# Example Responses to Value Questions Examples of responses to 'individual reflection' question prompts within the [Values Calibration Discussion Prompt](https://hackmd.io/@Teq/values-calibration) part of the [Exploring Intentional Collaborations](https://hackmd.io/@Teq/IntentionalCollaborations1) process. ## Example 1: ### Context: The following responses are from one of the participants involved in exploring whether to add 'collaborating on housing collective experiments' as an element to an existing relationship dynamic. ### Brainstorming personal values In the context of collaborating on experimental housing collectives, my values include: Trust, Interdependence, Connection, Commitment, Solidarity, Overlapping Communities, Shelter-security, Stability, Intentional process-orientated relating... ### How do my motivations for participating in this project reflect my personal values? * *Trust* – I feel like we have a high level of trust given our past experiences together, and I think that provides a good foundation for experimenting with prefigurative approaches to shelter. * *Interdependence* – this project feels like opportunity to practice being more interdependent; doing that together would make this practice feel safer given our high-trust. * *Connection* – collaborating on better-future projects together is one of the way our connections to each other is nourished. * *Commitment* – I feel confident that we’re going to participate consistently in this project once we've expressed commitment * *Solidarity* – even though we’re may not always focusing on the same things, it is important to me that we are supporting each others’ approaches to our broader shared goals of contributing to better futures. I think this project will allow us to support our different focuses in relation to housing and help use nudge each other to examine our approaches to housing within the context of broader prefiguative practices. ### When collaborating, what are the types of behaviours/practices I most value in myself and others? * Participation commitment / consistency – being clear about when and how you can show up, and when this changes * Thoughtful decision-making processes * Articulated processes for navigating conflict-well ### Of the values discussed, which do I most want to see enacted within the project? * Thoughtful decision-making processes (including process for navigating conflict well) * Participation commitment / consistency – being clear about when and how you can show up, and when this changes * Prefigurative experimentation ### Of the values discussed, which do I consider most distinctive to this project? * Thoughtful decision-making processes ## Example 2: ### Context The following responses are from one of the participants in a discussion about a potential collaboration to create a [working group aimed at 'researching and articulating a detailed legal/financial model for setting-up multi-house collective with explicit social-justice goals'](https://hackmd.io/Dtzvnm-ESdG2ovWuUqiOnQ) ### Q1. Which of your personal values are reflected in your decision to contribute to this project? My decision to contribute reflects the value I place on: 1. Collectivism: Definition: acting constructively towards shared-goals, not individual advancement, and actively looking for opportunities to create and share abundance. Associated values: equity; collaboration; interdependence. Relevance: I associate this with this project because it seeks to function through decentralised processes that seek to create and share abundance. 2. Equity: Definition: acting to distribute resources fairly. Associated values: justice; sustainability; better-futures Relevance: This is reflected in this project as it seeks to improve access to financial tools that help distribute future risks. 3. Authenticity: Definition: congruence between actions and values, even in the face of external pressures to conform. Associated values: integrity; honesty; resilience. Relevance: This is relevant to this project, as my actions in contributing have the potential to align with my values of equity and collectivism. In addition, this project is seeking to prioritise the alignment between values and actions also. ### Q2. Which of your personal values are most relevant to the ways that you collaborate? Some of my personal values that are relevant at in professional collaborations are: 1. Reliability: Definition: the ability to rely upon people to do what they said they would do. This requires being clear about expectations, boundaries, and workload-limits so that we can rely upon each other to meet commitments. Associated values: accountability; competence; and respect-for-boundaries. Relevance: This is relevant to the way that I work in that I am careful to commit to things only when I have good reason to think I can deliver those things. 3. Straightforwardness: Definition: communicating clearly, without subtext, and interpreting others behaviour with minimal assumptions - seeking clarification when uncertain of their intention. Associated values: collaboration; interdependence; transparency. Relevance: This is relevant in my work in that I try to be as upfront as possible in my communication - always prefering to ask rather than guess 4. Adaptability: Definition: an appreciation for the capacity to adapt to new information as it becomes relevant. Associated values: experimentation; innovation; well-researched. Relevance: This is relevant to my work in that I recognise that decisions often need to be made on limited information and, whenever possible, should be updated if/when new information becomes available. ### Q3. Having discussed responses to the earlier questions with the team, what organisational values do you most want to see enacted within this project? Having reflected on the values our team associates with this project, I think the following are those I most want to see enacted within project: - Collectivism - Solidarity - Sustainability ### Q4. Which of the values that the group associates with this project are most distinctive? Of the values our team associates with this project, I think the following are most distinctive for our project: - Adaptability - Collectivism ###### tags: `examples` `values` --- {%hackmd /E20qKLmUSK2xloQxRNbdYw %}