# 20210408 UniSFA committee meeting ###### tags: `committee meeting 2021` #### Attending: - Chase - Keifer - Harry - Lexie - Darcy - Will #### Apologies: - Merlin - Jack - Ed #### Meeting scheduled: 2:00pm 08/04/21 - We set up a mic #### Meeting opened: 2:22pm ## Committee reports ### President (Merlin) - I did not successfully bully Keifer : ( rip buddy - Sponsor Crawl EMP done - we need to put an event up >Chase: sponsor crawl event post - Have been advising Jack on closed section matters - I am going to a meeting with the ominous subject of ‘the Future of Cameron Hall’ - This is currently happening - I went to another mystery meeting last week Action items: > Make Keifer send emails - not done > Contact new Guardian - done (by chase) ### Vice President (Jack) - none report left beef ### Librarian (Chase) - I've been looking at book buy options - Consulted members about books - Worked with others on things - Brought in new hand sanitiser - My Ibis has returned >Chase: name Ibis Action items: > Ask people what to buy for sponsor crawl - done > Go to the cupboard (along with Lexie) - not done > Get a little bit of felt for the fridge and door - outsourced to Lexie ### Secretary (Keifer) - Last week I worked with Jackie to put the finishing touches on Charity Vigil - On the weekend I attended Charity Vigil - I did a bunch of activities throughout the night - I deployed the experimental un-table-round - I basically did not sleep - Everyone did a good job! - I do, however, have *feedback* - I got my cat Topaz back :blue_heart: - Attended student leadership training - Was the only person to RSVP on outlook - I have been taught how to be responsible when there are *problems* going on - I also now know how to file EMPs properly - I am now qualified to manage camps Action items: > Make UniSFA a Github account - not done > Combine membership lists - not done ### Treasurer (Harry) Treasurer report (8/4/21) - Current acc bal: $6,522.15 - Charity vigil money given to jackie - Went to charity vigil - Did food run - Still no disney+ will organise at some point Action items: > Run pre-charity vigil foodrun (more energy) - done > Renew Disney+ - not done ### Fresher Representative (Lexie) - joined the discord (have not contributed in any way) - opened cupboard and looked at Old Piffles - I obtained felt I can bring in for the fridge Action items: > Go to the cupboard (along with Chase) - done ### OCMs #### Darcy - I have no actions items and I did none of them - I went to the big thing on the weekend - the charity night #### Ed - Did screenings, wen't to charity vigil - Fun times all round #### Will - I went to charity vigil and not much else - I took the bin out ## Events ### Screenings (ongoing) - [Please send in your requests here](https://forms.gle/JdMvHkEfQ3iecArC7) - Cam is planning on doing paert 2 of Evangelion - Thursday morning cartoons to continue next week - Darcy and chase also have things they would like to screen ### Trope Talks (ongoing) - Chase is so busy and tired - They want to do another but need suggestions for theme - Probably a once a month thing >Chase: get trope talk theme suggestions ### Charity vigil (3-4/apr) - It went well! - We raised like $2,000 for PICYS - That's a record - $180 through UniSFA - Wrapup meeting Monday #### Feedback for subcom - the expensive pizzas were too expensive - people expected to get a free raffle ticket on entry - all but one member of the subcommittee had never attended charity vigil before - Karaoke did really well and we should do it again in future - We can and should invite UWAnime to get involved - In future the subcommittee should be formed earlier and we shouldn't have to wait for everyone's AGM otherwise we'll have 3 weeks to organise the whole thing - It's a medium EMP which should be submitted 4 weeks in advance >Keifer, Will: wrapup Charity Vigil #### Our feedback for ourselves - Corin and Chase weren't happy they had to unexpectedly run the tournament - I am not happy people assumed I would do it or find someone to just because I was the subcom rep - I asked about our plans most meetings leading up to it and everyone shrugged and moved on - I also asked the committee chat who would like to do it and noone responded - In future we need to communicate about this more clearly and do more organisational work - We could include guardians when asking people if they can/want to be more involved in activities - We should start working on obtaining prizes earlier on - The tournament could afford to have started earlier ### Sponsor crawl (1/may) - Chase has recieved suggestions for book buy - We will not be ordering anything - We might not go to Quality Comics this time because we've already spent the usual amount