Process scheduling is an essential part of an operating system supporting multiprogramming. There are various scheduling algorithms for different situations. However, many of them are based on the same concept: priority-driven scheduling. For priority-driven scheduling, it is important to assign an appropriate priority level to each process. The assignment depends on the desired scheduling policy. For example, a round-robin scheduler can be implemented by assigning the same priority level to all the processes. In this project, we would like to study the relation between priority assignment and scheduling policies.
You are asked to design a user-space scheduler based on the priority-driven scheduler built in Linux kernel for a set of child processes. You may change priority of each child process directly for the specified scheduling policy by sched_setscheduler. The goal is to get a result as close to the expected schedule as possible. The more correct finish time and order of processes, the more points you will get. For more accuracy, you need to measure the start and finish time of each child process in Linux kernel. You might need to write your own system call based on the function getnstimeofday and show the information through printk.
In the main process, it first reads the input parameters from the standard input. The parameters will specify the scheduling policy, the number of child processes to create, and the set of child processes. The scheduling policy may be first in, first out (FIFO), round-robin (RR), shortest job first (SJF), or preemptive shortest job first (PSJF). In the input, each child process is described by a 3-tuple specifying its name, ready time, and execution time.
A process with a ready time X should be created via the system call fork after X units of time since the start of the main process. Similarly, a process with an execution time Y should execute, not sleep, Y units of time. The unit of time is defined as the execution time of an empty for-loop of one million iterations as follows.
{ volatile unsigned long i; for(i=0;i<1000000UL;i++); }
For convenience of debugging, each round (time quantum) of RR scheduler is defined as 500 time units in this project, and ready time of processes will not be the multiple of 500 time units. If the process finishes before the time quantum timer expires, then it is swapped out of the CPU just like FIFO algorithm.
Note that please use the following test set as the input when writing the report. However, TA will use other test cases during the demo.
S // the scheduling policy, one of the following strings: FIFO, RR, SJF, PSJF.
N // the number of processes
N1 R1 T1
N2 R2 T2
Nn Rn Tn
//Ni - a character string with a length less than 32 bytes, specifying the name of the i-th process.
//Ri - a non-negative integer, specifying the ready time of the i-th process.
//Ti - a non-negative integer, specifying the execution time of the i-th process.
For example, a input for FIFO scheduling with three processes might look like this:
P1 1 10
P2 2 5
P3 2 7
//NAME - the name of this process specified by the input
//PID - the process id of this process
//TAG - the tag to identify the message of this project.
//PID - the process ID of this process
//ST - the start time of this process in the format seconds.nanoseconds.
//FT - the finish time of this process in the format seconds.nanoseconds.
The output of the program might look like this:
P1 4007
P2 4008
P3 4009
The output from the command dmesg might contain:
[Project1] 4007 1394530429.657899070 1394530430.004979285
[Project1] 4008 1394530429.668132665 1394530430.218223930
[Project1] 4009 1394530429.676547365 1394530430.221544405
Usually, your system might have more than one cores. In this case, the underlying Linux kernel scheduler might not assign your tasks to the cores you expect. In order to solve the above problem, you can simply set your virtual machine to be single core or use sched_setaffinity to assign a task to a specific core.
Tasks set by sched_setscheduler will have higher priority than others, so you can focus on optimizing accuracy.
The following test data will be used to determine one unit of time in your machine.
P0 0 500
P1 1000 500
P2 2000 500
P3 3000 500
P4 4000 500
P5 5000 500
P6 6000 500
P7 7000 500
P8 8000 500
P9 9000 500
We will measure the time unit for this project in your machine by the average execution time of these 10 processes divided by 500. The performance of your scheduler will be determined by the difference between your output converted (by TA) in the time unit and the theoretical result.
Platform | OS | Programming Language | Machine |
A real or virtualized PC or NB. | Linux | C | try to find one |
請開啓一個 github repository 來管理本份作業,並至 表單 中填寫 repository 的網址,助教將會下載該 repository 的內容進行評分。同時,遲交的天數也會以 repository 最晚 commit 的時間戳記來計算。
repository 中需有一份報告(命名爲 report.pdf),報告請包含
–1. 設計
–2. 核心版本
–3. 比較實際結果與理論結果,並解釋造成差異的原因
原始碼(Makefile, *.c, *.h)也請置於 repository
需與核心一同編譯的程式碼,請額外開一個名爲 kernel_files 的目錄來存放,另外也請在此資料夾內放上你的核心system call table及syscall header file,通常你會需要修改這兩個檔案來新增你的system call.
創建一個output資料夾,依照所有test set(總共21個)測試檔檔名來生成兩個檔案分別對應該次執行結果的standard output及dmesg內容。
輸入FIFO_1.txt 我們必須產生FIFO_1_stdout.txt 及 FIFO_1_dmesg.txt
./yourProgram < FIFO_1.txt > FIFO_1_stdout.txt
dmesg | grep Project1 > FIFO_1_dmesg.txt
dmesg |grep Project1
前先 sudo dmesg clean
最後,你的 repository 的目錄結構應該類似於:
├── kernel_files
│ └── ...
├── XX.c
├── XX.h
├── Makefile
├── report.pdf
├── output
├── demo
└── ...
當我們改完你的作業我們會寄一封信到你的ntu mail提醒你,
若你有關於Project1的相關問題,還請寄信到 or 告知我們
Subject: Project1 學號
converted finish time (30%)怎麼計算的?
我們會根據Time Measurement (如果你的程式看起來有疑慮我們會自己編並跑一遍)算出unit time,並將所有由你生成的output檔案依據unit time算出跟理想排序時間的誤差(一樣有問題我們會跑其他測試集),最後根據大家的誤差時間來給分,給分方式會看你的時間誤差有沒有超過我設的臨界值,如果比臨界值表現的好就會有基本分15%,之後根據你的排名表現給予分數(另外15%)。
start time紀錄甚麼?
由於之前定義的很模糊,如果你已經實作了用行程的產生時間當成start time也不用改,我們會根據你用哪個時間當start time,來跑跟完美答案的誤差,不會影響到你的分數。
The order (70%) of finish time
其中包含20%給報告(根據要求的完成度), 40%測試結果順序有無錯誤(依比例扣) ,10%程式完成度