hackers working since 2019 to reify a practical metaverse. --- ## OMI group **Open Metaverse Interoperability group** ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SyzKa6doh.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/omigroup) | [⚙ GitHub](https://github.com/omigroup/omi-archive) | 🕹 [World](https://hyperfy.io/omigroup) | [Donate](https://opencollective.com/omigroup) | | ----------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | OMI group is a community of industry professionals and independent artists coming together to collaborate on building interoperable technology together. We work on specifications and tools for creating and using accessible, durable, and portable 3D content. --- ## WebXR Lobbys **3D social startpages for the immersive web** ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rkw336ui3.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/webxr-lobbys) | [⚙ GitHub](https://github.com/madjin/webxr-lobby) | | --------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | Collection of optimized lobbies designed to connect disparate virtual worlds together made by the @janusxr community. They can be useful again to connect WebXR sites together, regardless of framework / engine it was developed with. --- ## M3 NFTs **Brainstorming NFTs for achievements and support** ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ByeW1m9K3.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/m3rcury) | [Nugz](https://hackmd.io/@XR/danknugz) | [3D Shop](https://m3org.com/mart) | | ---------------------------------------- | --- | --------------------------------- | M3rcury Post is a smart contract for publishing experimental NFTs from M3 community. Think WIP stuff that has warning labels on it because it comes straight out of a lab. 3D logs from the open metaverse. --- ## Tubbygotchi **Ideas on how to make digital ownership hardware more fun** ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ByU43MqF2.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/tubbygotchi) | [Sketchfab](https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/tubbygotchi-3d-concept-art-26d364eb3d00440cb8f50d25aff41c6d) | [Assembly Notes](https://hackmd.io/@XR/tubby-cats) | | -------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --- | Concept art designs for a device inspired by tamagotchis, hardware wallets, digivice, and Dreamcast VMUs to serve as a vessel for a digital pet / companion. Tubby cats are a CC0 art project that are producing animated spritesheets and 3D models for 20k NFTs with 1600+ traits. --- ## Linux XR **Notes on the Linux XR ecosystem and ways to improve it** ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Skh37fPF2.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/linux-xr/edit) | [⚙ Gitlab](https://gitlab.com/vr-on-linux/VR-on-Linux) | [Homelab Links](https://hackmd.io/@XR/homelab-links) | | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | --- | We need a metaverse stack that's open all the way down to the metal. This dev log overviews of all the different open source projects happening in the Linux spatial computing ecosystem along with a draft proposal on a grant for improving WebXR support for major browsers that ship with some of the mainstream distros. --- ## Knowledge Spaces **Tips on turning knowledge bases to knowledge spaces** ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJrsW3ai3.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/organization-memex) | [⚙ GitHub (WIP)](https://github.com/omigroup/omi-archive) | [🕹 Demo (WIP)](https://hyperfy.io/msf) | [3D Library](https://hackmd.io/@XR/HJQoZxeZs) | | --------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | --- | Building the metaverse requires many different disciplines and fields of knowledge, as well as cooperation amongst different groups along the technology stack. This post has tips on ways we can improve how we collaborate with each other online across disparate metaverse working groups and platforms by transforming notes and documentation into 3D spaces we can meet in. --- ## Virtual Homesteads **Psyops towards positive outcome futures via virtual homesteads** ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ByOkwLGUh.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/homesteads) | [⚙ GitHub (WIP)]() | [🕹 Demo (WIP)](https://hyperfy.io/solarpunk) | | --------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | What if we could psyop ourselves into a more positive vision of the future by designing elements of our virtual home spaces to be inspired by plausible solarpunk technology and principles of self sufficiency? This research gets into hydroponics asset creation, homestead ideas, and more. Demos and GitHub coming soon. --- ## Lightmapping for Web **Notes on bringing lightmaps to web platforms** ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BkEyuK0Sh.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/lightmapping-web) | [⚙ GitHub](https://github.com/madjin/lightmap-tests) | [🕹 Demo](https://madjin.github.io/lightmap-tests/) | | --------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | Lightmap bakes are a key aspect for virtual world designers to make beautiful and optimized experiences. This research follows various different techniques and case studies to aid in emerging standards discussions around ratifying a glTF extension for supporting lightmaps. --- ## Webaverse x Hyperfy **Efforts in aligning metaverse projects** ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/By5gQYASn.jpg) | [📃 Thesis](https://hackmd.io/@XR/weba-hyperfy) | [🖼 Slideshow](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1x6YEIceSZ77ESlBhk17tyLufqOOYfnSav2FmCmwTNyI/edit?usp=sharing) | [☑ Snapshot](https://snapshot.org/#/m3org.eth) | [🕹 Demo](https://hyperfy.io/m3) | | ----------------------------------------------- | --- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------- | I want Webaverse + M3 + Hyperfy to be aligned. We need to build strong alliances in order to execute the grand vision of the open metaverse and any support from M3 is worth their weight in gold. These resources outline a 10 month journey that continues today in aligning virtual society projects together. --- ## Openvoxels **Metaverse Interoperability Lab by M3** ![](https://i.imgur.com/NbHQP5D.jpg) | [📗 Book](https://hackmd.io/@xr/voxels) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/m3-org/openvoxels) | [🕹 Demo](https://hyperfy.io/makers) | [📈 Support](https://juicebox.money/@openvoxels) | | --------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | --- | Openvoxels is building the foundations of a movement to preserve metaverse artifacts and its cultures by building time machines to snapshot virtual world assets into interoperable assets based on open standards and making those snapshots accessible as living libraries. --- ## Anata DAO **From Live2D to VRM avatars** ![](https://i.imgur.com/siX7Wma.