# Lantern Bioworks Protocol Notes Work log: 1 hour - pre meeting / started this note 1 hour - call about protocol 2 hours - protocol summary/overview (11/10) Schedule, Administration 11/13 3 hours - adverse events, work in Taiwan/HK (hand off draft) 2 hours - assayy protocol, logo, glossary, background info 11-27 Todo: longitudinal data to Heather ask heather about mix of for profit/not for profit for phase 1 ask about dentist ask about administration space rental participate in the pilot? MD/dentist to be Primary Investigator Ask Dentist about exclusion criteria Longitudinal Data: None of their spouses have gotten it 20 years later, still active participant screening inclusion / exclusion Inclusion: has had a cavity before s ratis / cavity immune already (causes periodontal disease but not relevant for study) Exclusion: (consult w/ dentist about what is best) periodontal disease? history of cavities in past 2 years ? Followup procedure: All participants: Swab Teeth @ 3 and 12 months Local to the bay: meet up in person and administer Non bay-locals: self collection kit 12-13 months: survey if they do go to dentist: we want the records Some participants: possible assessment of gut bacteria? administration details todo: ask Heather about dentist hygienist cleans before administration enrollment cap 30-50 sites: Roatan / office Brut Biolabs - Palo Alto Quality Assurance: Lactic acid assay/ ethanol assay / sniff test Sequenced to confirm to not contain LDH/lactic acid endpoints: Primary: Safety for 12 month period post procedure. Secondary: cavity rates - pericarditis - autobrewery - dry mouth - dysbiosis - vaginal dysbiosis - breath odor? Sponsor Details: Lantern Bioworks - Delaware LLC Principal Investigator: ... ?