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A Search Engine for Verified Solidity Source Code

During our 2+ years in Remix, we interviewed many expert users (e.g. many 1-on-1 meetings with Project Teams, MythX, Sooho, Chainsafe Team and others; doing focus interviews with tool users during Conferences (e.g. EDCON, EthCC, EthGlobal Events, Devcon, etc…), and interviewed people during EthMagicians gatherings).
We also organized workshops and meetups on a regular basis to try to teach ourselves using the tools and getting feedback from users.
We also lobbied for and then integrated the gitter support chat into remix and grew it to a few thousand users and executed surveys and analyzed the chat generally for which issues are brought up most often

The things we've heard most often was that:

  1. People love Remix, but they want a better UX for dealing with common features (e.g. compile/deploy) + they would love to see a much better debugger.
  2. They also said Remix is sometimes too much, when they want to showcase their work to the clients who are not so tech savy.

We noticed there is a gap between beginners (programmers but not blockchain) and profesisonals in the ecosystem and Remix was simply not suitable for beginners.

This is exactly why we started the play project - first as a lightweight embeddable solidity editor in the browser which generates a live interactive frontend for the source code for users to deploy with one click and interact with the contract. And later we extended it to a search engine for solidity source code with integrated editor where users can browse code and open it in the editor in just a few clicks. The interactive frontend can then be published to github or downloaded as an HTML file to explore and learn about web3.js calls and be able to copy/paste them already customized to the use solidity template it was generated from.

Since the release of the first MVP, we introduced the tool to many professors and their assistants who teach solidity in universities. Their feedback was positive and the tool is now their go-to-tool when starting to teach solidity, so I guess that’s a pretty good feedback. Some also opened issues and added feature requests some of which we implemented already.

We’re currently in the process of adding Open Zeppelin contracts and also professionally audited contracts from our partners from ChainSecurity to the database to present more relevant contracts to first time users

Our hypothesis is that the first real boom Ethereum had was due to ERC20 standard which gave users an out of the box business solution in the form of a contract, which they could slightly adapt for their needs and they were ready to go.
We think there is a need for more standards/templates/out of the box solutions for contracts as a business
Moloch DAO and Token bonding curve came close, but they are maybe not such a mainstream usecase as an ERC20 Token which can be used for any loyalty program, game, ICO etc.

0. Summary Information

Duration (Months) 12 Indicative Budget £ 265,180
Project Name Play project
Name Email Timezone/Countries
Contacts Alexander Praetorius UK/UTC-0
Nina Breznik UK/UTC-0
Applied for EF grant before? No Previous Project title /

1. Project Team

Alexander Praetorius (serapath)

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project manager & full stack javascript engineer

skills / experience duration (years)
javascript 10+
visual analytics, data science, interaction design 6+
node.js 4+
distributed file systems (ipfs,dat) 2+
solidity and web3 2+
teaching programming 3+
working in the Ethereum ecosystem with the EF 2.5
solidity and web3 2+
building Solidity editor - Remix 2+
relevant additional achievements:
  1. Visual Analytics Research Paper (at the Fraunhofer Society) (author)
  2. Frankfurt Founders Club (co-founder)
  3. Wizard Amigos (co-founder & organizer)
    • international meetup for programmers with over 1800 members
  4. Conference speaking, workshops

Nina Breznik

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  • The image format is not supported
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ui/ux and frontend developer

skills / experience duration (years)
marketing planning and communication 10+
business (co-founder, coo of an angel funded start-up) 7+
product development and ux/ui design 5+
javascript 3+
teaching programming 3+
working in the Ethereum ecosystem with the EF 2.5
Remix 2+
solidity and web3 2+
building Solidity editor - 2+
ruby on rails 2+
distributed file systems (ipfs,dat) 1+
relevant additional achievements:
  1. Wizard Amigos (co-founder & organizer)
    • international meetup for programmers with over 1800 members
  2. Conference speaking, workshops

Fiona Ye

Image Not Showing Possible Reasons
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  • The image format is not supported
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ui/ux adesigner

skills / experience duration (years)
design 8+
ux/ui 8+
javascript 2+

dweb developer

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  • The image format is not supported
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dweb developer & dat engineer

relevant additional achievements:

  1. dat-sdk developer

Ailin Liou

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  • The image format is not supported
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frontend and backend developer

skills / experience duration (years)
java and groovy programming 10+
javascript 7+
devops & server administration 5+
node.js programming 5+
solidity and web3 5+

relevant additional achievements:

  1. Remote Work Taiwan (founder)
    • community and events
  2. Conference speaking

2. Project Summary

1. What is the problem?

  1. 50,000+ new developers per day are joining the ecosystem, but there is no place for them to explore or browse smart contract source code.
  2. No easy one click deploy solution where user can open any contract and quickly deploy it and interact with it.
  3. No embeddable solidity editor which could be integrated in other educational tools.

