# ICHPS2020-RMarkdown_Workshop_Notes-01-08-2020 Wednesday, Janruary 08, 2020 **Instructors and Helpers:** Reid Otsuji Stephanie Labou Phillip Sundin Chelsea Obrochta Workshop site link: https://norcalbiostat.github.io/ichps20_workshops/ Packages: GGPLOT2 Knitr TinyTex Pander Installation problems: RTools ### Type your notes below: --- hello how are you? fine, thanks. echo=false will hide the code so it does not show up in the output 4 spaces after the line will give you a hard return. Otherwise it looks like a run-on sentence This is an example of a LaTeX equation `$E = mc^2$` that is highlight inline with text using backticks. Create a new R Markdown document. Delete all of the R code chunks and text below the document header and write a bit of Markdown (). Convert the document to a HTML webpage. Edit the text. Add the markdown in parentheses for each line. Knit the document when you're done. Introduction (make H1) Background on Data (make H2) This report uses the *gapminder* dataset, which has columns that include: (bold this line, inline highlight the word gapminder ) (Make this a bulletted list, ordered or unordered) country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap Background on Methods (italicize) # simple inline code example. Try this out. Here’s some inline code to determine that 2 + 2 = `r 2+2`. https://osf.io/vumdx/ bit.ly/rmdws