# Udit Vira I’m a strategist and engineer based in Toronto, Canada. **Current interests** * Cooperation and modes of collaboration rooted in solidarity * p2p and decentralized web infrastructures and applications * Creating capacities for long term thinking **Current roles** * Researcher, strategist, co-founder, **[From Later](https://www.fromlater.com)** * Member-worker, co-founder, **[Hypha](https://hypha.coop)** * Product strategist, co-editor, co-founder, **[COMPOST Magazine](https://compost.digital)** and **[Distributed Press](https://distributed.press)** Before this I’ve worked in various technology and design roles, starting my career as a product development engineer in the [VLSI field](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Very_Large_Scale_Integration). **Education** Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), McGill University Electrical Engineering, Minor in Physics Thesis: *“The Design of THz-range Photodetectors using Semiconductor Heterostructures“* **Bio** Udit Vira is an Indian-Canadian engineer and strategist broadly interested in building capacities for long term thinking; new modes of collaboration; and examining the potential for new technology to sense and understand change. At Toronto-based studio From Later, Udit has consulted with multinational organizations including Autodesk, RBC Ventures, and H&M to develop perspectives around topics related to the futures of technology, media, and work. As a founding member of Hypha Worker Co-operative, Udit works alongside technologists and community organizers to build more respectful and democratic digital technology ecologies. Udit is a co-founder of COMPOST, a magazine about our digital commons that aims to imagine and build interdependent, equitable, and solidarity-based systems of communication and knowledge sharing. He has participated in a number of grassroots projects focused on activism and literacy in Toronto with Toronto Mesh, CivicTech Toronto, and STEAMLabs. His work on creative technology has appeared at venues including Radical Networks, Nesta, Intel, Toronto Public Library, Toronto’s Maker Festival, MIT Media Lab, and Lunares Simulated Space base. Udit holds a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering and Physics from McGill University where he was a member of the Nanoelectronics and Materials research group. **Contact** [E-mail](mailto:udit.vira@gmail.com) [GitHub](https://github.com/uditvira) [Keybase](https://keybase.io/udit) [Arena](https://www.are.na/udit-vira)