2. Why is it important?

  1. Having a place to browse and explore smart contract source code is important because:

50,000+ new developers per day need to be able to explore smart contract source code to get familiar with how the Solidity language works and later to be able to find specific code examples to implement or learn about particular smart contract features.

  1. No easy one click deploy solution where user can open any contract and quickly deploy it and interact with it. because:

Users need to be able to quickly learn the basics of smart contract deployment and to be able to easily prototype their learnings and their ideas.

  1. Having an integratable solidity editor which could be embedded in other educational tools/webpages/blog posts is important because:

It's important we give professors and other educators easy ways to showcase how to build smart contracts and to enable them to do this inside of their webpages/resources.

3. How do you solve it?

  • more collaboration with professors
    • visiting professors as guest speakers - showcasing the tool onboarding, connecting with professors&students, maybe also improving a workshop module (depending on feedback & needs)
    • organizing on boarding sessions & gathering feedback & improving the tooling + materials (new contracts, standards)
  • constant improvements of UX, making core work like a charm
  • adding web3/ethers snippets to autogenerated preview
  • adding publish frontend
  • working with Solidity compiler team to improve compilers in the browser
  • more contracts to the
  • categorization of code:
    • solidity examples made by professors (beginners),
    • solidity standards (erc20, safeMath, etc. in collab with OpenZeppelin), - audited code (collab with Chainsecurity, Sooho and Mythx)
    • verified code
  • improve advanced search: categories, keywords, code snippets, patterns + add filters
  • adding app connect to enable integration with/in other tools
  • adding user profiles
  • enable sharing (direct links to contracts, to showcase their work)
  • wizard amigos (support local meetup groups, help users self organize, organizing code camps, also online)

3. Specific Objectives

  • goal:
    • create user friendly way to explore verified source code
  • tangibles:
    • UX and UI for explorer page (layout, interaction, theme, design, copywriting)
    • autocomplete search/filter
    • create new button
    • UX and UI for section: featured, new
    • UX and UI for section: recently viewed
    • pagination list
    • embedded lightweight editor with smart contract UI
  • impact:
    • users can explore contract source codes

2. Solidity editor (Play-ed)

  • goal:
    • users can manage their smart contracts and source code
    • users can use editor to write/edit/fork smart contracts
  • tangibles:
    • feature to load source code from a url param
    • file explorer (caches recent)
    • refined responsiveness
      • e.g. font size is adapted to the length of the contract
    • solidity syntax highlighting theme
    • autocompile based on all imported pragmas
    • compiler error messages
  • impact:
    • users have lightweight in-browser environment to edit solidity code
    • users can showcase their work

3. Smart contract UI

  • goal:
    • users can deploy and verify their smart contracts
    • users can interact with contracts
    • users can see smart contract metadata, NatSpec comments and web3 code snippets
  • tangibles:
    • load contract from address
    • refined responsiveness
    • form validation (arrays and bytes)
    • switch between form and json (copy/paste)
    • new form theme
    • executable web3 code snippets
    • NatSpec comments
    • verify source code with publish
  • impact:
    • enabling a 'one-click' deploy and auto-verification
    • enabling verification for already deployed contracts
    • interaction with any smart contract
    • developers can easily access additional info about the contracts (metadata, natSpec, web3 calls)

4. Solidity compiler

  • goal:
    • optimize speed and size of solidity compiler for the browser
    • allow importing solidity code from dat and local file paths
  • tangibles:
    • compiler that runs in webworker
    • resolver for local imports and dat links
  • impact:
    • shorter compilation time results and faster development time
    • other projects can re-use the only browser-optimized compiler

