# 2022 10 25 UniSFA Committee Meeting ###### tags: `committee meeting 2022` #### Attending: Cowan, Lexie, Lorenzo, Jon, Sarah, Cas, Fiona #### Apologies: Patrick #### Absent: #### Meeting scheduled: 5:30pm #### Meeting opened: 5:30 ##### Previous Action items: Cowan > message merlin about how to manage media club (not done) > Send camp ticket selling guide to guardians and committee (done) Lexie > Remind people about Piffle submissions (done) Cas >Continue conversing with Ed (done) Cowan, Fiona > Announce Podcasting Forms and Regs. (done) Jon > Get own Gmail acct for Overheard in UniSFA. (done) --- ## Committee reports ### President (Cowan) * i frogot action items (maybe) ### Vice President (Lexie) * reminded people about Piffle * did my other job, will give update later ### Librarian (Jon) * podcast * made an email for overheardinunisfa and moved all the episodes to that google drive * ### Secretary () * vacant ### Treasurer (Lorenzo) * Damn exams sure r a thing * money in the bank: $5,634.26 * bought the headphones with ucc, money will be smaller tomorrow. * updated the constitution with amendments from OGM * Nothing else to report ### Fresher Representative (Sarah) * Made discord and facebook things related to joint camp * Put a link to email sign up in the discord * Got a job offer on the spot this morning? * has decent pay i'm very excited * Finally making a piffle cover ### OCMs #### Cas * Contacted Ed about troupe talks #### Fiona * Announced audio equipment + editing forms * No responses yet * Wording edit to clarify recordings not intended for uniSFA catalogue are allowed but not prioritised, still subject to form * Took donated books to Save the Children depot * So many empty boxes in my garage help * Good option for future unwanted books #### Patrick * Did the screenings for this week * Nothing else to report --- ## Events ### Screenings (ongoing) * [Please send in your requests here](https://forms.gle/mC3dtwS3vVaqyKi27) * She-ra is continuing * More spooky movies on Monday? * Dudebro Party Massacre 3 failed due to internet issues * Andor returning next week or week after ### Joint Camp * Buy your tickets * Ticket selling guide uploaded for guardians ### Sponsor Crawl * No updates ### Discord Media Club ### Trope Talks * Continue communicating with Ed ### UniSFA Goes * To exam hell --- ## Library * No updates * Books were donated ## Treasury * Headphones have been purchased * Semester grants have been submitted * $1092.62 applied for ## Communications and Records * Sarah has added a signup link for the mailing list * Lots of minutes in the email * Minutes got released * New secretary needed * Lorenzo nominates Fiona as interim secretary * Accepted ## Content Creation ### Piffle * [Send your submissions here!](https://forms.gle/3i9xFHwvDT2WS28E8) * It's happening * Original due date Friday 28/10 but Lexie will announce when looking at submissions ### Podcasting * [Send your applications here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfcxzj8hbK8tPF8KZBVbpwrl8RwSQCM-P_7Rl4RE0T8QserlQ/viewform?usp=sharing) * OiU has its own email and google drive ## Guardian updates * Ezran has been accepted as a guardian ### Closed Section ## Guild affairs * SOCPAC Meeting - 27th of October * Grats jackie ### ### Tenancy * Test and tag done * Invoice incoming ## General Business * SGM to be called for Secretary election * Tuesday 8/11 at 1pm * Booking application pending * Please vacuum the room * Please don't leave things in the room * Dishes left in room will be disposed after 1 day without notice #### Meeting closed: 6:08 ## Action items: Cowan > message merlin about how to manage media club