# 20210520 UniSFA Committee Meeting ###### tags: `committee meeting 2021` #### Attending: > Cam Locke, Harry Lee-Kelly, Will Jacquet, Jazz White, Corin Rowell, #### Apologies: > Darcy, Lexie, Ed, Chase #### Absent: #### Meeting scheduled: 2:00 p.m. #### Meeting opened: 2:06 pm ##### Previous Action items: #### Chase: #### > discuss Trope Talks with Merlin > Chase to hype sponsor crawl #### Cam: #### > Cam to sort out UniSFA discord permissions > Cam to investigate Facebook permissions > Cam to investigate quiz night updates > Discuss Trope Talks with Merlin #### Harry: #### > Action Harry to complete podcast forms ## Committee reports ### President (Cam) * went to soc meeting * no major updates * SLT needed Cam, Ed Darcy >Cam to look into * Camp subcom meeting happened * going to have to make a formal complaint about one of my units lmao * i cant think of anything else rn ### Vice President (Ed) * apologies work mergency ### Librarian (Chase) * my report is that sponsor crawl happened and that @Corin is a sweet angel who put them into the library after the great HDMI mystery was solved, and also that i’m in exam hell and ready to die ### Secretary (Darcy) * I did not attend to some secretarial duties last week, including sending the weekly email - my health has kept me very distracted lately. Sorry! I am working on it. I did run a screening on Friday however and it was very nice. * Get well soon ~ all of us ### Treasurer (Harry) * acc balance 6106.36 * me and my homies love legal hell * GRANT INFO CAME OUT!!!! * (haha jackie beat you to making this point in meeting) * ive been busy doing [REDACTED] so havent had time/ability to do any clubroom stuff * attended camp subcom meeting, said things * cam and i fight for minuting power ### Fresher Representative (Lexie) * Attended camp subcommittee meeting * left camp subcommittee after one meeting due to anticipated date clash * has three assessments tomorrow and cannot attend this week's committee meeting * good luck bud ~ all of us ### OCMs #### Corin * Went on sponsor crawl and helped choose fun new books, then put those books into our library system #### Jazz * found out I got OCM * watched movies on the tv #### Will * went to soc meeting * talked to cam bout tech stuff (fb and discord) * sniped harrow the 9th ##### ## Events ### Screenings (ongoing) - [Please send in your requests here](https://forms.gle/JdMvHkEfQ3iecArC7) * corin idea: bob ross ms paint day with baked goods during study week * Agents of shield screening * anyone wanna run? cam happy to be there. * boss baby 2? * goofy movies over the holidays * how to train dragon series with jazz * soonish, postponed due to exams * merlins lucky dip returns >cam talk to merl bout this ### Trope Talks (ongoing) * do after exams * send us themes/topics ### Sponsor crawl (15/may) * went well * books obtained * few new few classic * potentially spend sponser crawl change to buy 2nd hand books from man in guild village. ### UWASCA Workshop * no updates ### Quiz night (August) * no updates > Cam to follow up on subcommittee ### Relay for life (October) * no update ### Hall-o'ween (October) * nope update ### Camp (19-22/November) * will made new subcom member * jazz has 1st aid * events ran last year: book club, rants, quiz, larp * does anyone want to run these again? * rants run self, chase and merl potential for book club * potentially could do movie night if enough room * anyone have ideas let cam harry or will know ## Library * new books check them out * colin croft email * potential large number of books * sounds great >Chase to reply ## Communications and Records * add second discord unisfa admin * lets committee gain access to admin powers over the discord * exists as a tool * cam to look into if you can have multiple accounts on same email. * Minutes need updating post march this year * document with hackMD links for all minutes would be good * Darcy to look into this * currently everyones fb has been cleared off EARTH * thanks will :) * unisfa deepthought logged in by default ### Wiki Feedback * memeber contacted cam to remove surname from wiki entirely * reminded cam of how bad our wiki is, filled with things that make us look bad * there's a lot of stuff on there now that makes us look really bad. I think we save the list of old committees, but I think we should do what we can to remove it. > Cam to look into archiving parts, and delisting the site ## Treasury * grant info out * Harry has treasurer folder * UniSFA recipts to be sent to Harry ## Content Creation ### Piffle * no updates ### Podcasting * harry is busy hard to do other work rn > get cam to start working on forms that harry was to do ## Guardian updates * no updates ### Closed Section ## Guild affairs * all solid ### ### Tenancy * SOC meeting (19/05/2021) * nothing relevant * tenancy meeting soon ## General business * coasters * scifi or fantasy themed ones merhaps * try online? > will look at coasters * someone please cut harrys wood > cam to cut wood #### Meeting closed: 2:40 ## Action items: > Action Harry to send podcast forms so far to cam >cam talk to merl bout lucky dip screening > Cam to follow up on quiz night subcommittee >Chase to reply to Colin Croft email > Cam to look into archiving parts, and delisting the site > Cam to start working on forms that harry was to do