5. User Account

  • goal:
    • create user owned account system
  • tangibles:
    • user account widget with basic UX/UI
    • wallet section with basic UX/UI
      • wallet - switcher between JSvm & Metamask (e.g. mainnet, testnet, )
      • wallet - confirming/rejecting transactions
      • wallet - javascript_vm implementation
      • wallet - spec for iframe wallet interaction (.postMessage, .onMessage)
      • wallet - iframe web3 provider implementation
    • credentials section spec
      • credentials - with basic UX/UI for credentials usage
      • credentials - isolated secure storage space for credentials
    • storage section spec for iframe storage interaction (.postMessage, .onMessage)
      • storage - permissions (for each dapp)
      • storage - iframe storage interaction implementation
      • storage - permissions administration (e.g. recent files)
      • storage - file explorer implementation/integration
  • impact:
    • users can test source code in a simulator
    • users can store and backup all their source code files
    • users can manage their account
    • users own and have full control over their data

6. Open database

  • goal:

    • create an open database of contract source codes
    • enable constant flow of new contracts to the database
    • allow everyone to use the database for analysis/visualisations
  • tangibles:

    • improve and refine etherscan source code scraper
    • module to enable other parties to store source code in open database
    • module to fetch new published contracts through Komputing
    • module to import verified contracts from other p2p databases
    • documentation
  • impact:

    • anyone can retrieve & contribute to the open database
    • wallets can use this system to display source-verified contract badge
    • guarantees long-term availability of the growing dataset

7. Marketing & Operations

  • goal:
    • promote the project
    • onboard users
    • secure future funding
  • tangibles:
    • deepening relationships with professors teaching blockchain
    • organizing guest workshops at the Universities
    • engaging professors and other users in the process
    • improving workshop module - to empower professors & other educators with out of the box tooling (big impact 1 professor => average 30 students)
    • presenting at Web3 Summit
    • presenting remote at EthIndia
    • presenting at Devcon5
    • workshop at Devcon5 with scholars
    • presenting at Crosslink
    • organizing coding events
    • support local meetup groups,
    • help users self organize,
    • organizing code camps, also online,
    • creating workshops/code examples,
    • social media activity
  • impact:
    • onboarding new users
    • positioning as a go to place for discovering smart contract source codes in an interactive way
    • introduce developers to the tool (demo)
    • having resources to continue with our work

4. Relation to other work (What is new and Why is this needed?)

1. How does it differentiate from other projects?

    • users can not see the source code
    • users can not verify the source code
    • does not include the editor so users can not edit/reuse the code
    • enables only interaction with depoyed contracts
    • the database is completely centralized/not trustless
    • enables API to store to and query verified contracts
    • problem of trust - you have to trust their verification process
    • to query there are certain limitations
    • the database is completely centralized/not trustless
    • focuses on writing new contracts, not on exploring existing ones
    • not beginner friendly
    • not easy to integrate into other tools/websites
    • focuses on writing full stack, not on smart contarcts
    • not useful for non-web developers
    • offers little code templates to get started
    • not open source
    • has centralized server with traditional signup
    • focuses only on writing new contracts, not on exploring existing ones
    • enables API to store to and query verified contracts
    • not open database of verified smart contracts (BUT we are joining forces and are already working together on creating shared and decentralized database with an open API)
  • - blockchain workbench
    • lists only 11 publicly available contract samples
    • is developing a tool for verifying contracts
      • will be available only inside of their workbench
      • no API (closed database)
    • focuses only on audited contracts
    • it's a hand selected small amount of contracts/standards developers can import into their code (SafeMath, ERC20, Ownable etc.)
    • has no tool to preview and interact with the contracts
    • uses local imports (difficult to copy-paste and try out)
    • Using the github code search to search for solidity code will return some results, but it is not possible to filter specifically for solidity source code which matches certain code snippets or patterns. In short - github code search is not specialized for solidity.

