
Table of Contents

Our Vision

SolKids NFT's will not be like any other NFT project, we will provide a proven utility that will result in huge gains for our holders in the long term. We are not aiming for a short life span we are looking at the future, we could offer staking or invent some $SOLKID Shit coin, but time and time again these utilities have not kept other projects intact and holders start to sell up and the project dies with it. We needed a solution that will keep the community happy for years to come

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SolKids Story

The Co-Founders Martin (Superd00dle) and David (CryptoCNUT) are no strangers to the NFT Space, having both been invested in projects that were supposed to rocket to the moon and either failed or were rugged. They could never really see why anyone would rug a project because in the long term its much more beneficial not just for the holders but also the founders to stick at it. All the hard work had been done; the artwork, website, road map, social media and enough interest to mint the whole project so why choose to rug. It makes no sense.

After talking, planning and both agreeing they could do a much better job than the average project, actually deliver on the promises made and make this a full time commitment they dreamt up Sol Kids, a small starter project of 5555 unique hand drawn digitally generated NFT's, with plans already in the making for a season 2 (5555 NFT's) and season 3 (10000 NFT's).

We have a well thought through and exciting road map, with the potential to pay some huge prizes during minting and more importantly every month after we have sold out.

The collection of artwork itself is simply astonishing, a highly collectible set of trading cards of different rarity's including 5 Super Rare 1 of 1 designs, the rarity ranking of the collection will offer chances to win bigger prizes during the monthly raffles which will help maintain a good floor price.

We honestly believe that our NFT's will become very popular, will hold a good floor price and will grow in value over time.

The Utility

48.5% of all funds received from mint will be funding our giveaways, promotions and Alt Coin Mining Operation, the mining operation will be running from a small very secure industrial unit in Kent (England) the funds will pay for everything required, we are expecting to have over 45 GPUs for the rigs which will be able to mine a considerable amount of Alt Coin each month. Im sure you can appreciate getting the rigs ordered along with 45 GPU's, the facility required could take some time, but we will honour the $750 prize fund and move it from the community bank every month until the mining operation is fully setup. Once the rigs are in place tested and optimised, we plan on sharing the mining stats and electricity usage. We will also research and possibly implement a bot to the discord to relay this information.
Once the profits are calculated they will be swapped to Solana and sent to the community raffle wallet ready for the live draws

Example of mining calculations
Token: Ethereum
45x AMD 6800 GPU's Hash rate: 5760MH/s
Power usage: 5KWh
Ethereum mined: Ξ0.035 approx. per 24 hours
Estimated Prize Fund: $750 per month

It is important to point out that currently all tokens are very low at the moment and will greatly impact the amount of profit made when offsetting against electricity usage if the mining is not profitable we will top of the prize fund to $750 USD using the secondary sales royalties or Community bank, also some of you maybe wondering what will happen when ethereum switches to 2.0? we will then mine another coin (the next best one) we may even mine a few different tokens

We will be using 23% of the secondary sales royalties gained to maintain or add more GPU's to the operation, every additional GPU added will add another 64MH/s to the hash rate and 150w to the power usage increasing the prize fund for the live raffles

The facility will be leased for 12 months. will be paid for upfront, will have a very good security system with full CCTV and 24hour monitored security, the rigs will be held inside a caged area within the server rooms.


During the minting phase of SolKids, everyone will have an equal chance of minting rares or super rares 1 of 1's, the mints will be random and as the road map progresses through we will announce clearly in discord and on our social media of the date or dates we will be hosting the live raffles. All of these transactions and wallets involved will be available to the public to monitor.

SolKids will be reserving 100 NFT's for giveaways, staff gifts and OG Investor gifts

We have drawn (using a random number generator) 50 NFT NUMBERS, these are called the missing SolKids, if you find (mint) one if them there is a reward.

In total there is 250 Solana to be shared between the owners of the missing SolKids

  • 10 rewards of 12.5 $SOL
  • 10 rewards of 8.75 $SOL
  • 10 rewards of 3.75 $SOL
  • 20 rewards of free SolKid NFT's

These rewards will start to be paid out once 50% of the collection has been minted.

A sneak peak of the Missing SolKids below

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If for some reason we dont sell out, we will mint the rest of the collection to the treasury wallet. Any legendarys 1 of 1's in the treasury wallet be auctioned to the highest bidder. The remainder will be burned.

