
I am a researcher and resource curator using this space to share what I learn as I learn it.

I enjoy the process of collecting, organising, analysing, and synthesising insights from existing resources to understand collective uses of contested concepts within and across specific contexts. This approach is informed by my training in historical, philosophical, and sociological examinations of technical concepts, as well as my professional experience implementing qualitative research methods and curating resources for specific audiences.

While I tend towards this process for my own learnings, I sometimes share my curated resource-collections and/or write-up my learnings to share with others. These outputs reflect my limited perspective - including as-yet-unknown assumptions steaming from my experiences within some of the default categories the currently dominant imperialist/capitalist systems privilege, as well as my experiences navigating these systems with my particular collection of atypical and marginalised characteristics.

My writings have been shared open-access in various places:

  • For my most polished resource-collections and concept summaries, see Commons Social Change Library
  • For less-polished resource-collections I've prepared for myself, my friends, and various communities, see my Unpublished Collection.
  • If you'd like to see my academic contributions let me know, happy to share open-access.

Current interests and projects include:

If you appreciate my writing and/or resource curation practices, please consider supporting your local better future projects, or those from my local and broader contexts. The following are some suggestions to consider as a starting point:

  • Seed Mob, an Indigenous youth climate network which is building a movement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people for climate justice.
  • Firesticks Alliance Indigenous Corporation, an Indigenous led network aiming to re-invigorate the use of cultural burning by facilitating cultural learning pathways to fire and land management. It is an initiative for Indigenous and non- Indigenous people to look after Country, share their experiences and collectively explore ways to achieve their goals.
  • The Dhadjowa Foundation, providing strategic, coordinated and culturally appropriate support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families whose loved ones have died in custody.
  • Black Rainbow Futures Fund - an Indigenous-led organisation investing in the futures of the Indigenous LGBTIQ+ community
  • IndigenousX, an Indigenous owned and operated media, consultancy, and training organisation.
  • First Nations Hub, providing a culturally safe, co-working space to advance grassroots campaigns for Country and Victorian Aboriginal community.
  • First Nations Futures, a way to contribute to redistributing wealth and collectively investing in First Nations initiatives that are creating intergenerational change

I pay respect to Elders of the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung people of the Kulin Nation, on whose lands I currently live, and honour their enduring connections to culture, kin, and Country. I am in an ongoing process of learning about of the wide range stolen lands I and my ancestors have lived on, and extend this respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across this continent. I aim to act in solidarity with decolonising efforts, and follow First Nations leadership in cultivating systems for collectively generating and communicating knowledge in ways that contribute to better futures.

Attribution & Pronounciation Notes
‘Teq’ is a nickname for informal settings and online spaces; my publications are usually attributed to some varient of E. T. Smith. I use (they/them/themself) pronouns and happily respond to multiple variations of my nickname, and and my first and middle names - you’re welcome to pronounce any of these in your own way.

email: teq.etsmith@protonmail.com
socials: https://aus.social/@teq

Access to the markdown of my writing/resources are available on request