2. What in the project is state-of-the-art?

  • open archive of verified smart contract source code for others to easily clone and keep synchronized
  • detailed search engine that enables search through solidity source code and metadata
  • minimal embeddable solidity editor to immediately interact with the contract code
  • built-in publishing and verification system for contracts deployed from the smartcontract ui

3. Does it depend on other projects?

  • solidity (raw emscripten transpiled compilers)
  • ethers.js & web3.js
  • etherscan (for initially scraping verified contracts)
  • blockscout (collaboration on the scraper)
  • metamask
  • trueblocks a.k.a quickblocks (receive contract transactions)
  • decentralized storage systems (e.g. dat protocol)
  • ethereumjs (javascript_vm)
  • contract verification libraries

4. Does it complement/contribute to other projects?

  • blockscout (providing embedded editor and database of verified contracts database)
  • trueblocks a.k.a quickblocks (providing database of verified contracts)
  • solidity (providing embedded editor for showcasing solidity source code examples in solidity docs)
  • wallets (providing database of verified contracts with an open API to help wallets show users which Dapps are based on verified contracts)
  • deployment tools (providing tools for integrating verification process in the development flow)
  • other decentralized data communities (providing a tool for running their own version of the database with verified contracts)

5. Current status

1. What do we have so far?

6. Project Plan

1. Milestones in 0-3 months?

1. Crowdsourced database of verified smart contracts

  • sep - improve and refine etherscan source code scraper
  • nov - module to store source code in p2p database
  • sep- module to conveniently query the p2p database client side
  • oct- maintained server running the scraper code
  • oct- maintained server running the p2p database

2. Smart contracts explorer

  • sep- UX and UI for explorer page (layout, interaction, theme, design, copywriting)
  • sep- pagination list
  • oct- embedded lightweight editor with smart contract UI
  • oct- UX and UI for section: featured, new

3. User Account

  • oct- storage - section spec for iframe storage interaction (.postMessage, .onMessage)
  • oct- storage - iframe storage interaction implementation

4. Solidity compiler

  • sep- compiler that runs in webworker
  • oct- resolver for local imports and dat links

5. Smart contract UI

  • nov- load contract from address
  • nov- form validation (arrays and bytes)

6. Solidity editor

  • nov- feature to load source code from a url param
  • nov- refined responsiveness (e.g. adapt font size to contract length)
  • oct- solidity syntax highlighting theme
  • sep- autocompile based on all imported pragmas
  • nov- compiler error messages

7. Marketing & Operations

  • sep- stickers (+maybe business cards)
  • sep- printed t-shirts for the project team
  • aug - presenting at Web3 Summit
  • aug- presenting remote at EthIndia

2. Milestones in 3-6 months?

1. Crowdsourced database of verified smart contracts

  • module to publish verified source codes to p2p database from client
  • module to (re)verify source code
  • p2p database registry to publish verified contract p2p databases to

2. User Account

  • user account widget with basic UX/UI
  • wallet section with basic UX/UI
  • wallet - switcher between JSvm & Metamask (e.g. mainnet, testnet, )
  • wallet - confirming/rejecting transactions
  • wallet - javascript_vm implementation
  • wallet - spec for iframe wallet interaction (.postMessage, .onMessage)
  • wallet - iframe web3 provider implementation

3. Smart contract UI

  • verify source code with publish
  • refined responsiveness

4. Smart contracts explorer

  • create new button
  • UX and UI for section: recently viewed

5. Marketing & Operations

  • presenting at Devcon5
  • workshop at Devcon5 with scholars

3. Milestones in 6-12 months?

1. Crowdsourced database of verified smart contracts

  • module to import verified contracts from other p2p databases
  • a document to describe how to create and maintain a p2p database

2. User Account

  • credentials section spec
  • credentials - with basic UX/UI for credentials usage
  • credentials - isolated secure storage space for credentials
  • storage - permissions (for each dapp)
  • storage - permissions administration (e.g. recent files)
  • storage - file explorer implementation/integration

3. Smart contract UI

  • executable web3 code snippets
  • NatSpec comments
  • switch between form and json (copy/paste)
  • new form theme

4. Solidity editor

  • file explorer (caches recent)

5. Smart contracts explorer

  • autocomplete search/filter

6. Marketing & Operations

  • presenting at 3 more events
  • management & operations

7. Budget and Support Plan

Total Budget £
TOTAL (dev work) 256,000
Server hosting 180
Speaking - travel & accomodation 8,000
Merchandising materials 1,000
TOTAL 265,180

