Try   HackMD

Finally it all comes to an end. Considering that I will not be participating in Devconnect, this was my last week being part of the Ethereum Protocol Fellowship.

The main focus of this week was on:

  1. Preparing my final presentation for the EPF.
  2. Solving a bug that came up in the backend simplification.

Regarding point (1), there were not many surprises and I focused on telling my progress during these four months, at the same time I mentioned some ideas and pending tasks that arose during this time and in which I would like to continue cooperating.

Regarding point (2), the main problem was because I didn't solve the expressions inside the dynamic pushes. Therefore %push(label + 256) did not take into account the "+ 256" of the expression and the results were not correct. Anyway the PR has been updated and this problem should not occur anymore.

In closing, I'm very grateful for the opportunity I was given and I hope this is the beginning of many more collaborations within the Ethereum ecosystem.

See you on chain!