--- tags: ResBaz2021 --- # ResBaz Arizona 2021 HackMD Directory :::success This document contains a list of all HackMDs[^first] created during the ResBaz Arizona 2021 Virtual Conference. [Main Research Bazaar Arizona 2021 Website](https://researchbazaar.arizona.edu/resbaz/resbazTucson2021/):link: Twitter hash tag: [#resbaz2021](https://twitter.com/hashtag/ResBaz2021) ::: ## Conference Code of Conduct [ResBaz Code of Conduct](https://github.com/resbazaz/studyGroup/blob/gh-pages/codeOfConduct.md). To report a breach of the Code of Conduct, send an e-mail to resbazaz@gmail.com ## Zoom links - Conference Room 1: <https://arizona.zoom.us/j/82636592469> - Conference Room 2: <https://arizona.zoom.us/j/84840152957> Note: For the Zoom password check the email you registered with. ## Solutions to common problems [Solutions to Common Problems](https://hackmd.io/oVU7CAk2Rlea0frUj7Ti8A) > Note: Feel free to add your own solutions to help others. [**Session Feedback Form**](https://forms.gle/TrnJpr9qRBEKdnVVA) All times are in Mountain Standard Time (Arizona time). See Zoom links section above for room links ## Monday, May 17th, 2021 ` 9:00-10:00` [Panel: What is Data Science?](https://hackmd.io/0k0biOY4RYqqzzFWVtZ7VA) (Room 1) `10:00-12:00` [Intro to `Python` 1](https://hackmd.io/g5VPHR7rTz2c3V_zzLRX2w) (Room 1) `10:00-12:00` [Intro to `R` 1](https://hackmd.io/nG5ce2ElQKuo2fmR1BY1UA) (Room 2) ` 1:00- 3:00` [Intro to `Python` 2](https://hackmd.io/7Ugyt0e1Sr2mxcbLhbrylA) (Room 1) ` 1:00- 3:00` [Intro to `R` 2](https://hackmd.io/VFea3RrHTh6gnyTDVfG_vA) (Room 2) ` 3:00- 5:00` [Visualizing Data with Vega-lite](https://hackmd.io/340RlLC1QnSwhRHC5_RAaw) (Room 1) ` 3:00- 5:00` [Intro to Unix](https://hackmd.io/lxVuKiUEQEODQr9A7vaBWA) (Room 2) ## Tuesday, May 18th, 2021 ` 9:00-10:00` [Package Management with `Spack`](https://hackmd.io/BVQkmImWQsKI7vt5sUMNWQ) (Room 1) `10:00-12:00` [Intermediate `Python` with Testing and Types](https://hackmd.io/WR7jdOXoTy6J8gBi53PyyQ) (Room 1) `10:00-12:00` [Bayesian Analysis in `R`](https://hackmd.io/baxGiyacQWWKLunqKqbxog) (Room 2) ` 1:00- 3:00` [Beautiful Plots with `ggplot2`](https://hackmd.io/2rMrEr1wQqGOnhnOBo0Qqg) (Room 1) ` 1:00- 3:00` [Jetstream Overview](https://hackmd.io/k6m-tpZgS-eAubdmNud9ug) (Room 2) ` 3:00- 5:00` [Blake's Declassified `HPC` Survival Guide](https://hackmd.io/160D62yZTXyPk3K1d4m1Og) (Room 1) ` 3:00- 5:00` [Unsupervized Machine Learning in R](https://hackmd.io/2KwzAOEMTM6NOnivcqfOPw) (Room 2) ## Wednesday, May 19th, 2021 `09:00-10:00` [Using Generalized Low Rank models](https://hackmd.io/uo6gp8NaQC-KTIobu8wY0g) (Room 1) `10:00-12:00` [Intro to GitHub](https://hackmd.io/SB5McQOQQdG9fl2zlqLGcQ) (Room 1) `10:00-12:00` [Shiny Dashboards in `R`](https://hackmd.io/B8wGxf-RSJSTrpntzOb8-Q) (Room 2) ` 1:00- 3:00` [Intro to