DEV WORK - detailed overview

Smart contracts explorer 91
UX and UI for explorer page (layout, interaction, theme, design, copywriting)
js, dom, css, ux, design, copywriting
autocomplete search/filter
js, dom, css, json
create new buttonjs, dom 2
UX and UI for sections: featured, new
css, dat, ux, js
UX and UI for section: recently viewed
css, iframe, js
pagination list
js, dat, css, dom
embedded lightweight editor with smart contract UI
codemirror, iframe, js, dom
Crowdsourced database of verified Smart Contracts 156
improve and refine etherscan source code scraper
cheerio, nodejs, devops
module to store source codes in p2p database
nodejs, dat
module to conveniently query the p2p database client side
nodejs, devops, js, dat
module to publish verified source codes to p2p database from client
nodejs, js, dat
module to (re)verify source codes
js, bytecode, web3, solc
p2p database registry to publish verified contract p2p databases to
js, nodejs, dat, dht
module to import verified contracts from other p2p databases nodejs, dat, dht 8
maintained server running the scraper code
devops, nodejs
maintained server running the p2p database
devops, nodejs, dat
a tutorial to describe how to create and maintain a p2p database
devops, nodejs, dat, web3, dht
Solidity editor 82
feature to load source code from a url param
url, js
file explorer (caches recent)
dom, js, css
refined responsiveness (e.g. adapt font size to contract length)
codemirror, css, js
solidity syntax highlighting theme
css, js, codemirror
autocompile based on all imported pragmas
js, regex, solc
compiler error messages
solc, js, codemirror, solidity, css
Smart contract UI 81
load contract from address
web3, js, dom, solidity_ABI
refined responsiveness
js, css, dom
form validation (arrays and bytes)
js,solidity, web3
switch between form and json (copy/paste)
new form theme
js, css, dom, ux
executable web3 code snippets
web3, js,codemirror, css, solidity_AST, dom
NatSpec comments
solidity, solc, js, dom, css
verify source code with publish
js, iframe, dat, bytecode, web3
Solidity compiler 14
compiler that runs in webworker
js, webworker, solc
resolver for local imports and dat links
solc, url, regex, js
Developer Account 130
user account widget with basic UX/UI
ux, css, js, dom
wallet section with basic UX/UI
ux, js, dom, web3, javascript_vm
wallet - switcher between JSvm & Metamask (e.g. mainnet, testnet, …)
js, dom, css
wallet - confirming/rejecting transactions
js, dom, css
wallet - javascript_vm implementation
js, web3, javascript_vm
wallet - spec for iframe wallet interaction (.postMessage, .onMessage)
json, web3, javascript_vm, iframe
wallet - iframe web3 provider implementation
js, web3, javascript_vm, iframe
credentials section spec
iframe, js, browser_security
credentials - with basic UX/UI for credentials usage
ux, js, dom, css
credentials - isolated secure storage space for credentials
browser_security, js, iframe
storage spec for iframe storage interaction (.postMessage, .onMessage)
iframe, js
storage - permissions (for each dapp)
browser_security, js, iframe
storage - iframe storage interaction implementation
iframe, js, dat
storage - permissions administration ux/ui
js, ux, dom, css, browser_security
storage - file explorer implementation/integration
js, css, dom
Marketing & Operations 86
presenting at Web3 Summit
slides, presentation, playproject
presenting remote at EthIndia
slides, presentation, playproject
presenting at Devcon5
slides, presentation, playproject
workshop at Devcon5 with scholars
slides, presentation, playproject
presenting at 3 more events
slides, presentation, playproject
printed t-shirts for the project team
stickers (+maybe business cards)
management & operations
social_media, marketing, project_management

8. Sustainability

1. What happens after the grant?

  • We search for partners to share costs for building features we all need
  • We offer smart contract and Dapp development as an agency through Hire us section
  • We apply for new grants

2. What happens if no grant?

We will work for traditional client projects like we did in the past (before Ethereum) and we will try to work on this project in our free time while searching for alternative sources of funding.

9. Other information

List of people from the ecosystem we've collaborated with or people who are interested in our work

  • Igor Barinov (POA/Blockscout)
  • Christian Reitwiessner (Solidity)
  • Thomas Jay Rush (Quick/Trueblocks)
  • Griff Green (Giveth)
  • Tomasz Kolinko (Eveem)
  • Ligi (Go, Walleth)
  • Lane Rettig (Ewasm)
  • Scott Gralnick, Itay Radotzki (Portis)