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Elden Ring - "Legasus" Glitch

This document is about the so-called "Legasus" glitch in Elden Ring, how it works and all the details.

It was initially found by Joo and then thoroughly tested by Joo, Lumi and myself (vir), with additional testing and speedrun routing done by others, including, but not limited to, Distortion2, SpicyWe1ner and spicee.

Discord usernames:
Joo: joodiv
Lumi: hopera
vir: virazy

All testing was done on the SoulsSpeedruns Discord server. Feel free to join and read through the #er-discoveries channel for the full history and testing of this glitch, or help us test more! There are still plenty of things to figure out!

What is "Legasus"?

Legasus is a glitch in Elden Ring that allows you to enter a limited no-gravity state, meaning you can effectively fly.

The name is a play on the words "Pegasus" and "Leg", since it's similar to the old pegasus (flying horse) glitch, but on foot (hence leg). Also "Legolas" is in there somehow?

It is done by interrupting the torrent summon animation right in the middle at a specific frame, after certain effects and flags have been triggered, but before you actually start riding torrent. You then simply keep that animation "paused" in the background by doing other things, meaning you never lose the flags set earlier, which includes no-gravity.

This also has other useful side-effects, such as unloading areas or teleporting back to the initial location at will, but those will be discussed later in their dedicated sections.

Here's a demonstration:

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Stonesword Key Glitch, or "Stoned"

An important glitch for some forms of legasus is the so-called "Stoned" glitch or glitched state. To activate it, you simply have to use and activate a stonesword key statue. That's it. Yes literally, that's all you have to do.

Activating such a statue sets a flag that simply prevents certain actions from disabling others. It basically means that you can use certain actions at the same time, which you would not be able to do otherwhise. This flag is set by a number of actions temporarily, like picking up an item, however in the case of stonesword key statues, fromsoft simply forgot to disable it again afterwards.

This also means that you can't use any of those other actions that only set it temporarily, since otherwise stoned state breaks. This mostly breaks down to "don't quit out, die, teleport or pick up items on the ground". Cutscene teleports without actual loading screens don't break it, such as burning the erdtree and teleporting to farum azula.

Keep in mind this was fixed in version 1.13 of the game, so all legasus methods that rely on it don't work on those versions either.

Being in that state or having the glitch active is simply referred to as being "stoned".

And yes, this name is supposed to be funny. Please laugh.

Legasus versions and how to do it

There are different versions of legasus, which all result in the same glitch, but are executed differently with different requirements:

  • Stoned Grace Legasus
  • Stoned Item Legasus
  • Unstoned Sleep/Madness Legasus

The naming should make it fairly clear what is required for each version, but I'll go over them in detail. Keep in mind however that all versions of legasus need to be done in an area in which you can summon torrent.

In order to keep legasus active, you can never enter the idle animation, otherwise you will be teleported back to where you activated it and summon torrent. The easiest way to do it is by simply blocking with a shield.

While in legasus, you can only walk forward or backstep backwards. You can however turn your character by aiming with a bow and rolling in the direction you are aiming. The first roll will always roll you forward and only the rolls you chain after that will actually change your direction. You also need to do it in increments of roughly 2 compass marks at a time, otherwise you roll in a different direction. More details on that later.

You can easily combine both effects by holding a shield in your left and a bow in your right hand. Blocking this way will just make you block and stay in legasus while walking and standing still, but automatically aim with the bow as soon as you roll, allowing easy direction changes without the risk of breaking legasus.

This documents assumes you are using the shield/bow combo.

Stoned Grace Legasus

This is the original and easiest version of legasus. It involves the following:

  • Activate stoned state.
  • Go to a grace of your choice in an area that allows you to summon torrent.
  • Use the torrent whistle and 45 frames later, interact with the grace. Keep in mind that being a frame early still has a chance of working. You should see torrent spawning in briefly while you are sitting down at the grace.
  • Stand up and during that animation, start blocking. If you did everything right, you are now in legasus.

Stoned Item Legasus

This is a harder and riskier version of legasus that makes use of an item pickup instead of sitting down at a grace. This is obviously riskier since you only have a single attempt due to the item pickup breaking stoned state. The advantage is that it can be done anywhere with very few requirements.

  • Activate stoned state.
  • Drop an item from your inventory on the ground in an area that allows you to summon torrent.
  • Use the torrent whistle and 45 frames later, interact with the item. Keep in mind that being a frame early still has a chance of working.
  • Wait about 50 frames (almost a second) and start blocking. If you did everything right and the game didn't hate you, you are now in legasus.

Keep in mind this version is quite inconsistent from testing, even when using a very accurate macro. It is the least recommended version.

Unstoned Sleep/Madness Legasus

As the name suggests, this version doesn't rely on being stoned. It instead uses a sleep or madness effect stagger to cancel the torrent summon animation. Because of that, it is hard to time, however you can use buffer strats to make it easier. Those buffer strats depend on your gear, level and resistances, of course.

The downside of this version is obviously that you need to have access to passive sleep or madness effect buildup. It is also fairly inconsistent, however it has been found that limiting your FPS to 57 greatly increases the chances of getting it, with some people hitting a 50% success rate quickly.

  • Use either a lulling branch, frenzy flame stone or any other way to passively increase your sleep or madness status effect bar.
  • About 50 frames before the bar is full and the effect triggers and staggers you, use the torrent whistle.
  • During the stagger, start blocking. If you did everything right, you are now in legasus.