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/anata) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/m3-org/anata) | [🕹 Demo WIP]() | | ------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | Webaverse, M3, and Hologram is teaming up to convert 2000 Live2D vtubers into full 3D interoperable VRM characters that can be utilized in a variety of ways such as for in-game avatars, virtual productions, AI assistants, and more. --- ## Nexus City **An open source CC0 city experiment** ![](https://i.imgur.com/5cjrQoT.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/nexuscity) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/m3-org/TheNexus) | [🕹 Demo (WIP)]() | | ------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | The Nexus is a city built with software, determination, and love. It serves as a virtual downtown, a global commons, a connection point leveraging technology to bring us closer to the world we want, and the web we want. It's about interconnection. --- ## The Street **Forwards and back, not up and down** ![](https://i.imgur.com/phMUZHK.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/thestreet3) | [💻 Dework](https://app.dework.xyz/m3/m3ta) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/M3-org/makersdistrict) | [🕹 Demo](https://hyperfy.io/dawn) | | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | --- | The Street is a data viz metaphor for a website, blockchain, presentation, or timeline. It's the needle that threads worlds together, the original metaverse from Snow Crash, the ancient Silk Road. It's strolling forwards and backwards through the Internet rather than scrolling up and down it. --- ## Webaverse MMO **Metaverse Makers Organization** ![](https://i.imgur.com/a4DIeyV.jpg) | [📗 Book](https://hackmd.io/@xr/webaverse-mmo) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/webaverse-mmo) | [🎨 Art](https://hackmd.io/@XR/webaverse-art) | 🟣 [Dework](https://dework.xyz/webaverse) | [(NEW) Priorities](https://hackmd.io/@XR/mmo-priorities) | | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | --- | Handbook for improving the templates and documentation for Webaverse using web3 tools to incentivize community participation and sustainability. Other projects are free to copy and improve upon this system. --- ## Neon Buidl **Building a builder guild** ![](https://i.imgur.com/aMTDrop.jpg) | [📗 Book](https://hackmd.io/@xr/neon-buidl) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/neon-buidl) | | ------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | M3 and NeonDAO teamed up over the summer to form an online collective of metaverse builders, launch a series of buildathons, and help improve the creator ecosystem --- ## Web3 + FOSS **Fixing open source failure modes** ![](https://i.imgur.com/c4lI6B3.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/web3-foss) | [💻 Dework](https://app.dework.xyz/webaverse/board/view/bounty-boards-l7gvwv59) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/webaverse-mmo) | | ------------------------------------------ | ------------- | ------------------------------------------- | Overview of a MVP designed to build and scale open source projects in an aligned sustainable way using web3 tools --- ## xrdevlog meta **Future of this website** ![](https://i.imgur.com/pIA0DMk.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/xrdevlog-meta) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_xrdevlog-meta.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/xrdevlog-meta.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/madjin/xrdevlog) | | ----------- | --------- | ----------- | ----------- | Thoughts on xrdevlog, markdown, and how to transform a collection of dev logs into many other useful presentation modes. --- ## Local-first Home Spaces **Digital ownership meets hardware** ![](https://i.imgur.com/jaEIZTM.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/local-first-homes) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_local-first-homes.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/local-first-homes.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/madjin/home-space) | | -------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | Applying local-first ideals such as improving security, privacy, long-term preservation, and user control of data to metaverse home ownership. --- ## M3taloot **3D adventure gear** ![](https://i.imgur.com/12vQ8H6.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/m3taloot1) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_m3taloot1.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/m3taloot1.html) | | ----------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | | [Jam notes](https://hackmd.io/@xr/m3taloot-jam) | [Jam map](atlas/map_m3taloot-jam.jpg) | [Jam album](gallery/m3taloot-jam.html) | Bringing 3D artists, programmers, open source gamedev, and a virtual production team together into a collaborative media movement experimenting with CC0 NFTs, fidelity, and on-chain bundling. --- ## CloneXperiments **First tests of CloneX 3D files** ![](https://i.imgur.com/k4cPUKe.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/clonexperiments) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_clonexperiments.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/clonexperiments.html) | | ------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | Early experiments with avatars and wearables using the CloneX 3D files released by RTFKT studios. M3 makers are trying to see how we can make them easier to customize and use across many apps with VRM. --- ## M3 Grants **Funding for builders and makers** ![](https://i.imgur.com/Qy5IhFL.jpg) | [🔒 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/m3grants) | | ----------------------------------------- | Grant program and brainstorming ideas on showing appreciation for patrons that want to support the public goods work we do in the space. --- ## Avatar Builders **Programs to create your avatar** ![](https://i.imgur.com/gZPEraW.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/avatarbuilders) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_avatarbuilders.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/avatarbuilders.