updated: 2022-08
# Software tools required for The Carpentries workshops:
## Tidy Data Workshop:
* **Any spreadsheet application is required.**
* Excel, Google Sheets, Open Offce, etc.
## Unix Shell and Git Workshop:
### Git for Windows - Windows
* Windows: https://gitforwindows.org
* download the Git-
* Git win 64 bit Direct download link https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/download/v2.33.0.windows.2/Git-
* Mac users will use the built-in Terminal application
**required for Unix Shell and Git lesson**
**Recommended Text editors to use:**
### Nano
* Part of Git for Windows isntaller (called GitBash)
* Nano for Winodws direct download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/nano-for-windows/
* MacOS Terminal
### Notepad++ (optional text editor)
* Download latest version Notepad++
## Introduction to Python Workshop:
### Anaconda
* download latest version - 64-bit installer for Windows 10
* This application is used to install and run Jupyter Notebooks
* Web-based Jupyterlab: https://jupyter.org/try-jupyter/lab?path=notebooks%2FIntro.ipynb (for use if there are problems during the workshop)
## Introduction to R Workshop:
### Base R
* Download and install for Windows
* Download and install for MacOS
* Required installation for RStudio
### RStudio
* WindowsOS - Download Windows Vist/7/8/10 link
* MacOS - Download MacOSX 10.6+ (64-bit)
* RStudio Cloud: https://rstudio.cloud - for use if there are problems during the workshop
## Introduction to OpenRefine:
## OpenRefine
* Download and Install OpenRefine latest Version
* Windows kit zip file for Windows
* Mac kit for MacOS
**Data Download:** https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LibraryCarpentry/lc-open-refine/gh-pages/data/doaj-article-sample.csv
* right click and "save as" .csv file
## Introduction to SQL:
### DB Browser for SQLlite
* Windows install 64-bit version
* Mac Download latest version
**For non-Carpentries PostgreSQL workshops:**
pgAdmin - https://www.pgadmin.org/download/
# Addtional installation notes:
## Microsoft One Drive or iCloud usage
**If you have a One Drive account or iCloud account connected to your computer, you might have two Desktop folders!**
* One is the Desktop folder on your local machine, and the other is the Desktop folder in the cloud.
This causes a lot of confusion because your computer displays the contents of both folders on your desktop.
You can figure out where your stuff actually is by opening **`Finder (Mac) or File Explorer (Windows)`** and looking inside the individual folders.
* Try to put the “shell-lesson-data” folder in your *local* Desktop.