Monthly report: upcoming
Arthur: upcoming
T: Foo<Output=i32>
Anyone else
Feel free to add questions!
We're now getting a lot more pull-requests to review and it'd be nice to add automation there as well, and figure out a workflow for reviewing.
feature can auto-assign reviewersHighlevel seperation
Thomas - I think "Highlevel seperation" is sufficient at this time instead of detailed per-module separation?
Anyone else want to volunteer
I think a Wiki page dedicated to this would be better served than a CodeOwners.txt for now
git gcc-commit-mklog
without all the superfluous things.Bors does not provide a mechanism to do rebase
This is making it too difficult to manage patches
GitHub merge queue?
Philip - I think its time to get rid of Bors and move to a merge queue.
Arthur - with rebases, but seconded :)
Marc/dkm - same. We have seen how painful the bors merge are when it comes to rebasing onto gcc master. merge queues + rebase strategy should really make things easier.
Thomas - What are the problems with bors (I don't think I've observed any?) – but then, I don't care too much about which to use. (…, though I generally do prefer Git merges over rebase, to not rewrite Git history – but then, I don't care too much about that, either.) ;-)
Philipp K. - If history doesn't matter, there is also the squash_and_merge
feature in bors that could help with that. But then again, I'd also be interested how GH merge queues will work out - I never saw a repo using them.
// anyone else?
State of GCC upstream code base?
Merging upstream back to github?
Now that we are enforcing gcc changelogs does this help?
This needs updated its not very pretty right now and is out of date.