This is generally the recommended version if you don't have an easy way to get stoned nearby or graces are too out of the way.

"Legadrop" - Exiting legasus by unloading torrent

Exiting legasus is obviously very important. The easiest way is to just stand still of course, but that teleports you back to torrent.

You can quit out too and spawn back in where you last touched stable ground, but you might not always have stable ground to touch, or want to exit legasus somewhere in the air.

What do you do then? You just unload torrent. This makes you simply exit legasus the moment it happens, so you start falling down.

There are 2 known ways to do that, the "torrent region unload" and "torrent distance unload".

Let's start with the torrent region unload. From our current understanding, there are multiple "torrent regions" in the game and when you summon torrent, it is tied to that region. It is unclear how many there are or what their exact boundaries are, but we do know that siofra and the overworld are their own separate regions.

As soon as you switch from one region to another, torrent in the previous region unloads. That means if you start in region A and enter region B, you will exit legasus. As soon as you re-enter region A however, you will immediately be teleported back onto torrent where you started legasus. If you keep legasus active in region A while in region B though and then summon torrent, legasus in region A will break and you can safely re-enter it without being teleported immediately. Alternatively, you can also break legasus in region A by simply backstepping back into it.

Sounds easy enough, eh?

Well, now onto the torrent distance unload. It's actually quite simple, but there are some weird details to it. As the name suggests, it's "just" a distance-based unload, so if you go far enough away from the legasus starting position, torrent unloads and you exit legasus.

The issue however is that this only works if you have never spawned in torrent since the last loading screen and then get legasus first try. As soon as torrent spawns in normally even once, torrent distance unload does not work anymore until you go through a loading screen.

So assuming you meet that requirement, it is simply a matter of getting 230 units away from the legasus starting position horizontally. Keep in mind that the Y coordinate, or height, is ignored and it's really only the horizontal distance that matters.

Here is a rough example of the distance when starting legasus at the stormhill shack:

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  • The image was uploaded to a note which you don't have access to
  • The note which the image was originally uploaded to has been deleted
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Keep in mind it's not perfect and should just give you a rough idea of the distance.

This method is still quite limited of course, but as long as you know where you want to exit legasus, you can just start it 230 units away from that spot.


There are various details about legasus that can be exploited in one way or another. I'll go over them here.

Stopping in the air using the telescope

This is a very simply trick that allows you to just stop in the air to safely. By using the telescope item, you can stop holding block while in it and enter menus or just take a break.

This is useful for quitting out too, since then you don't have to worry about doing it fast.

Bow turnaround weirdness

As I mentioned previously, turning around with rolls while aiming with a bow needs to be done in smaller steps. The reason for that is that the angle you will actually get "loops" around every 1/4th full turn at a 1/8th offset.

That means if you try to turn around by more than 2 compass marks in either direction at a time, you will start to turn the opposite way.

An example: Let's say you are facing exactly north and want to turn by 3 compass marks to the right, so the last mark before exactly east. If you try to do it in a single roll (after the initial straight one, of course), you will end up turning one compass mark to the left! You went one mark too far and it looped around on the opposite side! What you need to do is do two rolls, both at 1.5 marks each.

Yes it's annoying and a bit confusing, but you'll get the hang of it quickly. Just turn in small steps at a time.

Turning around by locking onto enemies

An alternative to using a bow with rolls is to just lock onto an enemy and roll. This will roll you towards the enemy on the first roll and without any weirdness going on.

Unloading map collision while in legasus

This is a very cursed and weird thing you can do for some reason. When you do legasus, torrent stays back where you started and doesn't move, however by moving away at least 2500 units in either cardinal direction from that position, the collision of the area where you started legasus unloads and torrent starts falling through the floor.

Don't forget to spawn torrent normally once, since otherwise you will get torrent distance unload.

Keep in mind it has to be 2500 units in a cardinal direction. Being at X: 2501 and Z: 0 works, but being at X: 2499 and Z: 2499 doesn't. It's also worth noting that that those coordinates only update in 32 unit steps, so you might need to go slightly further if the starting position isn't perfectly aligned for it to update right when you hit 2500.

After torrent has started falling, you can exit legasus by standing still at any point to teleport back to torrent where it is right now, allowing you to clip through the floor.

Getting stuck in place and dying shortly after using legasus

This obviously doesn't really have use yet, but it's worth mentioning. By starting legasus at a grace that allows you to trigger a cutscene teleport, you'll be stuck in place riding an invisible torrent at the new location. Since that torrent spawned at the old location, which is not loaded, it will fall to its death, causing you to die as well shortly after.

Gaining height by interrupting jumps with sleep/madness

This is a simple way to gain a bit of height while in legasus, without having to find a slope to "climb" up. Normally when jumping while in legasus, you will get stuck mid-air and die shortly after. By self-inflicting yourself with sleep or madness however and jump right before the effect triggers and stuns you, you can get a bit of height from a jump and cancel the animation before you get stuck.

AoW indicator

This is a quick check to see if you got legasus. Just look at your AoW and see if it's greyed out. If it is, you got legasus.

Closing words & Notes

Idk man, this glitch is kinda cursed and testing this has been a rollercoaster and a half.

If you would like to do testing with legasus, you can find a CheatEngine Table to toggle stoned state here (need to be on the SoulsSpeedruns Discord server):