# Transfer TLM Cross Chain In this tutorial we will discover how to transfer the TLM token from the native chain on Binance to other chains such as Base and Polygon. To do this, we will be utilizing PortalBridge, which is a token bridge built on top of Wormhole to facilitate the movement of crypto tokens and assets from chain to chain. Wormhole is a message passing protocol - it is not a blockchain itself - however provides a simple means of communication between blockchains or rollups. This enables developers and users of cross chain applications to leverage the advantages of multiple ecosystems. ### Step One - PreRequisites - Acquire BNB and TLM, you will need enough BNB to cover gas fees. - Have enough tokens for gas fees on the chain you want to transfer to, for example on Base you will need Ethereum on Base, and for Polygon you will need Matic. - Use either MetaMask or Wallet Connect ### Step Two - Create Wrapped TLM and Transfer - Go to https://portalbridge.com/advanced-tools/#/transfer?sourceChain=bsc - Select BNB chain and the destination network - Connect wallet - From the token menu select TLM or enter the contract address: 0x2222227e22102fe3322098e4cbfe18cfebd57c95 - Enter desired amount of TLM to wrap and transfer - If everything looks good, click Next to continue ![TLM1](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BkwbqQxx0.png) - After you click Next you will need to switch networks, if it doesn't prompt you to switch networks you will have to go into your wallet and do it manually. ![TLM2](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/By61smgx0.png) - Once you switch networks, then you can proceed to creating the wrapped token. ![TLM3](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJKL37lx0.png) - Next you will need to switch back to the origin network and approve your spending limit. Once that is approved then you can initiate the transfer. ![TLM4](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rkBBaQxeR.png) ![TLM5](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJQGAmgg0.png) - Complete the transaction flows and the tokens will have entered the bridge. You can view the transaction data on the BSC explorer and the Wormhole explorer. The links will become available as you can see in the below image. ![TLM6](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rylLhRXle0.png) ### Step Three - Claim Wrapped TLM - Switch networks to the destination chain - Click Redeem and sign the transaction ![TLM7](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HkJsJNeeR.png) - Success! You now have wrapped TLM tokens on another blockchain! ![TLM8](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Hy9egNle0.png) ### Step Four - Swap and Add Liquidity - Add liquidity or create your own TLM/token pair https://app.uniswap.org/pool - Swap tokens for wrapped TLM and vice versa https://app.uniswap.org/swap