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/AtlasFoundation/AvatarCreator) | [💻 Demo](https://studio.webaverse.ai) | |-|-|-|-|-| Exploring programs use to create 3D avatars with as we work on building open source alternatives. --- :::info *The two below are locked because they deserve a bit more love before sharing and I just haven't found the time to do them justice yet* 💬 ::: --- ## Multi-Apps **Running multiple reality apps** ![](https://i.imgur.com/tVxdhx2.png) | [🔒 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/multiapps) | | ----------- | Instead of loading apps individually and silo'd from one another, one can overlay applications like multiple windows on a desktop or like AR holograms in VR. This dev log explores projects exploring such. --- ## OM experiments **Interop with Open Metaverse by 6529** ![](https://i.imgur.com/Lqv3Cqh.jpg) | [🔒 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/OM) | | ----------- | Permissionless collaboration. OM (open metaverse) is an initiative led by 6529 and OnCyber to iteratively experiment with tech stacks that can scale to 100M users starting with OnCyber. --- :::info Grid 5 is basically right now a picture book that describes a buildathon inspired by vket and burning man that's designed for metaverse makers to get into flow state faster. ::: --- ## The Grid Pt. 5 **Open Brush and Cryptovoxels** ![](https://i.imgur.com/JFqJF2H.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/grid5) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_grid5.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/grid5.html) | | ----------- | --------- | ----------- | Exporting mesh snapshot from Cryptovoxels, importing into Open Brush, painting neon overlays, then exporting to different VR platforms for creating a night city. --- ## Mocap Interoperability **Realtime animation between physical and digital** ![](https://i.imgur.com/gzdRyzA.png) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/mocap-interop) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_mocap-interop.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/mocap-interop.html) | | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------- | Experiments on how to capture, stream, and replay animation data between game engines and virtual worlds. --- :::info Someday all these dev logs will be spatialized into an elaborate memory palace and then a collaborative virtual lab, Idea Factory 2.0. I will open source everything. ::: --- ## Virtual Virtual Production **Eliminating green screen and physical distance** ![](https://i.imgur.com/oMyqVrv.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/studios2) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_studios2.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/studios2.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/gm3/vTuber-SDK3) | [💻 Demo](https://vrch.at/275utcn6) | |-|-|-|-|-| Hollywood is slipping into the cloud; Consumer VR hardware, AI, and real-time game engine breakthroughs are democratizing the art of filmmaking at exponential speed. --- ## Playcanvas Interop Demos **Bringing content into Playcanvas** ![](https://i.imgur.com/8B1EZFM.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/playcanvas-demos) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_playcanvas-demos.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/playcanvas-demos.html) | [💾 Code](https://playcanvas.com/project/726739/overview/club-anarchy) | [💻 Demo](https://smsithlord.com/avatardemo/) | |-|-|-|-|-| SM SithLord x jin M3 collaborations on porting avatars and worlds from different sources into Playcanvas, an open source web game engine owned by Snap. --- ## Pets **Early experiments with 3D NFT pets** ![](https://i.imgur.com/ncJY9vS.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/pets) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_pets.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/pets.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/M3-org/tubby-pet) | [😸 Tubbys](https://hackmd.io/@XR/tubby-cats) | | ------------------------------------- | --------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | --- | Not every 3D avatar will be your skin per say, some avatars can become your autonomous companions in the metaverse. --- ## 0N1Force 3D Avatars **Making 2D pfp collection metaverse ready** ![](https://i.imgur.com/fLNY096.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/0n1force-avatars) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_0n1force-avatars.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/0n1force-avatars.html) | [🔒 Code](https://github.com/madjin/0N1-avatars) | | ------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | Plans and progress for building VR and vtuber ready 3D avatars from the 0N1Force NFT collection. --- ## Interoperable Wearables 1 **How wearables can be more interoperable** ![](https://i.imgur.com/UPku9d0.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/wearables1) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_wearables1.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/wearables1.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/m3-org/avatar-interop/wiki/wearables) | | ------------------------------------------- | --------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | It's hard adding custom wearables to custom avatars for newbies atm. How can we make wearables more compatible between different base models and easier to customize? --- ## Open Metaverse Framework **How to build an open version of Meta** ![](https://i.imgur.com/33pU3sz.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/openmetaverse) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_openmetaverse.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/openmetaverse.html) | | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------- | Unpacking the Meta announcement video and coming up with open and decentralized projects for every big category of the metaverse. --- ## CloneX Pods **NFT Home Space Interop** ![](https://i.imgur.com/veYd2h6.png) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/clonex-pods) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_clonex-pods.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/clonex-pods.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/madjin/space-pod) | [💻 Demo](https://madjin.github.io/space-pod/) | |-|-|-|-|-| Bringing a NFT home space owned by 8100+ wallets across different platforms to better understand the meaning of digital home ownership and interoperability. --- :::info The next 3 dev logs are all closely related to M3 season 1 plans. Webaverse and Metafactory will collab on interoperable wearables and a virtual productions that go along with a 3D loot collection. ::: --- ## MF VR Crew **Metaverse Makers x Metafactory** ![](https://i.imgur.com/GiCOKTb.