there - The list to purchase is being finalised - The EMP has been submitted >Chase: finalise book buy list ### Quiz night (aug) - no updates ### Relay for life (oct) - no updates ### Hall-o'ween (oct) - no updates ### [redacted] in 3D^2^ (19-22/nov) - all subcommittee reps are now in the discord ### Uncharity Vigil (jan) - no updates ## Library - nobody did the charity vigil option of donating to have the library rearranged - some comic books were taken - Chase is looking at relabelling the shelf sections - they will definitely relabel the compactus - A reserving books form has been made >Chase: post book reserve form ## Communications and Records - I didn't do the email or update the website - Minutes are being distributed and everything is going normal >Chase: bully keifer to do the emails >Keifer: make github account >Keifer: combine member lists ### Discord - Darcy feels like there is a little too much joking about things in the venting channel - Reminder for people to try to be sensitive about things, especially since it is hard to tell tone in text - Members are entitled to make those boundaries clear and have them respected - Merlin would like to know how people feel about the discord updates - Jazz wants a noot noot - It's working very well - Corin would like to know where we rate the discord in terms on content - in general it is comparable to being in the clubroom, but people do need to be responsible and reasonable and put things in spoiler bars if necessary - a lot of things depend contextually - Will says that the committee closed voice chat is currently public - we should make it private so that it doesn't get disrupted and we can hold closed sections >Merlin: touch up Discord things ## Treasury - we have money and sent money - there isn't much happening right now - there's a record low number of transactions due to high use of the money box - boxes are being labeled with prices ## Content Creation ### Piffle - Lexie looked at the old piffles and did not find anything unexpected apart from the physical composition - black and white with weird binding ### Podcasting #### Podcasting forms - booking form not done - editor form mostly done but needs to be reviewed - wavier not started >Harry: finish off podcast forms ## Guardian updates ## "Closed Section" - no actual closed section - Harry: "I have realised that my actions have made members of the club uncomfortable, as such would like to apologise for those actions and promise not to repeat them" ## Guild affairs ### Special SOC Meeting (1/apr) - Tony from the Uni and eleanor from SOC came to yell at t all the clubs because a sundowner went poorly - The rules for EMPs is tightening and consequences will happen if things go wrong at another event - All execs are required to have SLT - I took it this week and Merlin's is still current, Harry is booked in, Jack unknown - no foreshore events allowed - further rules about high risk events - Leigh promised us an email about it yesterday ### Cameron Hall meeting (8/apr) - Merlin missed an hour of our meeting for this - Remember the Cameron Hall elevator feasibility study? That happened and the university finally sent the info to guild who sent it to SOC - An elevator is feasible but Guild cannot afford it and the uni refuses to pay for it but it has been added to the guild masterplan - They will try to raise funds for it and we can expect it to be completed in... about 10 years - Lots of further discussion about Cameron Hall improvements more broadly ### Next SOCPAC meeting (21/apr) ### Next Tenancy meeting (???) ### Tenancy - Chloe emailed me about storage, we were assigned a different locker but she might be able to swap us back to it - An agreement was earlier made - She also wants us to remove the chain and lock which I told her we can do when the new lock is able to be installed >Keifer: follow up with Chloe on storage ## General business ### Table - still tabled >Keifer: untable the retabled table ### Reports - please write down the things you do so you can report on them, many reports have been extremely limited - I can provide minutes edit link long in advance to make this easier >Keifer: post about next meeting early #### Meeting closed: 3:44pm ## Action items: ### Merlin: > Touch up Discord things ### Chase: > Sponsor crawl event post > Name Ibis > Get trope talk theme suggestions > Finalise book buy list > Post book reserve form > Bully keifer to do the emails ### Keifer: > Wrapup Charity Vigil (along with Will) > Make github account > Combine member lists > Follow up with Chloe on storage > Untable the retabled table > Post about next meeting early ### Harry: > Finish off podcast forms ### Will: > Wrapup Charity Vigil (along with Keifer)