Subsquare polkadot fellowship support milestone 1 > The Fellowship collective is an on-chain body designed to ensure the Polkadot network is able to incentivise, recognise ans retain expertise and knowledge over its protocol to guarantee continued maintenance and innovation. > <div style="text-align: right"> Gavin Wood </div> There are mainly 4 pallets involved in the whole business:`ranked_collective`, `referenda`, `core_fellowship` and `salary`. Check [polkadot wiki]( for descriptions. Subsquare team has been developing features to support the whole business. ![features]( ## 1. Features ### Membership management Membership interfaces will display all information relevant to a single member/candidate. The information includes: - Rank of a member/candidate. - Activeness. - Demotion/promotion/offboard period and count down for a single member/candidate. - Summary about member induction and member/candidate distribution. - Evidence of a member for rank-retention. - System params which includes various rank related periods and salaries. Various transactivce actions are supported which includes: - A member can import himself/herself to the core system. - A member can induct a candidate to the fellowship. - A member can be bumped if his/her demotion period is reached. - Shortcut actions for a member to create a referendum to promote another member or keep another member in his/her rank. - A member can set himself/herself to be active or unactive. - A member can submit evidence for rank-rentention. ### Salary system Salary management is by cycles. Each cycle is divided into registration and payment period. Members can register and claim their payment in each cycle. Final payment is decided by a member's salary and the budget of each cycle. Pages and components are developed to show salary related information, including: 1. All cycles including history ones and the ongoing cycle and their summary data. 2. Each cycle detail information including - Basic information like budget, time duration, payment summary, etc. - Members registration. - Payments including registered and unregistered payments. - Feeds of a single salary cycle. 3. Members of the salary system. - Members table on which we can see each member's basic info and state in the salary system, like whether he/she is registered, last active cycle, payment state. - Members filter by rank or state. - Inducted members count summary. 4. Active cycle summary panel which give a fast of ongoing cycle for members. Supported member actions include: ### Feeds To record what happened, activity feeds are developed for `core_fellowship` and `salary` modules. They includes the member induction, rank promotion/demotion/rentention, params change, salary cycle start/end, registration, payments and all history activities. These feeds will be also divided by salary cycles, a signle member to show specific business, and there will be filters for a fast history activities search. ## 2. Budget breakdown | Work | Estimated hours | memo | | ---- | ---- | ---- | | Research, feature, UI& UX design | 320 | 2 FTE * 20days | | Membership management | 480 | 3 FTE * 20 days | | Salary system | 720 | 3 FTE * 30 days | | Feeds | 160 | 2 FTE * 10 days | | Testing | 32 | 1 FTE * 4 days | | Total | 1712 | | - Hour rate $90, total request is $154,080. - DOT EMA30 price is 9.425. Requet for DOT is 16,348. ## 3. Future plans - Statistics including expenditure, membership, etc. - Treasury system: there will be treasury pallet on collectives para chain. - Fellowship member notifications: new salary cycles, new members, salary cycle closing, demotion period is closing, etc. - Fellowship member detailed information on profile page.