Pre-Internship Notes by Rifqi Farhansyah === ###### tags: `Internship` _________________________ ##### [<center>Root Page</center>]( >Name : Mohammad Rifqi Farhansyah >Major : Computer Science >University : Institut Teknologi Bandung >E-Mail : || >General Topic : RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) _________________________ ## I. Background Knowledge of O-RAN > **Week 1:** (26/01/2023-02/02/2023) #### Resources: >* [O-RAN Alliance]( >* [O-RAN Explanation]( >* [Open-RAN for 5G]( :::warning **Study Notes 📑** - Fundamentals : Introduction to O-RAN ([2023/01/28]( - Fundamentals : Introduction to OpenRAN Gym ([2023/01/28]( ::: :::success **Goals 🎯** - [x] Gain deep insight on O-RAN & OpenRAN Gym - [x] Understand the main concept about this topics \ **What I have learned** - O-RAN is a new way to build and run mobile networks that is cheaper and more flexible than traditional networks, it allows multiple companies and open interfaces, which leads to more innovation and competition and is designed to be more scalable and modular. - O-RAN aims to lower costs, improve network performance and is good for mobile network operators and vendors as it allows them to quickly adopt new technologies and reduce costs. ::: ## II. Background Knowledge of OpenRAN Gym > **Week 2-3:** (03/02/2023-16/02/2023) #### Resources: >* [OpenRAN Gym]( :::warning **Study Notes 📑** - Fundamentals : Introduction to OpenRAN Gym ::: :::success **Goals 🎯** - [x] Learn to use this platform - [x] Understand the main concept about this topics - [ ] Able to duplicate the result from the paper \ **What I have learned** - ON GOING