# Hackathonians X-Team
The Hackathonians X-Team initiative has the goal to enable IOTA community members to join X-Team members to get to know each other, themselves, challenge their skills and learn from other people's experience.
Through small and achievable challenges the teams learn to work together and strengthen their team spirit. After filling out the following form, you will be added to the X-Teams and you will be contributing to improve the IOTA Experience.
**After going through this Document please visit the IOTA Discord (http://discord.iota.org) and look for the #hackathons channel that we could contact you regarding next steps**
## Desired outcomes
- An initiative for community members to gain confidence in their skillset and learn about different technologies
- An initiative that enables team building for future projects built on IOTA tech
- Hackathonian teams that can tackle Hackathons and participate at local/regional/global scale (and win them :wink:)
## Phase 0 - Define who you are and get together
In this phase the Hackathonians present themselves and rather spontaneouly form teams.
- No previous experience in Hackathons is required
- YES, every developer in the IOTA community is invited!
- Select your Hackathon role in the #hackathon-roles channel
- Become a leader and look for others or look for an existing team where you are missing
- There is no limit at this point for teams
- To make it easier for you to find teammates the X-Teams prepared a Google Form where interested community members can fill out information with their skillset and experiences, all answers are visible online for everyone. (Your information will be visible 5 minutes after you submit the form)
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd4c0_zEFQFvkfNqFcdKkUTxeTIjGEqdzhjRnoa_dtd3dDmlw/viewform?embedded=true" width="640" height="1043" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Wird geladen…</iframe>
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQNQravygQ4OtZa2xO5uUF6Mn6uoRQaKE_KgIvCJAaOOyNdXKG62IhGkH6zTCofi50WD6T941yicZvd/pubhtml?embedded=true" width="1000" height="500" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"widget=true&headers=false"></iframe>
### Next steps
- Keep an eye out and look for possible team members
- We recommend a team size from 3-6 people
- Have one or more matchmaking sessions, where people present themselves
- People can form teams based on their timezone/roles/possibilities
- Get together at least weekly and have a coffebreak for 30 minutes
- Share your stories/projects
- Find the people you feel comfortable with
## Phase 1 - Let's become a team
In this phase the Hackathonian team feels comfortable to tackle an internal challenge and learn about everyone's strenghts and weaknesses.
The proposed challenges should become an opportunity for every Hackathonian to get out of the comfort zone, explore about new tools, libraries, APIs and build something together.
This is were internal fights and misunderstandings happen, so be prepared :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Define and refine processes, tools to work together, communication between the team members etc...
- As a recommendation for you as Hackathonians try to do a small challenge that can be tackled in 4-8 hours
- Experienced community members are there to assist you in setting up such an challenge and can mentor you in differet things like Project Management and Backend development tactics for Hackathons.
- You as a Team should have 1-2 weeks to prepare for that challenge and use your daily/weekly meetings to talk together about the requisites and learn everything about the other team members.
- A date is defined for the internal Hackathon to develop/tackle the challenge together, we will try to give you assistance in any step during this time.
### Suggested steps
- For the challenge it is good practise to share the needed tools and requirements beforehand. e.g.
- Twitter API (link to docs)
- PostreSQL
- repo to that specific open source library/tool
- e.g. Github
- The challenge should be achievable in a relatively short amount of time (4-8 hours) and/or focused on a project that can be reused by everyone
- The challenge can use IOTA technology, it is **not** a must
- The license HAS TO BE open source
[GNU GPLv3](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/), [MIT](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/) or [Apache License 2.0](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/apache-2.0/)
- Propose the challenge to Hackathonians and the group decides what challenge to tackle
- You always wanted to build that Discord bot
- Try out and build a sentiment analysis library for Telegram groups
- Take data from a CSV, use python to tranform to JSON and send over the Tangle using IOT2Tangle
- You are completly free but should have a connection to IOTA
## Phase 2 - Let's do this first internal hack
Here is where the team differentiate themselves. Some already work together, some will need a little more time to adjust and learn to work together. Still the idea is not to aim for perfection but to enjoy time together, learn new skills and share your experience with others.
- During this phase Hackathonian Teams will strenghten their cooperation skills
- Join one or the other Hackathon as a team
- Take every Hackathon as a learning experience, the goal is to understand how Hackathons work
- Success is not guaranteed. There are teams out there that are specialized in Hackathons. The goal right now is to see where the team stands, how the cooperation is working and what skills might need some refinement
- And remember one Hackathon rule is that every code has to be written during the event. You can think about the concepts and everything else before but no code should be written before.
## Phase 3 - Enable you as a team to participate in Hackathons
Ideally, there are 2 or 3 Hackathonians Teams in this phase that are totally comfortable in participating in all kind of Hackathons. Possibly win hackathons and use the open challenges to either build great tools, break the IOTA bubble to show how it adds value to other ecosystems, are on the cusp of becoming a startup and build their own project/product/servce and/or enjoy participating in Hackathons for the fun.