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/mfcrew) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_mfcrew.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/mfcrew.html) | [📚 Notes](https://hackmd.io/@xr/mf_notes) | | --------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------- | We're builders and makers that can custom design avatars, worlds, virtual productions, and events across the metaverse. This is what we can do with Metafactory. --- ## Virtual Production Brochure **Overview of our VR studios and services** ![](https://i.imgur.com/jXZRqFe.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/vprod-brochure) / [Notes](https://hackmd.io/@xr/vrmusicvid-boomboxhead2) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_vprod-brochure.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/vprod-brochure.html) | | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | Press ESC on the page to orient yourself and explore the virtual studios and projects we've done over the years. Feel free to contact us if you're interested in collaborating. --- ## Loot Wars **Loot, Dope Wars, and Rarity** ![](https://i.imgur.com/qzI5su2.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/lootwars) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_lootwars.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/lootwars.html) | | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | Few months have passed since Loot has been released. Now that the dust has settled from the initial hype, truly innovative projects are beginning to emerge from the metadata NFT scene. --- ## Beatboxes **Web3XR Internet Dance Party** ![](https://i.imgur.com/Ip450fF.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/beatboxes) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_beatboxes.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/beatboxes.html) | | ------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | Beatboxes are 841 generated unique rooms made with aframe on the Ethereum blockchain. The dev log explores ideas to build more layers on top like multiplayer avatars, live mixes, and NPCs. --- ## NFT 3D Avatars **Catalog and best practice guides** ![](https://i.imgur.com/Pr7QIQC.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/nftavatars) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_nftavatars.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/nftavatars.html) | | ------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | Generative 3D avatar collections are coming to web3, lets push open standards and interoperable file formats to make things less friction and more freedom for the user. --- :::info I spotted implementations of Avatar LOD in the wild via Altspace (Microsoft) and Decentraland long after first publishing these ideas. It's cool to see that it works and offers considerable benefits, tells me that we're on the right track. ::: --- ## Avatar LOD **Scaling the number of avatars per world** ![](https://i.imgur.com/HLK42Jy.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/avatarlod) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_avatarlod.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/avatarlod.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/webaverse/app) | | ------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | ----------- | Most virtual worlds struggle to fit 100 avatars per virtual world, especially with UGC. Utilizing game dev optimization techniques we can perhaps scale way beyond that. --- ## M3 2.0 **Community design for the digital renaissance** ![](https://i.imgur.com/GwGPFoL.jpg) | [📃 View](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1IhxGc-JPCnVzTyvu8P1zGymb5KinqH6n-vWdMt89KdQ/edit?usp=sharing) | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Discords are the new coffeehouses and hackerspaces of this moment. M3 had its setbacks in version 1, now we're taking more seriously the notion of having skin in the game with crypto integration. --- ## WebXR Monetization **Leading to sustainable development** ![](https://i.imgur.com/KGOcXDH.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/monetization) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_monetization.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/monetization.html) | | --------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | Native app developers make millions in app stores while many WebXR developers hunt for scraps and seek client work to make ends meet. What are some ways to make WebXR more profitable so we can grow the open Metaverse? --- ## VR Privacy **Paths to solutions** ![](https://i.imgur.com/qp0CU3j.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/privacy) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_privacy.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/privacy.html) | | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------- | Before VR/AR technology becomes mainstream we have an opportunity now to shape consumer habits and privacy culture that can preserve our basic human right to privacy in the future. --- ## NFT Discord Bot **Frictionless Access to Crypto** ![](https://i.imgur.com/L4czwEd.png) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/nftbot) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_nftbot.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/nftbot.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/webaverse/ethereum-bot) | [💻 Demo](discord.gg/m3org) | |-|-|-|-|-| Lowering the barrier to entry for crypto by minting and trading of ERC20 and ERC721 tokens over Discord plus a virtual production panel about Metaverse composability. --- ## HackFS **Web3 Virtual Hackathon** ![](https://i.imgur.com/13zQlzd.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/hackfs) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_hackfs.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/hackfs.html) | | --------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------ | Making decentralized VR applications and tools for the web3 community to network with the virtual world community while searching for killer applications. --- ## The Grid Part 4 **Digital twins in the Cloud** ![](https://i.imgur.com/yvGexf2.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/grid4) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_grid4.