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A Guide to EIP-6963 for React Developers

This article will fast track your understanding of EIP-6963 (Multi-Wallet Injected Provider Discovery), answer questions about how to implement in your React dAPp.

Just want to see the code?
Below is the example code in ViteJS (React + TypeScript) if you'd like to skip the chit chat:
GitHub Repo: vite-react-ts-eip-6963

This example code implements EIP-6963 for detecting multiple injected providers (browser installed wallets (Externally Owned Accounts)).

Follow along as we explore the interfaces outlined in the EIP, learn about listening to eip6963:announceProvider events and storing and distinguishing between the various returned providers for their use anywhere in our dApp.

Skip to "What Developers Need to Know"
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The EIP-6963 Abstract

An alternative discovery mechanism to window.ethereum for EIP-1193 providers which supports discovering multiple injected Wallet Providers in a web page using Javascript’s window events.

Before trying to understand any EIP, read and fully understand the abstract (Quoted above), motivation, and do a full read through even if there are aspects that you don't understand.

Note: If you don't understand any part, you can get further information through sites like Ethereum Magicians (EIP-6963 MIPD) where you can get additional context from the authors and the community on most EIPs. It will also be helpful to familiarize yourself EIP-1193.

The most important line from the EIP-6963 abstract is:

"An alternative discovery mechanism to window.ethereum for EIP-1193 providers"

Immediately this tells me that EIP-6963's Multi Injected Provider Discovery proposal introduces a different approach for discovering and interacting with EIP-1193 providers) in contrast to the existing method relying on the window.ethereum object.

As a developer with window.ethereum littered throughout my dapps and the UX issues that come with the older approach, they have my attention.

Hopefully this info helps to frame our thinking as we progress through the EIP and start to implement this improved way of detecting our users installed wallets.

Issues Predating EIP-6963

In Ethereum dApps, wallets traditionally expose their APIs using a JavaScript object known as 'the Provider.' The initial EIP created to standardize this interface was EIP-1193, and conflicts have risen among different wallet implementations. While EIP-1193 aimed to establish a common convention, the user experience suffered due to race conditions caused by wallets injecting their providers (clobbering) the window's (Ethereum object). This has been a huge criticism of Web3 UX and its shortcomings around wallet discovery, onboarding and connection. These race conditions resulted in multiple wallet extensions enabled in the same browser having conflicts, where the last injected provider takes precedence.

EIP-5749 attempted to solve this issue with a window.evmprovider solution, and was a step in the right direction, but ultimately was not adopted by enough wallets to solve our UX issues. This is where we end up with EIP 6963 bringing a standard to propose a way of doing Multi Injected Provider Discovery and wallets are taking notice and most have implemented this new standard.

List of wallets that support EIP-6963

What Developers Need to Know

As a developer, the first thing you should do in order to get familiar with EIP-6963, is to understand the initial motive, basic description, and more importantly the types, interfaces and logic needed to implement this new approach.

Implementing EIP-6963 in a ViteJS React + TS Application

The Provider MUST implement and expose the interfaces defined in the EIP. Let's review them real quick, i have also provided links to each section of the original EIP for reference.

Provider Info

Each Wallet Provider will be announced with the following interface:

/** * Represents the assets needed to display a wallet */ interface EIP6963ProviderInfo { uuid: string; name: string; icon: string; rdns: string; }

Provider Detail

used as a composition interface to announce a Wallet Provider and related metadata about the Wallet Provider

interface EIP6963ProviderDetail { info: EIP6963ProviderInfo; provider: EIP1193Provider; }


The EIP6963AnnounceProviderEvent interface MUST be a CustomEvent object with a type property containing a string value of eip6963:announceProvider and a detail property with an object value of type EIP6963ProviderDetail.

// Announce Event dispatched by a Wallet interface EIP6963AnnounceProviderEvent extends CustomEvent { type: "eip6963:announceProvider"; detail: EIP6963ProviderDetail; }

Request Events

The EIP6963RequestProviderEvent interface MUST be an Event object with a type property containing a string value of eip6963:requestProvider.

// Request Event dispatched by a DApp interface EIP6963RequestProviderEvent extends Event { type: "eip6963:requestProvider"; }

With these interfaces understood, we can spin up a ViteJS React + TypeScript application and update the src/vite-env.d.ts with those interfaces and the addition of an EIP1193Provider:


/// <reference types="vite/client" /> interface EIP6963ProviderInfo { walletId: string; uuid: string; name: string; icon: string; } // Represents the structure of an Ethereum provider based on the EIP-1193 standard. interface EIP1193Provider { isStatus?: boolean; host?: string; path?: string; sendAsync?: (request: { method: string, params?: Array<unknown> }, callback: (error: Error | null, response: unknown) => void) => void send?: (request: { method: string, params?: Array<unknown> }, callback: (error: Error | null, response: unknown) => void) => void request: (request: { method: string, params?: Array<unknown> }) => Promise<unknown> } interface EIP6963ProviderDetail { info: EIP6963ProviderInfo; provider: EIP1193Provider; } // This type represents the structure of an event dispatched by a wallet to announce its presence based on EIP-6963. type EIP6963AnnounceProviderEvent = { detail:{ info: EIP6963ProviderInfo, provider: EIP1193Provider } }

These interfaces and types provide a structured and standardized way to handle Ethereum wallet providers, facilitating the integration of EIP-6963. The definitions offer clear specifications for the information expected from wallet providers, promoting consistency and interoperability.