At every 10% road map milestone achieved:

  • 48.5% of revenue received will be transferred to the community bank to fund the giveaway's and to fund our future utility of Alt Coin mining.
  • 2.5% of revenue received will be transferred to the charity donation wallet for African Vision
  • 10% of revenue received will be sent to the season 2 development fund wallet
  • 25% of revenue received will be sent to the founders wallet
  • 12.5% will be sent to our OG investors wallet
  • 1.5% will be sent to our staff wallet

Secondary Sales

The royalty rates on Sol Kids is 10%, which means if you sell your NFT on the secondary market 10% of your sale will be taken automatically plus any Market place fees.
These payments are automatic and will be transferred
immediately on sale.

  • 23% of the royalty received will be sent straight to the community bank
  • 2% of the royalty received will be sent to the charity donation wallet
  • 5% of the royalty received will be sent to the community bank to pay for our staff
  • 50% will be sent to Co-Founder's Wallet which can be accessed by Superd00dle and CryptoCNUT
  • 20% will be sent to our OG Investors Wallet

The Monthly Raffles

The raffles will be held on a live social media platform where you will be able to watch the live draw (using screen sharing), your NFT ID Numbers will be your raffle ticket, we will be using google's random number generator to pick the 3 winning numbers, the 3 NFT's picked will have the prize funds split between them according to the rarity ranking of our official rarity partner (Rarity Sniper). The prize funds will then be dropped to each wallet associated with the winning NFT

All planned raffles will be announced with a time and date of the draw in our discord and on our social media pages.

Remember 23% of the royalties (from secondary sales) will be sent to the community bank this will fund any maintenance required or be used to purchase more GPU's

Example. The NFT Rarity ranking are made up for the purpose of the example

Monthly raffle breakdown
Prize Fund 750 USD
Live stream of google random number generator
Google picks numbers 381, 2134 and 1101
the NFTs Numbers 381, 2134 and 1101 are then checked on our exclusive rarity partner (Rarity Sniper)

  • 1st Prize: NFT #2134 (Officially ranked 59 in rarity) 50% of Prize fund (350 USD) paid in Solana to the same wallet that holds the winning NFT
  • 2nd Prize: NFT #1101 (Officially ranked 876 in rarity) 35% of Prize fund (262 USD) paid in Solana to the same wallet that holds the winning NFT
  • 3rd Prize: NFT #381 (Officially ranked 2345 in rarity) 15% of Prize fund (112 USD) paid in Solana to the same wallet that holds the NFT

**The official rankings used above are examples only

The payments will be made in solana using the current solana conversion rate on that day

OG Investor Program

Sol Kids would not have been able to launch sucessfully without the correct marketing approach and promotion. The OG Investment NFT's gave the opportunity to 8 people to invest a small amount of money, for a small share in the mint revenue and secondary sales royalties. Simply put without these investors it was very likely that the project would not get enough exposure as it rightly deserves.

You can read more about the OG investment here: OG Investor Whitepaper

The OG investors have their own roles and own section within discord, they will also help with ideas to help the project grow and are a Key part of the SolKids Team.

Our Charity

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Our vision…to see a "healthy, educated and self-sufficient community in Malawi".
The people of Malawi want to help themselves.

Since 2005 African Vision Malawi has been helping children & vulnerable people in Malawi, one of the poorest countries in the world.

We can empower them to become self-sufficient and independent.

We will be sending payments to African Vision, all payments will be public and recorded so everyone can be sure they are reaching the charity.

We feel that African Vision needs as much help as possible they are doing a fantastic job already but the extra funding we can send them will make a world of difference. We picked African Vision because unlike larger charity organisations every employee from outside of Malawi are volunteers which means that the charity have more funds to spend in Malawi.

Project Timeline

2022-05-012022-05-082022-05-152022-05-222022-05-292022-06-052022-06-122022-06-192022-06-262022-07-032022-07-102022-07-172022-07-242022-07-312022-08-072022-08-142022-08-212022-08-28Launch Website           Promotion on Social Media     Open Discord             Mint      Reveal      Pre MintPost MintSol Kids Season 1

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tags: NFT SOLANA whitepaper