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/grid4.html) | | -------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------- | Grid 4 explores ideas and potential use-cases around connecting together digital snapshots of physical world spaces. --- :::info Internet Archive is a huge inspiration for Openvoxels, check out the [Voxels book](https://hackmd.io/@xr/voxels). ::: --- ## Internet Archive VR **Digitizing the physical Archive** ![](https://i.imgur.com/zIdjxL0.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/internetarchive) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_internetarchive.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/internetarchive.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/madjin/internet-archive-vr) | [💻 Demo](https://madjin.github.io/internet-archive-vr/indoor/) | |-|-|-|-|-| The Internet Archive offers free universal access to books, movies & music, as well as 446 billion archived web page. Over the years, volunteers have 3D scanned the physical building to create VR experiences with. --- ## Metaverse Lab **Bottom-up solutions for the Metaverse** ![](https://i.imgur.com/B6c6Woq.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/metaverselab) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_metaverselab.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/metaverselab.html) | | --------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | Overview of the pioneering experiments about decentralized VR/AR infrastructure, neural networks, and 3D internet that alusion posted on hackaday. --- ## IPFS VR **Visualizing the distributed web** ![](https://i.imgur.com/qtAEWs4.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/ipfsvr) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_ipfsvr.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/ipfsvr.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/madjin/ipfs-ecosystem) | | --------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------- | VR requires A LOT of data and speed. Distributed P2P file systems like the Interplanetary Filesystem (IPFS) could provide the infrastructure that the decentralized Metaverse needs to scale. How can we align these two communities together? --- ## Noclip Multiversing **Video game levels become social webspaces** ![](https://i.imgur.com/dXPRcqz.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/noclip) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_noclip.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/noclip.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/magcius/noclip.website) | [💻 Demo](https://noclip.website/) | |-|-|-|-|-| Noclip.website is a digital museum of video game levels done by reverse engineering the file formats shipped on game discs. By them adding WebXR support we've been able to integrate additional reality overlays for multiplayer avatars and more. --- ## Webaverse **Web XR Crypto Meta Universe** ![](https://i.imgur.com/TbfXKYd.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/webaverse) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_webaverse.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/webaverse.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/webaverse) | [💻 Demo](https://app.webaverse.com) | |-|-|-|-|-| Tools made from open standards combined with distributed infrastructure for building an open Metaverse on the web. Webaverse runs any app in any other app on any headset. Holographic internet. AR in VR. --- ## ETHDenver VR **Digital Timecapsules** ![](https://i.imgur.com/DzW2VJ0.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/ethdenver) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_ethdenver.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/ethdenver.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/madjin/ethdenver) (soon) | | ------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | Producing multi-platform virtual worlds before and after the biggest Ethereum blockchain buildathon of the year. A space where VR, DeFi, and ETH devs can network, view art, and host events. --- ## VR Conferences **Next level virtual conferences and expos** ![](https://i.imgur.com/AZl61Xx.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/vrconferences) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_vrconferences.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/vrconferences.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/madjin/vr-conf) | [💻 Demo](https://madjin.github.io/vr-conf/) | |-|-|-|-|-| Large gatherings of people in physical spaces is becoming impossible because of the pandemic. This dev log contains a collection of past work and future plans for producing scalable virtual conferences and meetups. --- ## Avatar Interoperability **Virtual Self** ![](https://i.imgur.com/Nw74mlm.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/avatars) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_avatars.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/avatars.html) | | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------- | The things you earn in one platform should carry over into the next. How can our avatars persist while moving between disparate virtual realities? --- ## The Grid Part 3 **City of Ether** ![](https://i.imgur.com/Daw56bP.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/grid3) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_grid3.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/grid3.html) | | -------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------- | Can we build a digital city where creative people can live and work in virtual worlds? Open standards and interoperability is crucial for a sustainable foundation of netizens working across many different fields and platforms. --- ## Crypto Art Show **Immortalizing a pop-up art show** ![](https://i.imgur.com/FJzp6pD.png) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/cryptoartshow) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_cryptoartshow.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/cryptoartshow.html) | | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------- | Crypto Art Show is the first physical art show about NFTs to take place in LA and has now been reconstructed into an immersive timecapsule. --- ## Virtual Hackerspaces **Building a mixed reality hackerspace network** ![](https://i.imgur.com/F44Qjpg.png) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/hackerspaces) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_hackerspaces.