**The Impact of Technology on Health: 3 Ways It's Affecting Us** The effects of technology on health are an increasingly important topic as our use of technology continues to evolve. We use technology in our everyday lives, from the way we work and interact with others, to the way we stay informed and connected. But how is this technology impacting our health? In this blog post, we’ll explore four ways that technology is affecting our physical and mental health, as well as the impact it is having on business. From the rise of telehealth to the potential for increased stress, there are both positive and negative effects of technology on health, and it’s important to be aware of them. **1) We're sitting more** The **[technology impact on business](https://techbaji.com/technology/technology-impacts-on-business/)** has led to an increase in the amount of time people spend sitting down. From office jobs that require long hours at the desk, to remote working and teleconferencing options, it seems that our lives are becoming more sedentary. Studies show that this increase in sitting down is having a negative effect on our health, as it's been linked to an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. The best way to combat this problem is to make sure that we are engaging in regular physical activity throughout the day, as well as making sure we get up and move around as much as possible. **2) We're less active** The technology impact on business is undeniable – it's becoming more and more ingrained into our everyday lives. But what about its impact on our health? One area where technology has had a significant effect is our level of physical activity. Thanks to technology, it’s easier than ever to work from home, shop online, and stream entertainment directly to our living rooms. All of these activities mean that we’re spending more time sitting around and less time being physically active. We often find ourselves trading physical activity for digital convenience, with the only form of movement we get coming from typing away at our keyboards or scrolling on our phones. But this kind of lifestyle is taking its toll on us. Studies show that prolonged sitting can increase your risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and more. Unfortunately, there’s no substitute for physical activity and its numerous benefits. So it’s important that we find ways to incorporate physical activity into our daily lives – even if it means limiting our time spent with technology. **3) We have more access to unhealthy food** As technology becomes more widespread and accessible, the **[effects of technology on health](https://techbaji.com/health/negative-effects-of-technology-on-health/)** have become more pronounced. One area where technology has had a particularly concerning impact is our access to unhealthy food. Technology has made it easier than ever to order food online, often with delivery straight to your door. This has allowed us to enjoy convenience without having to make the effort to cook something healthier. The techbaji.com website highlighted the fact that there are now more than 200,000 restaurants worldwide that offer online ordering and delivery options, making it very difficult for us to resist the temptation of convenience over health. Technology has also enabled businesses to produce more processed and convenient foods, which often contain high levels of saturated fat, sugar and salt. By making these food items widely available, technology has been a contributing factor in increasing levels of obesity, heart disease and other health problems. Technology has also changed how we interact with food in terms of advertising and marketing. Food companies now have access to powerful technology to target their audiences with persuasive messages, making unhealthy food even harder to resist. The effects of technology on health are undeniable, particularly when it comes to unhealthy food. We must be aware of the temptations that technology creates and take responsibility for making healthier decisions in order to combat the negative technology impact on business.