# Thread lift Sagging Skin Tightening Treatment A thread lift is a popular anti-aging procedure performed widely to tighten and lift the loose skin on the face and neck to give it a more youthful appearance. It is a minimally invasive process that uses medical grade threads that stimulates collagen production, resulting in healthier, tighter, firmer skin. ![](https://b2475810.smushcdn.com/2475810/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/thread1-1536x832.png?lossy=1&strip=1&webp=1) The procedure is less invasive than a surgical facelift, yet it achieves similar benefits by smoothing wrinkles and fine lines and reducing sagging skin. It can treat the forehead, cheeks, jowls, brows, jawline, and other parts of the face. If one wants to get a youthful look and reverse the aging signs they can get **[Thread Lift Treatment in Delhi](https://rasaderm.com/thread-lifts/)** with the skin experts at Rasa Derm Clinic. # Who is an ideal candidate for a thread lift? A thread lift is recommended for men and women between 30 and 50 who have mild to moderate signs of loose skin and are in good health. It is an appropriate alternative for people with sagging skin in any area of their face but do not want a surgical facelift. Patients who cannot undergo surgery owing to medical issues can also benefit from this technique because it uses local anesthesia rather than general anesthesia. # How is a thread lift performed? Thread lift surgery takes 30 to 60 minutes and is done under local anesthesia. The practitioner marks the areas of sagging skin where each thread will be inserted. The treatment involves inserting threads beneath the skin using a tiny cannula and pulling them tight. The total number of threads required for an individual will be determined by the size of the treatment area on the face. Tiny barbs attached to these threads grip the skin from the undersurface and lift it to reposition it for a youthful appearance. The final results of a thread lift will be apparent in a smoother, more defined jawline and the surrounding region and a more rejuvenated appearance as swelling and bruises fade. The doctor will remove the cannula after the threads are in place. There may be some discomfort, but there will be no scarring. As the threads disintegrate, the skin produces more collagen and elastin, resulting in a longer-lasting result. # What are the benefits of thread lifting? Thread lifts can help with various issues, including facial symmetry and volume loss, as well as wrinkle tightening and smoothing. If a person wants to avoid significant facelift surgery while still reversing the symptoms of aging, a thread lift may be the best alternative. The procedure may take a single office visit to be completed without long-term pain or scarring. Thread lifts have a far shorter recovery period and are even cost effective than surgical facelift. Visit Rasa Derm Clinic if one is interested in this treatment and want to know about the cost of thread lift treatment cost in Delhi in detail with the skin experts.