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/hackerspaces.html) | [💻 Demo](https://3d.m3org.com) | | --------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ----------- | Hackerspaces are community-operated physical places people with a shared interest in tinkering with technology use to teach, learn, and build. We are 3D scanning and connecting spaces from all over the world together. --- ## Exokit Overview **Engineering critical web Metaverse infrastructure** ![](https://i.imgur.com/nQ609q2.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/exokit) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_exokit.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/exokit.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/exokitxr) | [💻 Demo](https://exokit.org/) | |-|-|-|-|-| This post covers full native web browsers from scratch, VR web browsers in your VR web browsers, and a full IK avatar system written in javascript, and a world-class organization building open standards. --- ## Cryptovoxels Part 3 **Documenting 5 months of development in Origin City** ![](https://i.imgur.com/gjzFzdb.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/cv3) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_grid3.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/grid3.html) | | ------------------------------------ | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------- | Updates from June to November 2019 include: Crypto art, wearables, third-party clients, soundtracks, contests, code optimization, mobile client, virtual panels, and more. --- ## Virtual Productions Part 2 **Applying the real-time revolution in Filmmaking** ![](https://i.imgur.com/bOuOFEW.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/studios) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_studios.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/studios.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/gm3/vTuber) | [💻 Demo](https://vrch.at/9qn77v63) | |-|-|-|-|-| We're researching how remote collaboration with 3D avatars saves time and democratizes content creation further with real-time animation capabilities using only consumer grade hardware. --- ## Motivation **Who is building the open Metaverse and why?** ![](https://i.imgur.com/6OXXLjR.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/motivation) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_motivation.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/motivation.html) | | ------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | This next decade will give rise to spatial computing with big tech investing billions of dollars into it. What does it take to build the most open and extensible gaming platform? --- ## Crypto Cities **Comparison of Cryptovoxels and Decentraland** ![](https://i.imgur.com/uqzhquv.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/cities) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_cities.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/cities.html) | | --------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------ | Cryptovoxels and Decentraland are both virtual worlds owned by their users. What purpose do they serve and how is each accomplishing it? --- ## Social VR and E-sports **Current pulse on watching media with friends** ![](https://i.imgur.com/nkXdbQz.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/esports) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_esports.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/esports.html) | | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------- | Checking out what it's like to invite friends to watch a tournament on Twitch from various social VR environments now and what the future of this activity may look like. --- ## Decentralized Web Camp **Gathering to Rebuild the Internet** ![](https://i.imgur.com/4Wu83DG.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/dwebcamp) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_dwebcamp.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/dwebcamp.html) | | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | Builders of the Web 3.0 gather at Dweb Camp exchange ideas and hack on a mesh network along the California coastline. The WebXR squad was present again this year to bring fresh demos and document the event. --- ## Maps of the Internet **Visualizing the Internet landscape** ![](https://i.imgur.com/Fob4ywW.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/maps) | [🗺 Map](https://i.imgur.com/ktIKqda.jpg) | [🖼 Album](https://xrdevlog.com/gallery/maps.html) | | ------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | Collection of various visualizations of the Internet and infrastructure projects to digitize Earth for anchoring spatial web content onto. --- ## The Grid Part 2 **Week 2 of making an Internet city** ![](https://i.imgur.com/WL8Q1oP.png) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/grid2) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_grid2.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/grid2.html) | | -------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------- | 'The Grid' also known as 'Cyberspace' implies a spatial aspect to the internet, imagining the web as a place you can visit. Part 2 features new demos from a collaboration of raw creative talent bridging Janus and Cryptovoxels closer. --- ## The Grid Part 1 **City planning for the Internet** ![tSrrcRF](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/B1MNCc1Ha.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/grid) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_grid.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/grid.html) | | ------------------------------------- | --------------------------- | ---------------------------- | 'The Grid' is the address space of the immersive internet realized in a 3D space. Part 1 navigates projects, infrastructure, and prototypes involved in designing an internet city inspired by Snow Crash and Burning Man. --- ## Cross-linking Virtual Worlds 2 **Testing the glue between social VR platforms** ![](https://i.imgur.com/e6FV3YJ.png) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/crosslink2) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_crosslink2.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/crosslink2.html) | | ------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | How are avatars and objects moving between virtual worlds today? Why is this important and how can a more seamless metaverse benefit the parties involved? --- ## Cryptovoxels Pt.2 **Six more months of building a virtual city** ![](https://i.imgur.com/DZEaanL.png) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/cv2) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_cv2.