LaTeX](https://hackmd.io/b3w66f5BQp69R-B3M8tBXQ) (Room 1) ` 3:00- 5:00` [Data structures `pandas` and data visualization `matplotlib` in `Python`](https://hackmd.io/yBgDc1d6TjmEEjgZUESg2g) (Room 1) ` 3:00- 4:00` [Making your awesome data/code citable with ReDATA](https://hackmd.io/E2fXdbZxRPK_sscT9jugdw) (Room 2) ` 4:00- 5:00` [Scholarly identity and Measuring Researcher Impact](https://hackmd.io/4fa5ToFIQuKvJvcam5getg) (Room 2) ## Thursday, May 20st, 2021 ` 9:00-11:00` [`Blogdown`: Creating Websites with `RMarkdown`](https://hackmd.io/yhU2v0flTmiIJ5lOpVa0zA) (Room 1) `10:00-12:00` [Sentiment Analysis with R](https://hackmd.io/EsrElOHsT5a4B5yBgGdE_g) (Room 2) ` 1:00- 3:00` [Prefect (an Airflow alternative) for data pipelines in Python](https://hackmd.io/eHiQJJFnT6SThiJkQ_c16g) (Room 1) ` 1:00- 3:00` [SQL databases in R](https://hackmd.io/otLJ_5LtQkSiQHorAXVjVA) (Room 2) ` 3:00- 4:00` [Panel: Careers in Data Science](https://hackmd.io/rz_L6AIDT8Wb8wcS6EhYvw) (Room 1) ` 4:00- 6:00` Hacky Hour ← meet us on [Gather.Town](https://gather.town/app/9Wynt7g1ozDD9S7b/ResBaz) ## Friday, May 21st, 2021 `09:00-10:00` [Adapting MATLAB Applications for HPC and GPU](https://hackmd.io/X7KiPVNQQ6uKDOvB6Pnifw) (Room 1) `10:00-12:00` [Machine Learning with `Scikit-Learn`](https://hackmd.io/uPfD-beIR0e2col8n3AGLg) (Room 1) `10:00-12:00` [Intro to Social Network Analysis in `R`](https://hackmd.io/jhIRDlQwS72JwYAewQW13A) (Room 2) ` 1:00- 3:00` [Machine learning lifecycle mangers: How `mlflow` can make our life easier](https://hackmd.io/j6zsDywNRvmn2Vep7A-wCQ) (Room 1) ` 2:00- 3:00` [Intro to HTML/CSS](https://hackmd.io/ScynatR7RLmi_zxAymF16w) (Room 2) ` 3:00- 5:00` [Basics of text processing with spaCy](https://hackmd.io/GPx0kO94SfSSXZ36lMy69w) (Room 1) ` 3:00- 5:00` [Observable Notebooks for prose, code, and gorgeous visualization on the web](https://hackmd.io/-XS5Mqh8TA2EHjTHCQ_4tw) (Room 2) ## Additional Resources [Finding Help After the Conference](https://hackmd.io/UgtOzfwDQXeyQ3gMm5rdhg) [Finding Help After the Conference v2](https://widstucson.org/join/) [Handy Tools and Resource Links](https://hackmd.io/yKWl6x0IRT2lwKerjjNxqQ) [Papers related to data-science](https://hackmd.io/8uwRwN9_TTSOKJGdBdqCVg) [^first]: ## What is HackMD? Read more about HackMD features [here](https://hackmd.io/features) [Markdown Cheat Sheet](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/) * Online collaborative tool! * Based on markdown - that has some syntax rules * Great tool for taking notes! * We will use it in a few ways: * 1 hackMD per session * Master hackMD that has links to all of the hackMDs * Please feel welcome to take your own hackMD notes at the end of the document * Anyone with the link has access to the HackMD - people need to sign up for the HackMD to edit * You can sign in with google! * You can sign in with github!!