We can then create a hooks directory and add the two following files:


declare global{ interface WindowEventMap { "eip6963:announceProvider": CustomEvent } } let providers: EIP6963ProviderDetail[] = [] export const store = { value: ()=>providers, subscribe: (callback: ()=>void)=>{ function onAnnouncement(event: EIP6963AnnounceProviderEvent){ if( => return providers = [...providers, event.detail] callback() } window.addEventListener("eip6963:announceProvider", onAnnouncement); window.dispatchEvent(new Event("eip6963:requestProvider")); return ()=>window.removeEventListener("eip6963:announceProvider", onAnnouncement) } }

About this store:

  • Defines a global event type for EIP-6963 provider announcements.
  • Manages an external store (providers) that holds the state of detected wallet providers.
  • Subscribes to the "eip6963:announceProvider" event and updates the external store when a new provider is announced.
  • Provides the value function to access the current state and the subscribe function to subscribe to changes in the external store.


import { useSyncExternalStore } from "react"; import { store } from "./store"; export const useSyncProviders = ()=> useSyncExternalStore(store.subscribe, store.value, store.value)

Utilizes the useSyncExternalStore hook to synchronize the local state with the external store defined in store.tsx.

In the next component DiscoverWalletProviders, the useSyncProviders hook is called to get the synchronized state. The providers variable now holds the current state of the external store store.value. The DiscoverWalletProviders component uses this state to dynamically render buttons for each detected wallet provider.

Next we will add a component in the src/components directory.


import { useState } from 'react' import { useSyncProviders } from '../hooks/useSyncProviders' import { formatAddress } from '~/utils' export const DiscoverWalletProviders = () => { const [selectedWallet, setSelectedWallet] = useState<EIP6963ProviderDetail>() const [userAccount, setUserAccount] = useState<string>('') const providers = useSyncProviders() const handleConnect = async(providerWithInfo: EIP6963ProviderDetail)=> { const accounts = await providerWithInfo.provider .request({method:'eth_requestAccounts'}) .catch(console.error) if(accounts?.[0]){ setSelectedWallet(providerWithInfo) setUserAccount(accounts?.[0]) } } return ( <> <h2>Wallets Detected:</h2> <div> { providers.length > 0 ? providers?.map((provider: EIP6963ProviderDetail)=>( <button key={} onClick={()=>handleConnect(provider)} > <img src={} alt={} /> <div>{}</div> </button> )) : <div> there are no Announced Providers </div> } </div> <hr /> <h2>{ userAccount ? "" : "No " }Wallet Selected</h2> { userAccount && <div> <div> <img src={} alt={} /> <div>{}</div> <div>({formatAddress(userAccount)})</div> </div> </div> } </> ) }

In the code above, as soon as the page is rendered we are logging the providers that we have detected. See lline 11. We can loop over these providers and create a button for each one, this button will be used to call eth_requestAccounts.

Finally we can render this coomponent in src/App.tsx


import './App.css' import { DiscoverWalletProviders } from './components/DiscoverWalletProviders' function App() { return ( <> <DiscoverWalletProviders/> </> ) } export default App

In summary, these files enable integration of EIP-6963 in a ViteJS (React + TypeScript) application. The interfaces and types are defined, the synchronization between components is taken care of by the useSyncProviders hook, and the external store store.tsx manages the state of detected wallet providers.

With these few steps we have implemented EIP-6963 into a React application utilizing the TypeScript interfaces outlined in the EIP. At a basic level, that's it. You can see the source code here: vite-react-ts-eip-6963

Third Party Library Support

The easiest way for developers building in Web3 to start using EIP-6963 (Multi Injected Provider Discovery) is by taking advantage of Third Party connection libraries (convenience libraries) that already support it. At the time of this writing, here is the list:

If you are building Wallet Connection Libraries you will be happy to know that incorporating MetaMask's SDK will ensure that the connection to MetaMask supports EIP-6963 for the detection of the MetaMask extension and MetaMask Flask wallets.

You can get the injected providers using Wagmi's MIPD Store With Vanilla JS and React examples.

The MetaMask SDK

The MetaMask SDK not only supports EIP-6963 on its own for detecting (only) MetaMask, but is also being integrated into Web3 Onboard and WAGMI v2.0.

The SDKs integration of EIP-6963 is for the efficient discovery and connection with the MetaMask Extension. This enhancement is pivotal in streamlining the user experience and promoting seamless interactions with the Ethereum blockchain.

MetaMask SDK Automatic Detection

The MetaMask JS SDK now automatically checks for the presence of the MetaMask Extension that supports EIP-6963. This eliminates the need for manual configuration or detection methods, thereby simplifying the initial setup process for developers and users alike.
Conflict Resolution: By adhering to the standards set by EIP-6963, the SDK unambiguously identifies and connects to the MetaMask Extension. This approach effectively resolves potential conflicts that might arise with other wallet extensions, ensuring a more stable and reliable interaction for users.

Backwards compatibility

Dapps that do not support EIP-6963 can still detect MetaMask using the window.ethereum provider.
However, we recommend adding support to improve the user experience for multiple installed wallets.
Read more about EIP-6963 backwards compatibility.

Resources for Reading on EIP-6963

NextJS Version of this same App by the Wallet Connect team
Overview of EIP-6963: A Possible Solution for Multiple Wallet Conflict
EIP-6963 Standardizes Your Browser Wallet Experience

Additional Demos and Information