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/cv2.html) | | ------------------------------------ | -------------------------- | --------------------------- | There's been an avalanche of new features and districts added into Cryptovoxels since beginning of 2019. See how this project is organically evolving into a Metaverse. --- ## XR Browsers **Comparing Web Browsers** ![](https://i.imgur.com/sdy8QBs.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/xrbrowsers) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_xrbrowsers.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/xrbrowsers.html) | | ------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | The browser wars have returned and there's many vendors offering a sliding scale of support with the latest VR/AR devices. --- ## Virtual Productions Part 1 **Hollywood studio of the future** ![](https://i.imgur.com/jVbMfTD.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/podcast) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_podcast.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/podcast.html) | | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------- | We've taken the production pipeline for creating content and completely digitalized in Unity3D. Currently we have plans of using WebXR for archiving and distribution. --- ## GatherVR **Convention centre of the future** ![](https://i.imgur.com/E3N3aGo.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/gathervr) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_gathervr.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/gathervr.html) | | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | Back in 2015 two well known JanusVR developers built a virtual conference center for people around the world to connect, interact, share, and learn. --- ## Leap Motion **Reaching into the metaverse** ![](https://i.imgur.com/t5wAud0.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/handtracking) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_handtracking.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/handtracking.html) | | --------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | Device support for the popular leap motion peripheral has existed in janus for years. In this log we look at the past and future of using our hands in mixed reality. --- ## DNA Lounge **Mixed Reality Night Club** ![](https://i.imgur.com/iyj9F4U.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/dna) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_dna.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/dna.html) | | ------------------------------------ | -------------------------- | --------------------------- | In the heart of SOMA in SF is a cyberpunk themed nightclub called DNA lounge. We have built some cool social webvr experiences for events themed after Hackers and The Matrix. --- ## Virtual Coworking **Exploring what the future of co-working may look like** ![](https://i.imgur.com/AJfXyS1.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/cowork) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_cowork.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/cowork.html) | | --------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------ | Fun fact: every WeWork location is first completely laser scanned as part of the process. What if those scans can be further useful in extending the benefits of co-working to an online metaverse? --- ## Meta Shortcut Format **Enabling desktop properties to metaverse frontends** ![MXAeOwh](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJ2qR9kHp.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/msf) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_msf.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/msf.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/smsithlord/MetaShortcutFormat) | [💻 Demo](https://store.steampowered.com/app/266430/Anarchy_Arcade/) | |-|-|-|-|-| This format specification is to help 2D & 3D frontends dynamically generate rich presence representations for generic shortcuts within their environments. --- ## Crosslinking SocialVR **How to travel between different programs efficiently** ![](https://i.imgur.com/ixY9w8u.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/crosslink) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_crosslink.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/crosslink.html) | | ------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | We're looking at points of friction between various online socialVR platforms and coding ways to make these worlds easier to travel between. --- ## Hifiweb **Open source web client for High Fidelity** ![](https://i.imgur.com/LjNkq1l.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/hifiweb) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_hifiweb.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/hifiweb.html) | | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------- | High Fidelity is an open source social VR platform. The janusvr team built a web client that communicated with the HiFi servers and blended functionality with the native client. --- ## The NOC **Inside look at a virtual network operations center** ![](https://i.imgur.com/c9LSu6u.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/noc) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_noc.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/noc.html) | | ------------------------------------ | -------------------------- | --------------------------- | Inspired by the AT&T Global operations center, see how this ultimate battlestation was built and what it's capable of already. --- ## Metacade Timeline **Visual history of Metacade's development** ![xAVq0Vl](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Hygq0cyS6.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/metacade) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_metacade.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/metacade.html) | | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | Metacade is a web based VRcade project powered by javascript and MAME and modeled after Flynn's Arcade. --- ## Vesta **Home for any WebVR content.** ![](https://i.imgur.com/M2OokM8.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/vesta) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_vesta.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/vesta.html) | [💻 Demo](https://vesta.janusxr.org/) | | -------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------- | Vesta combines ideas from neocities, newgrounds, myspace, and glitch.com with virtual reality. You can build, share, connect, and collaborate with free hosting for your worlds. --- ## Central Marketplace District **Prototyping an open-air virtual marketplace** ![](https://i.imgur.com/WFGgJ7o.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/nexus) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_nexus.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/nexus.html) | | -------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------- | We're interested in providing tools and expertise for individuals and districts to advance their projects. NEXUS contains themed shopping areas for vendors to sell in-app goods in an open-air marketplace. --- ## WebVRchat **Open source social VR client** ![](https://i.imgur.com/UdwmSsj.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/webvrchat) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_webvrchat.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/webvrchat.html) | [💾 Code](https://madjin.github.io/webvrshop/) | [💻 Demo](https://madjin.github.io/webvrshop/) | |-|-|-|-|-| What would an open source alternative to VRchat look like with a web client? In what ways can the web and the native program interact with eachother? --- ## WebVR Cinema **Big screened multiplayer theater experience** ![](https://i.imgur.com/qQldqwt.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/cinema) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_cinema.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/cinema.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/janusxr-examples/forest-cinema) | [💻 Demo](https://janusxr-examples.github.io/forest-cinema/) | |-|-|-|-|-| Behind the scenes look at the construction of low poly multiplayer indoor and outdoor cinemas made with as little as 13 lines of code! --- ## Virtual Las Vegas **How we made the strip into a WebVR experience** ![](https://i.imgur.com/bqd91dw.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/vegas) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_vegas.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/vegas.html) | | -------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------- | A world that started with a simple experiment to initiate an experience after a successful bitcoin transaction with the crypto changemachine component. --- ## Virtual Expo Pt.2 **Adding a new spin on a virtual conference center** ![](https://i.imgur.com/St0Eu3a.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/conf2) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_conf2.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/conf2.html) | | -------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------- | Third iteration on making a virtual expo, this time starting with a massive matterport scan of a real life conference center with some parts of it completely remodeled. --- ## Decentralized Web **Working code of a decentralized metaverse** ![](https://i.imgur.com/8buhKpa.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/dweb) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_dweb.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/dweb.html) | | ------------------------------------- | --------------------------- | ---------------------------- | Young and old computer wizards are working together to upgrade the web. JanusVR has presented demos at internet archive events since 2016 that combine aspects of virtual reality, the internet, and web3 together. --- ## Cryptovoxels **Three months of building a virtual city** ![](https://i.imgur.com/Xr78huZ.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/cv) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_cv.jpg) | [🖼 Album]() | [💾 Code](gallery/cv.html) | | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------- | ----------- | -------------------------- | Cryptovoxels is a virtual world on the Ethereum blockchain where users can build, develop and sell property in origin city. You own your own land, with your ownership recorded permanently on the blockchain. --- ## Hacker Homekit **Creating a cross-platform virtual startpage** ![](https://i.imgur.com/2CD951G.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/hhomekit) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_hhomekit.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/hhomekit.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/madjin/home-space) | [💻 Demo](https://madjin.github.io/home-space/janus/) | |-|-|-|-|-| The homepage of the future. The Metaverse is an offline-first protocool that serves as a convention between computers and could be accessed when offline. --- ## Project Deskcloud **Remote Desktops and Virtual Battlestations** ![](https://i.imgur.com/GbA7DuW.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/deskcloud) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_deskcloud.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/deskcloud.html) | | ------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | We've always wondered, "what if you could connect into your ideal workspace from anywhere and be as productive with your team as when you're sharing physical office space?". --- ## Crypto Machines **Vending machines, arcade cabinets, and more** ![](https://i.imgur.com/c3NKHCJ.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/cryptomachines) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_cryptomachines.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/cryptomachines.html) | | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | From the bitcoin change machine to arcade and vending machines, see how these blockchain powered components are exploring new business models with gaming. --- ## Virtual Expo **Making a WebXR conference center** ![](https://i.imgur.com/33zFFOq.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@XR/conf) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_conf.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/conf.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/madjin/omnicommons-vr) | [💻 Demo](https://hubs.mozilla.com/scenes/cZSvD9v) | |-|-|-|-|-| Using a matterport scan of an event space as a showfloor for exhibitors to display virtual content and give presentations in an open mixed reality dev environment. --- ## Decentraland Flow **Rapid prototyping pipeline from Janus to DCL** ![](https://i.imgur.com/Df4oh7F.jpg) | [📃 View](https://hackmd.io/@xr/dclflow) | [🗺 Map](atlas/map_dclflow.jpg) | [🖼 Album](gallery/dclflow.html) | [💾 Code](https://github.com/jbaicoianu/dcl-parcel-viewer) | |-|-|-|-| How we aim to reduce friction and make the job of buildng 3D content for Decentraland easier and more collaborative.